Hey everyone. I've been planning my first cycle now for quite some time. Gathering all the necessary info and putting together a solid plan. I have been lifting serious now for 3 1/2 years. (5 years in total) and have gained quite a bit of size and strength.
My current stats are 25 years old. 6'2.5 216-218lbs. With fairly low BF% 10 to 13% if I had to guess.
I have a weekly workout routine planned that I have already been doing for the past few weeks. Also my diet is on point. I have a very flexible job which allows me to eat constantly.
Ok now on to my cycle! This is the plan, let me know what you guys think.
Week 1 - 12 test c @ 500mg per Week 2 -250mg shots
Week 1 - 14 hcg @ 500iu per week also split into 2 shots
Week 1 - 14 liquid anastrozole starting at .25mg EOD and adjusting accordingly throughout cycle
Week 14.5 - 19 Clomid/ nolva and liquid exemestane
So there it is guys. Please feel free to comment with some advice on any part if my upcoming cycle. All info and opinions are welcome. I have done my research but I'm always looking to learn more.
Thanks in advance!!