I raged out on my gf last night when I came. ripped her vagina at the bottom. I put some neo on that shit and snuggled.
I raged out on my gf last night when I came. ripped her vagina at the bottom. I put some neo on that shit and snuggled.
This thread was meant to find help for a mate, but got some insight for myself as well
I summarized it for myself as follows:
Androgens amplify your personality, emotions and aggression to a degree that you should mentally prepare yourself and be able to identify when changes in your behavior occurs, whether you are experienced with steroids or new to it.
Side effect of androgenic steroids should include irritability, loss of patience and increased aggression, and PCT (Pre-Cycle-Therapy) should be done if you find yourself susceptible to anger induced rage. (Call Dr. Phill or some shit)
Persons with mental, emotional or maturity issues are more prone to anger outbursts if unable to harness and use the increased aggression effectively in the gym and control it out of the gym. Also persons who have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorders) may encounter anger induced rage without warning if a relapse occurs)
Testosterone, is the most likely to boost aggression and should be taken into consideration with your personality and emotional state and ability to control your behavior, especially when taking Trenbolone Acetate.
Persons under the age of 25 are subject to age dependent risk where AAS affect brain development and behavior and can cause permanent neorological disorders.
I have gained some insight so thanks for the input guys
^^ I think its ironic in a way, if you bare with me. Women; who have huge doses of sex-hormones during pregnancy; over-think and over-analyze things to the max. Its no wonder men do the same with a similar boost to their own sex-hormones.
However; I've not heard that roids induces "true" psychosis, in the same way amphetamines or coke does... People (aggressive and on cycle) still know - what day it is; who the prime-minister is; what their name is; even what year it is... etc etc
It would be more alarming if they "came off cycle" and retained the aggression. I personally have not heard of that. Others may chime-in... I certainly don't pretend to be any expert.
I suppose its not the hormones / chemicals we take which should be focused on, but rather the rage / psychosis itself. Rage is bitch and clouds your thinking big time. It gives you tunnel vision and at that stage you dont give a f#*k what time of day or who the prime minister is. As the guys said in the thread it is more about the things that set you off and then amplified too the max with an Androgenic, agressive boost.
When you get mad just walk away and drink some water
Maybe use the water to swallow down some anti-psychotics. LOL
Ive done an anger management course long ago and actually cold water is listed as a method of decreasing your level of anger. A a physiological trait of anger is a rise in body temperature and blood pressure, increased heart rate etc. and drinking cold water, shower or swim will deal with it quite effectively, but realistically you need to be in a state of mind to think of it and I don't think its an option for someone with a short fuse and lost temper. Its only my opinion but if you introduce AAS on top of an existing anger problem, common sense leaves the building. I experience aggression myself on cycle, but I deal with it quite well without transgressing into anger. Not the case for my mate who is losing the plot at this stage. When I get angry (normal justifiable anger), I like it and generally don't want to calm down and is quite difficult to do.
Now we've established that some of us do have problems with AAS and aggression although they seem to be the minority.
Is there a drug that can be included with a cycle to help these guys without compromising the effectiveness of the gear and not causing further complications regarding chemical imbalances?
I know recreational drugs are not to be discussed on this forum, but I am busy reading some studies regarding cannabis and testosterone that that's intriguing.
Potheads are known to be the peace on earth type, but I was wondering if THC could be use full if anger is your enemy. I'm not saying smoke up, but in theory THC alleviates stress and aggression and does not affect testosterone at a moderate level.
Government experts concede that pot has no permanent effect on the male or female reproductive systems.1 A few studies have suggested that heavy marijuana use may have a reversible, suppressive effect on male testicular function.2 A recent study by Dr. Robert Block has refuted earlier research suggesting that pot lowers testosterone or other sex hormones in men or women.3 In contrast, heavy alcohol drinking is known to lower testosterone levels and cause impotence. A couple of lab studies indicated that very heavy marijuana smoking might lower sperm counts. However, surveys of chronic smokers have turned up no indication of infertility or other abnormalities.
Less is known about the effects of cannabis on human females. Some animal studies suggest that pot might temporarily lower fertility or increase the risk of fetal loss, but this evidence is of dubious relevance to humans.4 One human study suggested that pot may mildly disrupt ovulation. It is possible that adolescents are peculiarly vulnerable to hormonal disruptions from pot. However, not a single case of impaired fertility has ever been observed in humans of either sex.
1. Dr. Christine Hartel, loc. cit.
3. Dr. Robert Block in Drug and Alcohol Dependence 28: 121-8 (1991).
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