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Thread: Planning first cycle, please advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Planning first cycle, please advise

    Ok, so here's a basic rundown of me and my training history.

    In high school I didn't have any good knowledge of lifting. When I came to college I was about 150-155lbs at 5'10". I'm about the same height now and weigh usually from 174-179 on any given day. I only weigh that and no more after 3 years of college due to the times I got lazy from the gym and a recent knee injury that kept me out regularly for 2 months. Even though I'm seeing decent results on the CellTech I'm taking now, I know that there's much more out there for me.

    I'm looking at starting my first cycle around August/September, and I'm trying to do my research before then so I know exactly what I want and get what I need. From the research I've done so far this is what I've discovered.
    1. I really want to include Deca in my cycle in some format because I've heard only great things from it and how quality the gains are as far as keeping them.
    2. I want to avoid orals as much as possible. My final football season at Florida State as a student pretty much means that giving up drinking completely is out of the question.
    3. I should probably use a light cycle. As much as I'd like to be huge, I really don't think my frame can reasonably hold more than 195-200 lbs.

    I was looking at the "cycles for novices" section and am liking the Deca/Sustanon cycle (it's the second one listed). So that would mean:
    1-8 400mg Deca
    1-4 Sustanon-250

    The Sustanon I suppose could be used for all 8 weeks. Again I'm looking for a good cycle that, while light, can help me put on 15-25 lbs and get to that point I haven't been able to reach w/ protein and creatine.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    4 weeks of Sus is not enough to see results. The deca should be extended to 10 weeks. Many people on the board will probably suggest replacing the Sus with a single ester test such as ethanthate or cypionate ans run it for 11 weeks. Bottom line: Do more research.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Disregard ALL of those ex. cycles on the home page. They all suck IMO. I agree with usualsuspect, but dont continue to look at those "cycles." Stick around here and observe some of the cycle critiques. The only thing that has valuable info on the homepage is the drug profiles sect.
    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by 956Vette
    Disregard ALL of those ex. cycles on the home page. They all suck IMO. I agree with usualsuspect, but dont continue to look at those "cycles." Stick around here and observe some of the cycle critiques. The only thing that has valuable info on the homepage is the drug profiles sect.
    Good luck
    -thats right. most of that info hasnt been updated in a while. it led me ofcourse before too. searh the cycle results page...or search for novice cycle. ive made a few posts about novice cycles over the last month.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You are old enough to make your own decisions but it doesn't sound like you are overly committed to the gym or your diet. I don't think AAS should be used by the casual gym resident. If you make the decision this is the lifestyle you want to lead then after some serious dedication with your diet and training add the AAS.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I know that it appears as if I've been really inconsistent in the gym, but just to clear things up, I am actually very dedicated in the gym and have been all this year. Right now I run a 3on/1off split that looks like this:

    1: Shoulders/legs (legs once a week right now rehabbing off my knee)
    2: Chest/back
    3: Tris/bis

    I do abs usually 2-3x/wk and do cardio at least 3x/wk. The reason I was out before is because of, like I said, a knee injury the beginning of march which kept me on crutches and out of the gym until april and away from heaving lifting until near the end of that month. My diet is good even as a college student, although in the last couple weeks I've been making sure to stock up a lot more so I've got the ingredients necessary for a higher calorie count in my diet for mass-building.

    From what I've been reading in this and other threads, it seems as if Test is the basis for any cycle. Thanks for the help so far, guys, I appreciate it!

    EDIT/ADDITION: From reading the steroid profiles section, under Test-Enanthate, they specifically warn against novices using any form of test. Is this just a scare-tactic? I'm getting conflicting reports here.
    Last edited by fsu5ball; 05-29-2003 at 03:04 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    i agree with rickson it doesnt seem to me you have given it a good effort. you stated you have been good this year but why do gear if you havent had sufficient time to reach any potential.

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