For an advanced gear user why is tren alone unsafe? if there was a perfect drug to run solo tren would be it.
the mentality of stacking drugs is mind boggling when you dont know what the drug is doing or how your body responds to it. You really have to get an idea behind what each drug does.
ok you got me on the safe cycling. this board does that, its great they try to educate safety instead abuse. Doesn't mean it should turn a blind eye to advance users and the fact the advance users use large dosages of gear and not always the cookie cutter cycle. Use gear long enough and pct takes longer and longer and stops working eventually. Clearly when 1g of test a week becomes your cruise dose , clearly your cycles will be big dosages. much bigger. In fact since tren is not fit for human consumption , it should be a banned topic and thrown into the locked cupboard with DNP.
food for thought
Tmos was running 2mg of injectable
Methyltrienolone ED, 4x daily. for 4 weeks.
Clearly this board needs an advanced/body builder secure forum to discuss large dose and advanced protocols that need you to be a member for years to grant access too.