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  1. #1
    differentselection is offline New Member
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    Want to start my first cycle!

    Hello all, I'm relatively new to the world of fitness and need some advice. I'm 26 years old and I have been somewhat physically active my whole life. (high school sports/ in and out of the gym over the years) I have only recently begun to really focus on body building.

    I'm 6'7" tall, very lean (I'd be surprised if I was over 6% body fat, but I've never measured it) and when I started working to gain weight, I weighed 210 lbs. I like to set small goals and take things one step at a time as I am unsure what a 20, 30, or 50 lb gain will look like. I gained 20 lbs in the first 6 weeks and I wouldn't say that I have plateaued, but my gains have slowed dramatically. My next goal is to reach 260 (30 more lbs) while still maintaining a lean athletic shape.

    All I know of workout routines, diets, and supplements I have learned through my own research online. Currently my diet consists primarily of grilled chicken, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bagels, and mixed vegetables. I have changed my choice of supplements a few times, but right now I am taking whey protein, carbo gain, creatine, bcaa's, glutamine, multi vitamins, and I take the Ronnie Coleman Myo-blitz stacked with his testogen-xr (test booster) as a pre-workout.

    My question now is, if I am considering using an anabolic steroid supplement, what would be my best option for my body type and and my goals. I'm thinking maybe winstrol but I am unsure. I have read some online and talked with a few friends who have cycled before but I would like the advice of some veteran users.

    I don't have a before picture but this is what I look like now.
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  2. #2
    P0RK CH0P's Avatar
    P0RK CH0P is offline Junior Member
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    Don't do a Winstrol only cycle. It will shut down your HPTA.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    How long have you been training?

  4. #4
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    *You havent trained long enough to be doing AAS, 6 weeks of serious weightlifting is not NEARLY enough time to get your tendons and ligaments to be able to withstand the increased load that will come from increased strength when youre using AAS.

    *20 lbs in 6 weeks is pretty frickin good you are not even close to plateuing, and if you do its most likely due to lack of nutrition.

    *Drop the test booster etc and save yourself some money, they're utterly useless

    *Winny only is not a smart choice, it shuts down your HPTA, and it will also make your tendons more brittle, even though they will get thicker they'll still be weaker then when you started Winny. This, combined with your lack of training is a recipe for disaster.

    *You dont have enough knowledge about AAS to be considering a cycle at this point, but you've most certainly come to the right place. Start reading the stickies, learn proper PCT, what an AI is, what a SERM is, what hCG is, and how to use those things once you are ready to cycle.

    Keep hitting the weights
    Keep hitting the food
    Keep hitting these forums, and read and learn, and the gains will come. And once they stop coming, you'll be ready to, and have the knowledge to take things to the next level.

    Anyways, welcome to the forums mate!

  5. #5
    Reiid13's Avatar
    Reiid13 is offline Member
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    Man dont go on a winstol cycle for your first one , get some test in you , nice gains and is the most recommended for first time users . Also a first time proper cycle of test and youll learn how your body responds to juice.

    You got a good base man looking good.

  6. #6
    differentselection is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter View Post
    *You havent trained long enough to be doing AAS, 6 weeks of serious weightlifting is not NEARLY enough time to get your tendons and ligaments to be able to withstand the increased load that will come from increased strength when youre using AAS.

    *20 lbs in 6 weeks is pretty frickin good you are not even close to plateuing, and if you do its most likely due to lack of nutrition.

    *Drop the test booster etc and save yourself some money, they're utterly useless

    *Winny only is not a smart choice, it shuts down your HPTA, and it will also make your tendons more brittle, even though they will get thicker they'll still be weaker then when you started Winny. This, combined with your lack of training is a recipe for disaster.

    *You dont have enough knowledge about AAS to be considering a cycle at this point, but you've most certainly come to the right place. Start reading the stickies, learn proper PCT, what an AI is, what a SERM is, what hCG is, and how to use those things once you are ready to cycle.

    Keep hitting the weights
    Keep hitting the food
    Keep hitting these forums, and read and learn, and the gains will come. And once they stop coming, you'll be ready to, and have the knowledge to take things to the next level.

    Anyways, welcome to the forums mate!
    Thanks, that helps a lot.

    I have been working out longer than 6 weeks. When I said I gained 20 lbs in 6 weeks, that was back in May when I started training. I have been active and healthy my whole life but it was in May that I decided I was going to put on some serious weight. During those 6 weeks, I was working out twice a day, 6 days a week, and eating over 4500 calories per day. I have slowed down since then and only work out once a day and I have been eating less so I have merely been sustaining what I gained rather than adding to it. So my diet and exercise routines, though not as rigorous as they could be, have been consistent for the past 6 months. And I am not planning on starting AAS tomorrow or this week, but I was thinking within the next couple of months when I put myself back on 2-a-days. Does that sound like a reasonable time-frame to prepare my body?

    I've thought the same thing as far as the uselessness of OTC test boosters. Is there a more powerful option to boost testosterone safely, without using AAS?

    I looked into the terms you said I should read up on and they have been very helpful. If I'm understanding this all correctly, AI is an aromatase inhibitor which should be taken in conjunction with AAS and essentially prevents excess testosterone from being converted into estrogen (or at least prevents estrogen related side effects). SERM is a supplement taken during PCT that will help jump-start my hpta after being shut down during the cycle. HCG should be taken both during my cycle as well as during PCT to increase my natural production of testosterone. Am I going the right direction with all this?

    Also, the weakening of my ligaments while taking AAS is something I was worried about as well. Is there something I can and should be taking during a cycle that will strengthen my ligaments at the same pace as my muscles?

    Thanks again for the replies. I want to learn how to do this the right way before I start.

  7. #7
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Give it at least a full year of consistent training, to get your body ready to handle the load that can come from the, sometimes, immensely increased strength when using AAS. Dont be surprised if you could add 75lbs on your bench in a month or three.. that doesent mean that you SHOULD be adding 75 lbs to your bench though.

    Something you can do is to simply stop adding on more weight, and doing more reps instead. This will help keep you free from injuries, which I regard as probably the most important thing when in the gym.

    While injured you cannot grow or lift, so lets say you've (naturally) added 10 lbs on your biceps curl in the last 6 months. You then hurt yourself, making you have to stay away from training for 4-5months.

    When you get back in the gym you've gained bodyfat, and lost musclemass all over your body. It takes 2 months to get back to the bodyfat you were before the injury, which puts us atleast one year forward in time.

    You have also lost those 10lbs you added to your curl, which all in all puts you 1½ years behind where you could have been!!

    What I'm trying to say is: Play it safe mate.

    Training two times a day will get you overtrained in the long run. Your muscles arent the only thing taking a hit when lifting heavy weights. Your CNS takes a beating as well, and no amount of AAS in the world will speed up your CNS recovery. More is not always better.

    Just food for thought..

    Nah, dont bother with trying to boost natty testosterone . You'll get more muscle gain out of just saving that money and lifting it in and out of your wallet 10 times a day, than you will from a test booster.

    Correct about the AI, it prevents the conversion of Test into Estrogen.

    A SERM on the other hand can prevent estrogen sides, once excess estrogen is present in your body. Also used in PCT

    hCG is used during the cycle, not during PCT.

    Regarding strengthening the ligaments, there are AAS that increase collagen synthesis. But if you play it smart, you wont have to go down that path.

    Always, ALWAYS, lift with proper form! Even if that means halving your weight, and lifting less than the 110lb girl standing next to you. Moving the heaviest weights possible is not the purpose here, the purpose is making your muscles move whatever weight you have on, in the most efficient way possible.

    And by efficient I do not mean using the least effort, but rather using the correct muscle in the most taxing way.
    Full ROM, full control of the weights throughout the entire lift. If someone were to yell "STOP" you should be able to freeze the weight, wherever in the movement you are.

    Watch "Training with Kai Greene" he explains the point Im getting at in a very good way.

    I however also utilize forced negatives in my lifting, and obviously I am unable to stop the weight, but I still have it under control, and I still use the same form. If that makes sense to you?

    Last edited by ma_fighter; 11-10-2013 at 02:54 PM.

  8. #8
    mystogan117's Avatar
    mystogan117 is offline Junior Member
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    yea i feel like you could get a lot bigger before you run your first cycle you 6'7 man you could be huge!

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