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Thread: Synergy between dbol&tren

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Synergy between dbol&tren

    Read an article that I can post if anyone wants to see it but the writer made a case that tren ace and dbol have a great synergy and that 50mg of each ran together is more powerful I'm guessing on a mg for mg basis than 100mg of each ran alone? Is this just bro science or does anyone have any light to shed on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    Interesting, i hope to hear the answer of this!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I will leave this to one of our lab rats.Boneaparte can give you a straight answer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Trenbolone Acetate - Steroids Profile
    If pasting from another site isn't allowed my apologies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by zinghigh89 View Post
    Trenbolone Acetate - Steroids Profile
    If pasting from another site isn't allowed my apologies.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Haha bad idea?? I can take it down if I have to

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    "Concurrent use of testosterone, Dianabol, or HCG with trenbolone can solve the above estrogen issue. Typically at least 100 mg/week of testosterone will be used for this purpose, or at least 10 or 15 mg/day of Dianabol."

    That was in that profile it tells me that whoever came up with all the information in it has no idea what they are talking about.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    "Concurrent use of testosterone, Dianabol, or HCG with trenbolone can solve the above estrogen issue. Typically at least 100 mg/week of testosterone will be used for this purpose, or at least 10 or 15 mg/day of Dianabol."

    That was in that profile it tells me that whoever came up with all the information in it has no idea what they are talking about.
    what's your take on correcting that statement MP859?

  9. #9
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by DEFYJOEBOO

    what's your take on correcting that statement MP859?
    Concurrent use of test,tren, hcg or Dbol won't solve any estrogen issue.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    aah, you're right! estrogen issue would best be tackled using Prami, and Aromastane, on cycle. did the article say that. god i'm glad i know at least a little bit. following those recommendations would be s t u p i d

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    "Concurrent use of testosterone, Dianabol, or HCG with trenbolone can solve the above estrogen issue. Typically at least 100 mg/week of testosterone will be used for this purpose, or at least 10 or 15 mg/day of Dianabol."

    That was in that profile it tells me that whoever came up with all the information in it has no idea what they are talking about.
    You sir need to read better, hes stating that SOLO tren shut your e level down hard, one way to bump it back up with be through the addition of test or hcg, both raise estrogen.

    you guys are truly fools

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEFYJOEBOO View Post
    aah, you're right! estrogen issue would best be tackled using Prami, and Aromastane, on cycle. did the article say that. god i'm glad i know at least a little bit. following those recommendations would be s t u p i d
    Bill Roberts is a big name in the steroid community and well respected.

    People following Anthony Roberts (A R ) drug profiles are way worse off, take a wild guess where AR wrote and published his copy and hack paste drug profiles.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Bill Roberts is a big name in the steroid community and well respected.

    People following Anthony Roberts (A R ) drug profiles are way worse off, take a wild guess where AR wrote and published his copy and hack paste drug profiles.
    oh, well there we go. this is why i'm here.

    i'm new anyways and i was thinking of Gyno. the only thing i think of when i hear estrogen is blood pressure and fuked up joints. gyno too, but i have to worry about prolactin.
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 12-07-2013 at 02:40 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery

    You sir need to read better, hes stating that SOLO tren shut your e level down hard, one way to bump it back up with be through the addition of test or hcg, both raise estrogen.

    you guys are truly fools
    I read it many times big guy. I know exactly what he is saying . That test,hcg,and dbol will raise your estrogen when it is suppressed by tren.

    But what is stupid is that somewhat suggests that running tren with hcg and dbol and no test is a good way to run it.

    Also many people get elevated estrogen from tren so again,that wouldn't apply. Maybe you could discuss something before calling people names pal.

    Just because you idolize this guy and is respected in the steroid community does not mean EVERYTHING he says is accurate. I don't agree with the point he is trying to make.
    Last edited by Mp859; 12-07-2013 at 10:23 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I have never heard of any instance of tren lowering estrogen.

  16. #16
    are the bottles from buy steroids a good product or is it a bad product

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    They are not steroids^^^

  18. #18
    thank you

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I read it many times big guy. I know exactly what he is saying . That test,hcg,and dbol will raise your estrogen when it is suppressed by tren.

    But what is stupid is that somewhat suggests that running tren with hcg and dbol and no test is a good way to run it.

    Also many people get elevated estrogen from tren so again,that wouldn't apply. Maybe you could discuss something before calling people names pal.

    Just because you idolize this guy and is respected in the steroid community does not mean EVERYTHING he says is accurate. I don't agree with the point he is trying to make.
    Well elevated estrogen on tren is a no brainer, Estrogen based Fina pellets.

    u dont have to agree with him, but his point is valid. Learn how hormones work with each other how one will be depleted to fill the void of another and so on.

    You will find a lot of the respected members here on 4-9 other steroid boards learning as much as they can, i suppose you can just have a narrow viewpoint and only believe what you want.

    Curious what banned account you are.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Well elevated estrogen on tren is a no brainer, Estrogen based Fina pellets.

    u dont have to agree with him, but his point is valid. Learn how hormones work with each other how one will be depleted to fill the void of another and so on.

    You will find a lot of the respected members here on 4-9 other steroid boards learning as much as they can, i suppose you can just have a narrow viewpoint and only believe what you want.

    Curious what banned account you are.
    I doubt this. I've read articles on every board that pops up in google. This place is by far the most informative with the best group of core members. Your points throughout this thread are bad.

  21. #21
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    sounds easy enough and makes sense. key word "antagonist" find antagonists. every hormone has an opposite, usually. some are proportioned and some are inverse.

    -i'm learning as much as i can. there are 2 ways of learning. reading through many many stupid posts and gleaning info here and there, or get yelled at when your thinking is fuked because you opened your mouth. i'm totally willing to get yelled at if i need to be yelled at... "pig head does not equal man head," a little Asian man told me once.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    I doubt this. I've read articles on every board that pops up in google. This place is by far the most informative with the best group of core members. Your points throughout this thread are bad.
    i agree. i don't express it, but i feel it. this board has the best and that's y i'm here.

  23. #23
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    My points are valid and true. The mob mentality that all the rehashed info in this community is the holy grail of steroid info. Not true, and many of the inner circle fancy colored names here are on a lot of other boards even posting under the same names on each board. Your ignorance is showing thinking people wouldnt post on other forums.

    I see the value of running tren solo, you dont fair enough. i guess that makes me stupid because EVERYTHING has to be stacked with test. Sure great maybe for all the 18 year olds on this forum running tren on their first cycle. But when you actually use big boy dosages and are running 3g of tren a week the addition of test is just not important.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    My points are valid and true. The mob mentality that all the rehashed info in this community is the holy grail of steroid info. Not true, and many of the inner circle fancy colored names here are on a lot of other boards even posting under the same names on each board. Your ignorance is showing thinking people wouldnt post on other forums.

    I see the value of running tren solo, you dont fair enough. i guess that makes me stupid because EVERYTHING has to be stacked with test. Sure great maybe for all the 18 year olds on this forum running tren on their first cycle. But when you actually use big boy dosages and are running 3g of tren a week the addition of test is just not important.
    I have a cpl questions. What do see as the reason to justify 3G of Tren and why would you not consider using at least a very low dose of test?

  25. #25
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    Powerlifters and world strong man, would use dosages like this to put them on a competitive edge.

    ASk bear here, he was running 1.5 test and 1.5 tren like a year ago, sooner or later he may or may not feel the need to dump the test and just use tren.

    when one hormone is out of balance, another tries to fill the void.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Powerlifters and world strong man, would use dosages like this to put them on a competitive edge.

    ASk bear here, he was running 1.5 test and 1.5 tren like a year ago, sooner or later he may or may not feel the need to dump the test and just use tren.

    when one hormone is out of balance, another tries to fill the void.
    You will notice he is also no longer a member here? You ever wonder why that was? When you use tren at any dose you shut down your ability to produce test. I wouldn't want to be without at least a small amount of test in my body.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery

    Well elevated estrogen on tren is a no brainer, Estrogen based Fina pellets.

    u dont have to agree with him, but his point is valid. Learn how hormones work with each other how one will be depleted to fill the void of another and so on.

    You will find a lot of the respected members here on 4-9 other steroid boards learning as much as they can, i suppose you can just have a narrow viewpoint and only believe what you want.

    Curious what banned account you are.
    What banned account I am?
    And I don't need to go to another board to know and learn valuable information.

    You obviously don't know exactly what it is you are trying to say. You are just parroting what Bill Roberts is saying without the knowledge to know otherwise.
    Last edited by Mp859; 12-07-2013 at 09:10 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    My points are valid and true. The mob mentality that all the rehashed info in this community is the holy grail of steroid info. Give an example of "rehashed info? This place preaches the most safe methods of cycling, not necessarily the most effective. I haven't seen any other board that does that.
    Not true, and many of the inner circle fancy colored names here are on a lot of other boards even posting under the same names on each board. Your ignorance is showing thinking people wouldnt post on other forums. I never said they don't post, but I don't think they're gleaning every bit of info on other boards just to try to look good here.

    I see the value of running tren solo, you dont fair enough. i guess that makes me stupid because EVERYTHING has to be stacked with test. Again, they preach SAFE CYCLING techniques here. Tren alone is unsafe.
    Sure great maybe for all the 18 year olds on this forum running tren on their first cycle. But when you actually use big boy dosages and are running 3g of tren a week the addition of test is just not important.
    Some points above in bold. Frankly dude, like minded people congregate and this board promotes safety and education over everything else. If you hate it so much here why do you stay?

  29. #29
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    For an advanced gear user why is tren alone unsafe? if there was a perfect drug to run solo tren would be it.

    the mentality of stacking drugs is mind boggling when you dont know what the drug is doing or how your body responds to it. You really have to get an idea behind what each drug does.

    ok you got me on the safe cycling. this board does that, its great they try to educate safety instead abuse. Doesn't mean it should turn a blind eye to advance users and the fact the advance users use large dosages of gear and not always the cookie cutter cycle. Use gear long enough and pct takes longer and longer and stops working eventually. Clearly when 1g of test a week becomes your cruise dose , clearly your cycles will be big dosages. much bigger. In fact since tren is not fit for human consumption , it should be a banned topic and thrown into the locked cupboard with DNP.

    food for thought
    Tmos was running 2mg of injectable Methyltrienolone ED, 4x daily. for 4 weeks.

    Clearly this board needs an advanced/body builder secure forum to discuss large dose and advanced protocols that need you to be a member for years to grant access too.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery
    For an advanced gear user why is tren alone unsafe? if there was a perfect drug to run solo tren would be it.

    the mentality of stacking drugs is mind boggling when you dont know what the drug is doing or how your body responds to it. You really have to get an idea behind what each drug does.

    ok you got me on the safe cycling. this board does that, its great they try to educate safety instead abuse. Doesn't mean it should turn a blind eye to advance users and the fact the advance users use large dosages of gear and not always the cookie cutter cycle. Use gear long enough and pct takes longer and longer and stops working eventually. Clearly when 1g of test a week becomes your cruise dose , clearly your cycles will be big dosages. much bigger. In fact since tren is not fit for human consumption , it should be a banned topic and thrown into the locked cupboard with DNP.

    food for thought
    Tmos was running 2mg of injectable Methyltrienolone ED, 4x daily. for 4 weeks.

    Clearly this board needs an advanced/body builder secure forum to discuss large dose and advanced protocols that need you to be a member for years to grant access too.
    I just don't see the point really to run a high dose tren only cycle when it would be just as easy to shoot a maintenance dose of test right along side it.

    I personally don't like high dose tren to begin with because it makes me feel like crap.
    Last edited by Mp859; 12-08-2013 at 12:27 PM.

  31. #31
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    I think this has gotten convoluted some how. I'm surely not suggesting running Tren alone is "unsafe". I am however saying there is no legit reason for it. Many old school BB used to do it a lot but this was before they truly had an understanding of what the hormones did.

    There simply is no legit reason not to add a small amount of test.

  32. #32
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    now a days yes alot more are on the 3 month ester TRT test name depending on the country u live in. granted from the regular blood work u have to get to stay on this protocol u learn how to blast hard between blood work.

    i would die if i ran that much tren myself, and im not even for stacking compounds. im still a beliver that until u stop growing on 1.5g test weekly there is no need to stack compounds. Our body's love test so why not give it what it responds well with.

  33. #33
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    Bill Roberts has been around a long time. He's not an idiot, but he does tend to hold to some ideas that are out of line with what most "Bro's" preach and fall more in line with text book ideology, some a bit outdated.

    1. What he says about Tren lowering estrogen, this is indirectly true. The Tren itself doesn't lower estrogen but if you're not producing testosterone because of Tren use, where is you're estrogen going to come from? It's not, therefore estradiol levels fall.

    2. Using Dbol to combat natural testosterone suppression - for 30yrs or so it was said that 10-15mg of Dbol per day could suffice for total androgen replacement. Some steroid experts/gurus have not let go of this idea. In theory it does make sense (somewhat) but it's largely impractical.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Bill Roberts has been around a long time. He's not an idiot, but he does tend to hold to some ideas that are out of line with what most "Bro's" preach and fall more in line with text book ideology, some a bit outdated.

    1. What he says about Tren lowering estrogen, this is indirectly true. The Tren itself doesn't lower estrogen but if you're not producing testosterone because of Tren use, where is you're estrogen going to come from? It's not, therefore estradiol levels fall.

    2. Using Dbol to combat natural testosterone suppression - for 30yrs or so it was said that 10-15mg of Dbol per day could suffice for total androgen replacement. Some steroid experts/gurus have not let go of this idea. In theory it does make sense (somewhat) but it's largely impractical.
    i know two guys in their early 50;s that take 1 anavar daily that use to bodybuild in their youth. Old school yes.

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