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Thread: my friend's cutting cycle before Euro trip.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    my friend's cutting cycle before Euro trip.

    my friend's;
    age 22
    18% Body fat
    cycle experiance:Var only cycle,Tbol only cycle

    This spring my friend will be going to europe for 4 month and want to be remembered as a lean guy
    so he is going to do a cutting cycle to get blow %9 body fat.
    my friend knows it is heavy cycle for a newbie but he cant wait do try Tren so he will do it
    And to get final hard look my friend adding 3 week HALO.

    T3:50 mcg straight
    clen :60 mcg straight
    eca:30 mg ephed, 300mg*3times a day caffeine(maybe more),aspirin
    albuterol:3 times a day 2 tabs

    1.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron ,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
    2.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
    3.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
    4.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
    5.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
    6.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
    7.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + clen+T3+arimidex EOD
    8.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + clen+T3+arimidex EOD
    9.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
    10.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
    11.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
    12.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
    13.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
    14-... PCT

    my friend will start to cycle next monday he took the before photos today will post them after a month together with the new photos.So he want you guys to be extremely distructive in any way to make him feel as dumb newbie which is he is .Buthe says " I sure you in a month I will surprise you All anyway".Shoot if you like to .I know he could not be more premature.
    Last edited by jedax; 11-09-2013 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    "My friend" sounds like you.

    And those are very powerful compounds.
    I wouldn't touch them with the inexperience your "friend" is showing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    First off please ask you friend to join the board, no one likes to give advice to a friend of a friend...

    Secondly for a 22 year old that cycle looks ott and poorly laid out, in fact i don't like it at all...

    Thirdly he really should learn that dieting training/cardio are far better ways to reduce bf especially at his age...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    First off please ask you friend to join the board, no one likes to give advice to a friend of a friend...

    Secondly for a 22 year old that cycle looks ott and poorly laid out, in fact i don't like it at all...

    Thirdly he really should learn that dieting training/cardio are far better ways to reduce bf especially at his age...
    of course cardio and the dieting is the key.But in fact I dont want the way people say it.For instance,when a newbie
    asks "what is the best cutting cycle?" they answer "cardiodietol" and "no compound make you leaner ..." like it is funny the thing is
    even if I did what I was already doing while I am on Tbol and Var a lost significant amount of fat.Next week monday I will start a log in the "members results" forum.Cant wait to get into gym.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    First off please ask you friend to join the board, no one likes to give advice to a friend of a friend...

    Secondly for a 22 year old that cycle looks ott and poorly laid out, in fact i don't like it at all...

    Thirdly he really should learn that dieting training/cardio are far better ways to reduce bf especially at his age...
    of course cardio and the dieting is the key.But in fact I dont want the way people say it.For instance,when a newbie
    asks "what is the best cutting cycle?" they answer "cardiodietol" and "no compound make you leaner ..." like it is funny the thing is
    even if I did what I was already doing while I am on Tbol and Var a lost significant amount of fat.Next week monday I will start a log in the "members results" forum.Cant wait to get into gym.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jedax View Post
    of course cardio and the dieting is the key.But in fact I dont want the way people say it.For instance,when a newbie
    asks "what is the best cutting cycle?" they answer "cardiodietol" and "no compound make you leaner ..." like it is funny the thing is
    even if I did what I was already doing while I am on Tbol and Var a lost significant amount of fat.Next week monday I will start a log in the "members results" forum.Cant wait to get into gym.
    I am confused, are you running compounds before getting into the gym?

    You changed to from talking about your friend to you, who are we talking about really?


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I am confused, are you running compounds before getting into the gym?

    You changed to from talking about your friend to you, who are we talking about really?


    "I stay mostly by myself, but it's OK, they know me here"
    Follow my personal story here: Anabolic Steroids - Forums - An honest journey - Blogs

    of course its me mate.I Meant today cant wait to get into gym.Waow I didnt know that blog thing.And it is wonderful that you wrote consistently
    Last edited by jedax; 11-10-2013 at 01:50 AM.

  8. #8
    how many past cycles has he run?

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