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Thread: Cruising on 250mg test e per week. Safe in the long-term?

  1. #1
    omg is offline New Member
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    Jun 2013

    Cruising on 250mg test e per week. Safe in the long-term?

    Hi all. I am on HRT (250mg test e every 14 days and 100mg DHEA capsule per day). I also cycle deca and test or test and EQ. I've just stopped a 16 weeks cycle of 400mg deca and 500mg test e. Had blood tests and the only thing that was way over normal range was AST / ALT (liver enzymes).

    Using half a 2mg caber tablet every 4 days and 12.5mg aromasin per day.

    When I started on HRT, my doctor put me on 250mg test e per week. My test levels went to 52 (9.5-35 normal range). My estrogen levels were 250. 50-150 is normal range. When I went 250mg test e every 14 days, my test went to low to mid 30's. 9.5-35 normal range and estrogen went into normal range.

    I am planning on cruising 250mg test e per week and hoping 12.5mg aromasin per day will keep my estrogen levels in normal range. Your thoughts on this? 12.5mg aromasin per day enough?

    Can people please give me some advice whether this is safe in the long-term? Providing i get blood tests every few months. I know a lot of people who do cruise on 250mg test e off cycle. I was also told that 250mg test e per week in minimum dosage to hold and even gain muscle.

    ps. Planning on keeping on HRT for the rest of my life, or until I'm an old fart. Understand I am shooting blacks and cannot produce children until I stop test and start hcg .
    Advice will be much appreciated
    Last edited by omg; 11-07-2013 at 07:00 PM.

  2. #2
    adrenaline99's Avatar
    adrenaline99 is offline Associate Member
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    Post in HRT section, there is too "too much" or "too little" dosage for trt, everyone is different and it all depends on your symptoms and blood work. It's something you have to work out with your doctor and find your sweet spot and be "dialed in" as they say, forget about blasting until you find your optimal TRT protocol.
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  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you're a normal size guy with a normal guy's aims, then i think 125mg/wk should be enough to maintain muscle mass and gain slowly at a natty pace.

    if you're a huge guy with 200lbs of lbm, then you might need 250/wk to maintain.

    like you said, to stay healthy you'll need regular monitoring. might be a good idea not to do this on your own.
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  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i personally think itd probably be okay....but if your an old fart hemotocrit seems to be an issue with guys oover 45ish. Also check PSA, lipids, BP, and E2. I doubt itll touch your liver. If AST and ALT were elevated it could even be from excerise which is why some BW says to refrain from vigorous activity for 24-48 hours.
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  5. #5
    omg is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice. I didn't put this into HRT section because I'm not planning HRT dosage which is 250mg test e per 14 days. My intention is to run 250mg test e per week. My test will be approx 52 (9.5-35 normal range). Estrogen went over (normal range: 50-150) to 250. I was hoping 12.5mg aromasin is enough to bring estrogen into normal range. Does anyone have an idea whether 12.5mg aromasin will bring my estrogen levels from 250 to (50-150)?
    And yes, I will get regular blood tests.
    I'm 36 years old

  6. #6
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    everyone aromatise at a different rate. this may be dependent on your age, bf% and genetics. so the amount of AI you'll need will depend on your past experience and also lab results.
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  7. #7
    omg is offline New Member
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    Thanks AD. Good points!
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  8. #8
    testluva's Avatar
    testluva is offline Associate Member
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    I agree you won't really know what dosage you need unless you do BW. For me I take 1mg Arimidex ED to keep my levels normal.
    omg likes this.

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