Make a long story short, i ran Var for 60mg for about 2weeks, then 80mg for a month and a half. total 2months and a few days. Afterwards started noticing small hard lump under nipples. (WHAT THE HELL ELSE COULD THAT BE?)
i WILL ALSO note that i used two different brands during the cycle (Forza and Northern pharma) These are hard small tissue lumps right under my nipple area. I am using Nolvadex 25mg per day, and since then it is started to get less sore. Will this tissue go away at some point?? tHANKS. I'm ready and have Test Cyp on hand. 34 yrs old gonna be first time for Test. only used Var 3 times in my life and nothing else.Just want to get this nipple BS under wraps first.