My results were really good
total... 156 100-199
hdl .......56 >39
ldl. .......90 0-99
vldl .......8 5-40
triglc......38 0-149
i have not been "off" really in 6 months, i ran between 400mgs of test, and 400, mgs of deca, sometimes higher with both
and this last week i went a little nuts with the test and did 800mgs this week, and 600 nandrolone added 50mgs of test ace a and npp day to heal my back injury, nerve. And shamefully i have been a ***** and been smoking the last two months, but im done now cuz i feel like ive dodged the bullet. i EXPECTED my levels to be total shit.
So test and deca i know for sure i can use safely which is good. Test over 600mgs usually makes my levels less than perfect after a month. Maybe the deca is cardio protective to me? I also have heart disease in my fam.
Primo, and winny are both bad for my lipids and not worth the small results they give.
Masteron in on the to do list, and may need it to heal my backk nerve anyway as i believe dht is a healer of nerves form previous experience with nerve injury.
Just thought id share.