my friend's;
age 22
18% Body fat
cycle experiance:Var only cycle,Tbol only cycle
This spring my friend will be going to europe for 4 month and want to be remembered as a lean guy
so he is going to do a cutting cycle to get blow %9 body fat.
my friend knows it is heavy cycle for a newbie but he cant wait do try Tren so he will do it
And to get final hard look my friend adding 3 week HALO.
T3:50 mcg straight
clen :60 mcg straight
eca:30 mg ephed, 300mg*3times a day caffeine(maybe more),aspirin
albuterol:3 times a day 2 tabs
1.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron ,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
2.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
3.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
4.week cutstack 450 mg (150 test c,150 mg masteron,150mg tren a) + ECA (efedrin,caffein,aspirin)+arimidex EOD
5.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
6.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
7.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + clen+T3+arimidex EOD
8.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + clen+T3+arimidex EOD
9.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
10.week cutstack 750 mg (250 test c,250 mg masteron,250mg tren a) + albuterol+T3+arimidex EOD
11.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
12.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
13.week halotestin 15 mg+clen+T3
14-... PCT
my friend will start to cycle next monday he took the before photos today will post them after a month together with the new photos.So he want you guys to be extremely distructive in any way to make him feel as dumb newbie which is he is .Buthe says " I sure you in a month I will surprise you All anyway".Shoot if you like to .I know he could not be more premature.