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Thread: painful injections

  1. #1

    painful injections

    hi there. just after some advice and info. So i am in week 4 of my tri-test cycle (pro chem). i have been shooting into my glutes at 1.5cc per jab twice a week. the first day i shoot there is no pain but after 2-3 days i experience a sore and very painful muscle. is there any ways or methods i could use to reduce this pain?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Better, more steady injection technique, massage the area post injection, pop some ibuprofen, take a hot shower. That's just a few off the top of my head.

  3. #3
    i usually shoot slowly to reduce the pain. i have never tried ibuprofen with this so will give that a go. the jab area swells and glows red. i am really happy with the results of this gear so far so really dont want to kick it into touch just yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by browni79 View Post
    i usually shoot slowly to reduce the pain. i have never tried ibuprofen with this so will give that a go. the jab area swells and glows red. i am really happy with the results of this gear so far so really dont want to kick it into touch just yet.
    Icy hot...heating pad

  5. #5
    i have been advised to heat the gear up first but wouldn't it reach body temperature almost immediatly when you shoot anyway?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    What's the concentration of Tri-test?. 1.5cc only tells us the volume but the concentration of your compound could contribute to PIP. For example, if your dose was 100mg/ml, you would be injecting 150mg each time. If your dose was 400mg/ml, then you are actually injecting 600mg each time - and that could be part of the issue.

    Always state the dosage. The volume doesn't tell us everything.

    Yes, some guys will gently heat the oil before injecting it to reduce the viscosity and help with injection and absorption. Heat (never ice) to the injected area and a light massage will help disburse and absorb the gear.

    Always make sure your injection practices are as sterile as possible to avoid dangerous infections.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    its probably too concentrated. the more it is the more it hurts, I stay away from all those mixes for that reason. try lessing the dose and shooting eod in different injection spots.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by browni79 View Post
    i have been advised to heat the gear up first but wouldn't it reach body temperature almost immediatly when you shoot anyway?
    the reason it is heated up is because the oil becomes less dense and not as thick. easier to draw up and shoot than when its room temp.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Im having the same thing and in injecting pharma trt test at only .3ml. First day was great , second alil sore, 3 couldn't sleep on that side. I'm switching from 21g to 25g maybe that will help

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    What's the concentration of Tri-test?. 1.5cc only tells us the volume but the concentration of your compound could contribute to PIP. For example, if your dose was 100mg/ml, you would be injecting 150mg each time. If your dose was 400mg/ml, then you are actually injecting 600mg each time - and that could be part of the issue.

    Always state the dosage. The volume doesn't tell us everything.

    Yes, some guys will gently heat the oil before injecting it to reduce the viscosity and help with injection and absorption. Heat (never ice) to the injected area and a light massage will help disburse and absorb the gear.

    Always make sure your injection practices are as sterile as possible to avoid dangerous infections.
    the dosage is 400mg/ml (120 cypionate, 120 ethanate and 160 decanoate)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by browni79

    the dosage is 400mg/ml (120 cypionate, 120 ethanate and 160 decanoate)
    There's the answer. Might have to break up your injections into smaller volumes and pin several different areas at once. Blends are notorious for causing PIP. I've used them many times and have pretty much decided to avoid them. For the most part, I can endure the pain, but why bother when you could run a single long ester and get the same or better results with less or no pain.

    A lot of guys fall for the blends because they think more compounds will lead to more size. More food leads to more size and a long ester like enthanate or cypionate wont beat you down and cause all that PIP.

  12. #12
    Ok. Will try smaller doses and hopefully problem solved. Thanks for the advice. much appreciatted.

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