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Thread: hair loss on test,eq,and anavar cycle

  1. #1
    corkay128 is offline Junior Member
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    hair loss on test,eq,and anavar cycle

    is it possible to just be prone to a slight receding hairline, and no balding on the crown?

    my older brothers are in their late 30's and only have a widows peak receding hairline along with all my cousins and uncles on my moms side, my moms dad even died with a full head of hair

    I did a cycle of 250mg of test cyp and 200mg of eq about a year ago and my hairline did reced and it looks like it is going to go back in the same fashion my older brothers hairlines has and my cousins

    none of us have balded on the crown, does this mean I am prone to it or would 6 months of test cyp at 250mg a week have nuked my hairline completely?

    I really dont wanna use finasteride due to the side effects, but my next cycle is test e,EQ, both at 200mg a week and anavar from 50-100mg a week for about 12 to 16 weeks, my goal is to put on some size and repair my tendons and joints I dont wanna run a high dose of eq I am just interested in it to repair my body and help with appetite and muscle preservation

    if anyone could give me some advice it would be appeciated

  2. #2
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hair loss is genetic, if you are predisposed to losing hair the cycle may have accelerated it. Avadart for me had less sides than propecia. Also, Avadart may work better for maintaining your hair. Everyone is different.

  3. #3
    Trevtrev's Avatar
    Trevtrev is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EasyDoesIt View Post
    Hair loss is genetic, if you are predisposed to losing hair the cycle may have accelerated it. Avadart for me had less sides than propecia. Also, Avadart may work better for maintaining your hair. Everyone is different.
    Did the avodart grow any hair back? What sides does it give you?

  4. #4
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevtrev View Post
    Did the avodart grow any hair back? What sides does it give you?
    Avadart can grow hair back and it did help thicken hair, but it will not regrow your hairline, especially since yours sounds hereditary. Avadart will help combat hair loss while using AAS. Sounds like you are somewhat fortunate that you do not have problems in crown area. Also use Minoxidal twice a day. I do not have any sides from Avadart. I used Propecia for a long time with no side effects, but after around 5 years i started having Libido problems. My hair Doc recommended Avadart and it worked better. The sides from Propecia kind of creep up on you. Also, certain steroids such as winstrol can cause severe hair loss. But everyone is different. I know a guy who uses every steroid that would normally cause hair loss and he has a head of hair like a racoon. if you are concerned about hair loss like i am make sure you always use an Estro blocker. I use to get hair loss from 200mgs of test a week, now i can use 500 and i no longer have hair loss. The best fix is hair grafts. If you are 44 as profile states, you are probably a good candidate for grafts. A good doc can do 2,500-3,000 grafts and make your hair look thick. Just remember if you get grafts, your normal hair loss will continue, but the grafts will stay for a long time.

  5. #5
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Long term mast gives me hairloss.

  6. #6
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    Long term mast gives me hairloss.
    How long used before noticing?

  7. #7
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Did it for 3 months last contest and my hair really thinned out. Used it for 1 month this time and had no noticeable thinning.
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