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Thread: HGH and Test E cycle

  1. #1

    HGH and Test E cycle

    Hi everyone, just after a bit of advice as i no nothing about what im doing.

    Just bought some hgh and test e for some strength and definition and a little size gain.

    Firstly wanting to know if hgh and test e will give strength, definition and a little size and help with reducing body fat?
    And secondly what is the best way to use what i have?

    Any advice would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    My advice is to do your research on the compounds you have. Stats? Previous cycles? Diet? Diet and cardio will help cut fat, not gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    But those are two good compounds if you use them properly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Wow, you bought something you know nothing about?

  5. #5
    Ive done a little research, and they seem to be good, but am after more advice from people that know

  6. #6
    Thats what im trying to find out, opinions on the combo and the best way to use

  7. #7
    You really need to tell people more about yourself, if you want advice.

    Start with age, height, weight, lifting experience, typical daily diet, approximate body fat %.

    Otherwise, spend a few days reading everything remotely related, on this forum. All the info that you need is here x10.

    For HGH info, check out the forum subsection that deals with it, and related compounds. Be prepared to be a bit discouraged, unless you have a stellar source, and spent big $$.

  8. #8
    I don't get how anybody takes the leap into aas without researching the hell out of the topic...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Firstly I bought some hgh and test e for strength. Question. Will I get strength from it?... U kidding me. U bought something for strength and size then now u asking if it actually does that. Stupid. Do some research before u put stuff into yourself with no idea what it does

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You haves lot of research to do. Read the beginner cycle stickys to start and the use of hcg, ai and pct. how us your nutrition? Nutrition is what will dictate most of your gains

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Along with stats, you have not even listed the dosage of Test E you have and Red Bastard said a brutally honest truth in quote "For HGH info, check out the forum subsection that deals with it, and related compounds. Be prepared to be a bit discouraged, unless you have a stellar source, and spent big $$."

    Your being new to this, HGH is probably one of the most counterfeited products. I have read so many times here "My source is good" REAL HGH IS EXPENSIVE, NO MATTER WHERE YOU GET IT AND A 6 MONTH SUPPLY IS NECESSARY TO EVEN BOTHER WITH IT. IMO
    People here are not trying to beat you up on this, it's just that the redundancy of new people on the site not doing research before they purchase, let alone start is daily.
    You will find great advice on this site, but please as stated become a bit more educated from reading. FYI-AAS is not a miracle worker and it will take a proper diet to fuel and repair the work in the gym. Test-e is great stuff and yes it will add strength. Real HGH is amazing, but i only trust pharmaceutical grade. I will never touch HGH from CHINA!!!!!
    Best of luck friend!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Do an honest assessment of your nutrition, condition and training. Only you know if you are ready to use AAS or not. If you are, READ AUSTINITE'S FIRST CYCLE THREAD. Everything you need to know is in there. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1976 View Post
    Hi everyone, just after a bit of advice as i no nothing about what im doing.

    Just bought some hgh and test e for some strength and definition and a little size gain.

    Firstly wanting to know if hgh and test e will give strength, definition and a little size and help with reducing body fat?
    And secondly what is the best way to use what i have?

    Any advice would be great.
    Both work very well when used in conjunction but with that said,,we would need to see stats..past cycle info, etc..
    to best serve you a suggestion.

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