Well to start things off Id like to begin with my stats currently
23 years old
And between 15-18%bf (calibers say 15.7 but we all know those are jank)
I ran two PH stacks in the past during my lifting career and have never done anabolics. And it has been 2 years since I've used anything except protein/creating/preworkout/ multi vit
I've been doing a lot of reading here on the site as it is great for noobs such as myself, and am thinking of keeping the first two cycles I do very simple.
- Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total)
- Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
- Week 1 to 14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)
And for pct the I'm thinking it is not necessary to run both nolvadex and clomid, so planning on running nolvadex at 40 40 20 20 two weeks after last injection.
Now for my questions.
I remember when I ran my PH cycle that I needed to do a 2 week preload of Hawthorne berry/saw palmetto/and milk thistle. Is this recommended on an anabolic injection cycle?
Also during pct of PH on top of tomoxifin citrate I also ran ds lean extreme and 2 weeks into pct added a test booster. Is this recommended or beneficial during pct of injectable?
I'm not planning on running the cycle for a good 2-3 months as I'm wanting to make sure I read and get as much information and advise from vets as possible.
All advice is welcome thank you-Murph