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Thread: tell me what i'm working with please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    tell me what i'm working with please

    i have three different products from two different manufactures. I acquired all these from a friend for free.

    masteron 100mg/ml "deutsch labs" 1
    trenbolon acetate 100mg/ml "deutsch labs" 1

    testosterone enanthate 300mg/ml "Lixus Labs" 3

    any thoughts on these? It has been suggested that i dont take any until i drop bf% down im currently in high 20's low 30's.
    i am curious someone mentioned a low does test cycle to help weight loss? i am starting my diet monday and looking for advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    No you don't need to do a test cycle. What's your stats? You just need to go to the nutrition section of the forum if you haven't already, it wont take to long for you to get to 15-17% bf man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I lost 70 pounds in 3 months when I started, if you're determined you'll get there fast

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    here is my post in the nutrition forum. it wouldnt allowed me to paste the link...

    did the formula for TDEE and came up with 3,221. now that seems off to me but I'm new to all this. My stats are 6' tall 244 pounds and 33% BF using the army algorithm. I have a diet plan and its carb cycling breakdown is

    Monday 2638 Cal, 47 Fats, 282 Carbs and 259 Protein
    Tuesday 2534 Cal, 66 Fats, 196 Carbs and 272 protein
    Wednesday 2433 Cal, 99 Fats, 106 Carbs and 265 Protein
    Thursday 2638 Cal, 47 Fats, 282 Carbs and 259 Protein
    Friday 2433 Cal, 99 Fats, 106 Carbs and 265 Protein
    Saturday 2146 Cal, 88 Fats, 51 Carbs and 279 Protein
    Sunday 2163 Cal, 90 Fats, 17 Carbs and 310 Protein

    have 6 meals including meal 4 as my post workout.

    My normal day. wake up at 0500 leave the house at 6 work by 7 "eat breakfast then usually" start work at 730 i get a 15 min break at 1000 thirty minute lunch at 1130 afternoon break at 2 and off at 5. i get a hour to work out every day at work and normally do so at lunch so that ill get a hour and half. If i do cardio i do it at 4 so its cooler normally 2 mile run at a 7-8 min mile pace. my work has a gym free weights cable machines ect.

    can anyone help me out with some supps to help? work out plans? a pat on the back? anything y'all.

    70lbs in 3 months!!!!????? where do i pledge my allegiance??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    It sounds like you're in the Army with that schedule! I don't didn't lose weight 'the right way' though, I did a no carb diet, nothing but lean meats and around 700-1200 cals a day with cardio sessions 3 sometimes 4 times a day. Not real safe but I was tired of being fat Haha. But id listen to these nutrition gurus on here, there's many docs on these forums who know their stuff, I took some supps from when I was doing it, just some simple fat burners...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    yea guard/fed tech but i only want to drop like 30-40lbs than bulk up. **** i hate running tho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I gotcha, I'm in the Army... yeah cardio sucks, when I cut those 3 months I used just the elliptical. Make sure you're going for a 45min-1hour long intense cardio sessions. Sprint's and swimming are also great cardio exercises

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    yea i learned that today those 2-3 mile jogs dont cut it needs to be 45 min

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Haha no sir, you could switch it up to try making it less boring. But, take pics no so you can see your results and keep posting around here, plenty of ppl that will help you and give you more motivation, good luck bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    thanx man im going to start a thread when i start

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Look up carb cycling in the nutrition section

    Anything over 15 % bf is not suggested to uses aas. It can amplify sides like gyno. Work on diet and training. There is a lot to be done with those first.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    i have a cycling diet i am starting thanx bro

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