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Thread: Some General Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Some General Questions

    Ive read a lot of the stickies already, there is a ton of information to process, but I have some specific questions.

    1. Once you start on aas can you maintain your natural level of testosterone after cycle and proper PCT? Lets assume everything was done correctly and the user starts in his 30's.

    2. Is one cycle a year considered enough to make substantial gains and progress, or would most experienced users here be doing 2 or more cycles per year?

    3. Should I implement a specific training programme when on cycle? Or is it more important to up intensity/volume. Currently I cycle between strength specific routines such as Madcows 5x5 and hypertrophy specific routines like Lyle Mcdonalds Generic Bulking Plan.

    Appreciate all the answers in advance and apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, Im still going through all the threads

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    1. There really are no guarantees, mh03. PCT gives you the best chance at recovery. It's likely, that even with PCT, you may not return to baseline. But you have a good chance at avoiding steroid-induced hypogonadism. hCG on cycle will also better your chances of recovery.

    2. Cycle frequency really depends on your goals. So long as you allow enough time between cycles (time on + pct time = time off), you should be fine.

    3. You don't need to change your training. If your training is working now, it would wok on cycle. You would simply lift heavier as you gain strength. Just need to be careful as your strength can outperform your connective tissue and result in injury. You can also switch around your training days. But there generally is no need to completely revamp your training schedule.

    Hope that helps, Pal.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    thanks for that austinite, I guess my biggest fear once starting on aas is what the consequences would be much later in life say 50's onwards in terms of test production, libido etc. Lets says for arguments sake, doing something like 1-3 cycles over 2 years and then stopping completely. Would that mess with hormonal systems/test production later in life? Or would that low number of cycles be considered relatively safe, assuming all correct dosing, PCT protocols etc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mh03 View Post
    thanks for that austinite, I guess my biggest fear once starting on aas is what the consequences would be much later in life say 50's onwards in terms of test production, libido etc. Lets says for arguments sake, doing something like 1-3 cycles over 2 years and then stopping completely. Would that mess with hormonal systems/test production later in life? Or would that low number of cycles be considered relatively safe, assuming all correct dosing, PCT protocols etc
    OP, by the time you hit 50 your natural test levels would have begun to dwindle anyway. its normal for any adult human being to experience a decrease in natural test starting around 50 (the exact age is i believe genetically determined but 50 is about as much as everyone agrees I guess) so your fears in that respect can be put to rest.

    I would worry abut the 20 years you have left till you are 50

    the more you are careful with your cycle (proper PCT, proper time off etc etc) the less the risks involved but this does not mean zero risks. some get shutdown from the first cycle despite PCT and for others it takes several cycles to do this...and then again others never experience any such shutdown...again genetics.

    only way to tell what works for you is consistent and regular blood work to make sure your numbers are on track.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Thanks Othello, I guess like most things in life there are no guarantees and its a calculated risk.

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