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  1. #1
    jbsc10 is offline New Member
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    first cycle need advice

    Hey guys so i have some questions i wanna get off my chest and hopefully someone has the right answers form.

    First off i started a cycle of Tren E and t400 4 weeks ago (8 completed injections), basically my friend that i got it from has been a long time user of the same stack I'm taking and when i originally got it from him he told me that he takes 1cc of each twice a week, the Tren E is 100mg/ml and from what I've read the T400 is 400mg/ml. so far i haven't had much of any results and after searching around it looks like i should maybe be taking more Tren E and a little less T400. what is your guys opinion on this. Im 23, 6' 2" and 230 lbs with some body fat in the gut area but i wouldn't say theres too much.

    Secondly I've had some bad luck with doing the injections on my own when he helps me out its not bad but there is pain/ soreness for a few days, so far when I've done it I've had massive irritation that lasts about 6 days. I'm very cautious about being sterile i clean the bottle caps multiple times before i draw, i clean the injection site and surrounding are numerous times, i work as much air as i can out of the syringe, and i have been poking in my delts on the outside and twice on the backside. i use 25g x 5/8 needles. i believe it may be due to shaky hands while injecting.

    seems to be about it any feedback i can get would be very much appreciated guys thanks.

  2. #2
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Ok man, There is a lot wrong here. You really are too young and your body probably hasn't grown to it natural potential and just for one thing on that. So read the Young and steroids on here. Use your search key.

    You haven't laid out your cycle properly and you haven't told us enough about your history and how long and your goals.

    You have not made mention of using an AI with your cycle and you have not told us about you plans to use some PCT at the end.

    By what all you post I see that you are not educated in using steroids and need to get educated by reading on this forum many things. IE: Estrogen, PCT and the use of PCT. You seem to not know why either and what sides you will experience. You should not be doing Tren on your first cycle. Do you know what Test 400 is and the Esters in it. Do you know about esters.

    I'm just saying that I appears you have a lot to learn and you are on a journey to hurt yourself and maybe for the rest of your life. Stay here and many people will chime in and help your education and where to go for the knowledge and what to read and where. ...crazy mike
    Last edited by crazy mike; 10-19-2013 at 10:43 AM.

  3. #3
    jbsc10 is offline New Member
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    im starting to pick up on that what your saying thats why im here looking for guidance, ive seen alot of different ideas on PCT but no solid information. most of the info i know i have picked up on from other Operators in the area that ive met during my training. compared to what they say and what i read from people on here they seem to do alot less than the average person but have a lot more results. thats the main reason why when i see people telling me i need to do 50 other things i get cautious if its necessary or not.

    I know esters is the time the compund will remain working in the system if im not mistaken, and from what ive seen Tren E and T400 have about 3-4 day ester depending on the person. T400 is a mix of three types of test all in one formula.correct?

    Ive seen people talk about AI before but without any explanation. ill do some reasearch on it but simple answers here would be very helpful.

  4. #4
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    The Enth ester will get out of your system in a couple of week. Tren is really strong and will shut you down really hard. You need to be on HCG 250iu twice a week through out your injection phase. Then wait two weeks after the last Test injection and do a four week PCT with Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/20/20/20. Then just wait. Don't do any more juice until your HPTA numbers come back good.

  5. #5
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Good that you are reading, but you should have done more of that before and not taken any one person's word. Now you need to get aggressive with educating yourself. You need an AI now do to the test your doing. Read up on Estrogen and sides of high and low. Read up on Ai's and why. Go with the PCT that you get recommended on here.

    You should not be doing Tren yet and your body probably will not get what you are looking for unless you know your diet and training for this compound. You always need to go by mgs not cc's / mL's. Look at Austin's sticky's on about everything you need to digest. Read them over until you understand what, and WHY.

    Control your Estrogen, get blood work ASAP and learn what you are looking at and also post it for some of the more educated members to see and give helpful hints.

    MOST of all you should stop and PCT, clean up so you can read up and let your body mature. Good luck ..crazy mike

  6. #6
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Have a good read at all the info in this like before you cycle again

    Austinite's Educational Article Database

  7. #7
    jbsc10 is offline New Member
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    You've got a lot of negative feedback crazy mike. I'm not asking if I should quit because I'm not going to I'm stop stopping halfway through something. I'm looking for answers on where I can improve or what I can tweak/ change. If your not willing to give me that then don't reply. I'm not the first to do something like this and I won't be the last, I'm also not the most underprepared either. There are plenty of people in the special warfare community doing the same thing, I can here looking for outside suggestions.

  8. #8
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    Lots of good advice here. You're being let off easy, by some decent guys!

    I will add, that a shaky hand will certainly add to the pip! And, though I've never used a T400 blend, I've heard that it can be a bit more painful. Delts are certainly more painful, for me. Ventro glutes, with a 1" 25g, and upper outer quad, with a 5/8" 25g, are the least painful spots for me.

    Don't worry about air in the syringe. Not an issue, with intra muscular injections. I always add .2ml of it, to chase the last if the oil out of the needle.

  9. #9
    jbsc10 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice the link above was extremley helpful from clanky. makes me feel more confident about it, also that it is most likeyl due to a unsteady hand yesterdays poke was alot more successful. im also calling in alot of info from friends. to get all the opinions i can. im definatley not trying to take anything away from or be rude to anyone. im not the type of person to give up on something ive started. and i respect everyones point of view and suggestions.

  10. #10
    jbsc10 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2013
    still looking for advice on how much tren E in comparison to T400 i should be taking

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