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  1. #1
    Waltj23 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2013

    I'm a Steroid Beginner! Need advice on Test E and Dbol for my first cycle!

    Hi everyone I'm new to steroids completely. I've done a bit of research though. I'm 20 6'4 225 and have been working out for 4 years.

    This is what my cycle would look like:
    Week 1-12 test e 500 mg per week. (Would need a recommendation on what to take exactly)
    Week 1-6 dbol 30 mg everyday

    Should I this Adex in there also?

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Jan 2009
    Sorry my friend but any research or advice will state you are too young to cycle !!

  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Jan 2009
    Informative info from Austinite !!

    I'll try and keep this one short as I know it's the last thing anyone wants to hear. The fact is, young folks are not developed fully. Your bones have not reached their maximum potential. Steroids will more than likely halt any potential growth you may have had waiting for you. Never assume that you're fully developed! There rarely such thing as an 18 or 19 year old that is fully developed. This is incredibly rare and chances of you being one of the few in the world is as slim as it gets.

    To verify your growth plates have fused, you'll need to have X-Rays done. X-rays will give you a clear and visible evaluation. You're looking for an epiphyseal line or plate. If you still have plates, you're still growing. Once you develop an epiphyseal line, you've reached your growth limit. So you think about it, it is really worth it? Running a single cycle could possibly hinder your growth. Why would you risk it if you can gain a couple more inches in height and maybe even a few inches in width? This will keep you a step back from everyone else, even if your genetics are fantastic.

    Another concern is your the potential damage that can occur to your HPTA & endocrine system. This a very complex system that is very sensitive to changes. It's especially sensitive at a younger age because your body has yet to stabilize and mature. Click here for a detailed explanation of your HPTA & endocrine system. While there's no "rule" or stated age, it's in your best interest to wait at least until you're 24 years of age. I urge you to pause for a moment,

  4. #4
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Nomadic Day Laborer
    ^^^That about sums it up

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