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Thread: Bloodwork done, levels are good, now what?

  1. #1

    Bloodwork done, levels are good, now what?

    I just finished PCT and got my bloods done. Im happy to say everything is back to normal. Test serum 799, Estradiol 22.8, LH 18.9 (high), FSH 25.5 (high). I will get follow up blood work done in 6 weeks to verify.

    Until then, I can start planning my next cycle. Im thinking test e/eq or test p/npp. Im looking for a bulking cycle. I have heard alot of mixed reviews on EQ. Some say its useless, some say its awesome. I can get pretty much anything including superdrol. Not sure if I want to use sd though being slightly gyno prone.

    What do you bros think?

    5'6 170 13%bf 26yo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Your bw means nothing.
    You took it too early, your high Lh and FSH arent representative so is your testosterone levels.

    in 6 weeks it will gives you a good.idea of how your PCT went.

    Until then you still can plan you next cycle.

    Eq according to most people and all vet here, It his the best steroids ever to oil your bike chain.
    But to inject, it gives nothing worth.

    Bulking is determined by your diet.
    Test only again is sufficient.

    may add some dbol as kickstart
    and/or some var at the end to lean up your gain.

    test-p/NPP is ok but you have to be ready to play with 19nor.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    I know the numbers I got today arent 100% accurate. I have just been feeling like sh*t during this pct so wanted to see where I was at. I wont start anything until I have my next blood test in 6 weeks.

    Ive used a 19-nor before. Deca for 10 weeks a couple years ago @ 400mg/wk. No sides to speak of. I would probably run npp for 10 weeks as well.

    Good advice though thanks for the quick reply.

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