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Thread: What caused haor to fall out, gear or PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I am prone to MPB even though no one in my family is, go figure. I have been off an on propecia for about 7 years. On whenever I can afford it off when I can't. Usually try not to stay off longer than a few months because by month threes hair is thinning again.

    Ran first cycle dbol 5 weeks, test e 12 weeks. I made sure to have propecia during cycle because of the whole steroids make your hair fall out. Can't really remember if my hair was starting to shed while on cycle but when I started pct my hair was coming out like I had never experienced before. Whenever I combed it or washed it tons of hair came out. Wake up, tons of hair on pillows. Pct I ran for three weeks instead of 4 because I felt great and because of the hair loss I wasn't sure if it was the pct causing it. The shedding of my hair stopped about a moth after my last dose of pct and seems to keep getting better. This is about 2 months after pct.

    Pct was clomid and nolva. Was the likely cause one of the pct, a combination if both, or was it after 12 weeks of test my hair just started shedding? I'm thinking pct caused it. Maybe one of the compounds. Any ideas. Will be starting a test deca or t-prop/ npp cycle in about another month or two so I want to try to prevent future hair loss.
    Last edited by ChestNBack; 10-25-2013 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    more likely its the cycle itself. not the pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    If your prone your prone mate not really much you can do unless you want to try to block your dht. With me its the esteogen that makes my hair fall out. If i can control my e2 my hair is fine.
    I use nizoral once a day to help me aswell.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    It was the cycle that created hair loss, but i agree with Euroholic in regards to controlling estrogen. You did not list an AI being used on cycle which helps control estrogen and you should have used hcg for PCT, but you had a drastic change in hormones just by being on and going off, add fact that there was no AI. Also depends on how long after cycle you started your pct. Keeping everything as stable as possible would help control. That is not a very technical explanation, but you get the point. Also, i would start propecia at least 3 or 4 months before cycle and continue for awhile after. IMO taking the hair loss drugs just while you are cycling is not enough and it sounds like you are very prone to hair loss. How long after last injection did you start PCT?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Two weeks after last test shot I started PCT. Also I did use an AI. I ran L-dex. .5 daily. Should I be running caber or prami?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Two weeks after last test shot I started PCT. Also I did use an AI. I ran L-dex. .5 daily. Should I be running caber or prami?
    I made the mistake of waiting two weeks after my last test shot also. I was given that advice by a Anti-Aging clinic. The Pct should have started one week after last test shot. Helps to retain gains and that week in between was a big downer to your body. It was saying where did all that test go! So you went from high to low. Just out of curiosity how much test did you run? Did PCT work? Are you back to normal? Are you about two months out at this point from the starting time of PCT?
    Also, use Minoxidil generic, it's cheaper and just as good. If you are concerned about hair loss as i am also, use it twice a day, it does help. Not just on cycle either, all the time. Usually by the time your hair loss is pretty noticeable, you have lost several thousand hairs.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Two weeks after last test shot I started PCT. Also I did use an AI. I ran L-dex. .5 daily. Should I be running caber or prami?
    Did you get on cycle bloodwork? That's a lot of a'dex.

  8. #8
    "PROPECIA" states here: (w w w . propecia . com/finasteride/propecia/consumer/about_propecia/stophairloss.jsp?WT.svl=2) that it works by reducing DHT, apparently non-selectively, and they claim that lowered DHT means less DHT reaching the scalp. So if you're endogenously administrating testosterone, your levels of DHT would rise, exacerbating the situation...

    The product also lists gynocomastia as a possible side effect...

  9. #9
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by easterbunny View Post
    "PROPECIA" states here: (w w w . propecia . com/finasteride/propecia/consumer/about_propecia/stophairloss.jsp?WT.svl=2) that it works by reducing DHT, apparently non-selectively, and they claim that lowered DHT means less DHT reaching the scalp. So if you're endogenously administrating testosterone, your levels of DHT would rise, exacerbating the situation...

    The product also lists gynocomastia as a possible side effect...
    Did that site talk about the different types of 5-alpha reductase, which organs are they mostly found in, and which type does propecia work on mainly?

  10. #10
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    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Or, shave your head and stop worrying about it!

    Just a thought.....

    Think of the money you'll save on haircuts, shampoo's, etc. Plus, all your stress is gone.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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