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Thread: Skinny physically weak guy need help

  1. #1
    Lexus1991 is offline New Member
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    Post Skinny physically weak guy need help

    Hello everyone! I am 22year old, 145 weight and about 178 height. My bodyfat about 17percent, thin wrists and ankle. I am very weak physically. But i have no trouble with my health.

    I have been in the gym for a year. I wasnt on a musclegaindiet. Just press and isolation exercises. I did not counted my weight progress.

    A month ago, I started building muscle. My daily diet consist of 3500 calories 180 prots 400 carbs and 120 fats. I eat eggs, cheese, meat, nuts. Drink milk and green tea. No alcohol, fastfood and sugar. That brings me about 3-5 pounds of mass. My main goal is being about 180lb with 10-12% bodyfat ot like that.I do not have the will power to go all the way without any steroid cycle.

    I know it`s not good idea to start steroids cycle at this level, but. If you were me, and you would be sure you were going to do 2-3 sterods cycle in the next two years... what cycle you choose? I read many times 20-30 mg of methandienone is good for novice, isnt it? Maybe i have to add deca or testosterone ? I would prefer cycle with minimal bad influence on libido.
    Sorry for my english
    Last edited by Lexus1991; 11-05-2013 at 06:01 AM.

  2. #2
    D2'd's Avatar
    D2'd is offline Junior Member
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    Welcome. Best advice your going to get here is to continue to build naturally until at least 25 years old. Who knows, by then you may be satisfied with your progress or have changed your priorities and haven't risked your long term health by using AAS too young.

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you need to eat more food and train harder..

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    There is no short cut. Put time into your training and diet. Time is what you need. The more effort you put in the more results you will get. Take advantage of the nutrition section and the training section. A lot of info here.

  5. #5
    Lexus1991 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    There is no short cut. Put time into your training and diet. Time is what you need. The more effort you put in the more results you will get. Take advantage of the nutrition section and the training section. A lot of info here.
    I do not search "short cut" I just want to get to the point faster. According to manuals I get enough prot/carb/calories per day.

  6. #6
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexus1991 View Post
    I do not search "short cut" I just want to get to the point faster. According to manuals I get enough prot/carb/calories per day.
    thats the definition of a shortcut...

    if you dont have the will power then steroid wont help you.

    your goal it reachable without steroid. just need tobget your shit together.

    you are lazy and dont know how ti train or diet.
    fix that and do it for 2-3 years and come back.

  7. #7
    mk19gunner's Avatar
    mk19gunner is offline Junior Member
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    There is a book on how to eat... to gain muscle written by a medical doctor who competed in bodybuilding competitions. I recommend you read this book and he will explain everything to you about which foods and supplements to eat everyday.

    He explains the formulas to calculate how much food, water and etc. to reach your goal. Also the food timing of when to consume your meal.

    Author: Dr. Warren Willey

    Book: Better than Steroids

    You will reach 180 all naturally if you follow the advise people given to you above by the others who replied to you: don't be lazy, train hard and eat and be consistent.

    Willey talks about steroids and he does not condemn them. He does not provide information on how to cycle them. Don't buy the book thinking he is going to explain how to cycle steroids.

    He explains the algorythmns of your food, insulin releases in the body, preworkout meals, intra workout meals and postworkout meals.

    He provides medical studies and research to back his book and his own client before and after results to substantiate what he writes. It's worth reading and referring back to as you start gaining your weight.

    PM me and I'll see if I can answer some questions for you on your diet from information he outlines. The book was only about 15 or 20 bucks I think when I bought it. It could possibly be cheaper now or the same price.

    I'm sure some other members here know of some books that outline the same protocols and they can also recommend a book they liked.


  8. #8
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    At 145 all you can do is lift heavy and eat a lot of protein. Keep it up and you will get there I promise. I wouldnt do a cycle unless I was atleast 190 but I'm 6'1. You can build a lot of muscle from 145. Have a good day man!

  9. #9
    mk19gunner's Avatar
    mk19gunner is offline Junior Member
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    Another thing.... you said your wanting to put on mass rapidly. He explains how to do it. The process is called Glycogen Supercompensation and averages about 8 pounds of mass and 7 of it being lean muscle from the muscles recomp'ing from the glycogen.

    He'll explain the 32-48 hour process to hulk up those 8 pounds all naturally. It's amazing what the human body can do.

    Don't construe what you read though, because you are genetically limited to how much you can bulk without synthetics. But you'll learn how to reach a natural buffed up athletic build faster. After that if you want to go bigger then you have to invest in chemistry. Sorry for being redundant here.

  10. #10
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mk19gunner View Post
    There is a book on how to eat... to gain muscle written by a medical doctor who competed in bodybuilding competitions. I recommend you read this book and he will explain everything to you about which foods and supplements to eat everyday.

    He explains the formulas to calculate how much food, water and etc. to reach your goal. Also the food timing of when to consume your meal.

    Author: Dr. Warren Willey

    Book: Better than Steroids

    You will reach 180 all naturally if you follow the advise people given to you above by the others who replied to you: don't be lazy, train hard and eat and be consistent.

    Willey talks about steroids and he does not condemn them. He does not provide information on how to cycle them. Don't buy the book thinking he is going to explain how to cycle steroids.

    He explains the algorythmns of your food, insulin releases in the body, preworkout meals, intra workout meals and postworkout meals.

    He provides medical studies and research to back his book and his own client before and after results to substantiate what he writes. It's worth reading and referring back to as you start gaining your weight.

    PM me and I'll see if I can answer some questions for you on your diet from information he outlines. The book was only about 15 or 20 bucks I think when I bought it. It could possibly be cheaper now or the same price.

    I'm sure some other members here know of some books that outline the same protocols and they can also recommend a book they liked.

    interesting, will certainly take a look at it, and I hope that OP will too.

  11. #11
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Op you have been at the gym for a year. That's great but you have to build a base to work from. That could be 3-5 yrs. I promise if you start aas now you will gain size but you will lose every bit of it. You have to learn how to eat and train. Look this was me in 2003. I trained and trained for years then did a cycle but didn't know how to eat. I didn't put size on until I learned that. And I still need to eat more.

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