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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    I decided I'm gonna run me some test e with clen . This will be my first cycle so I figured test e would be a good idea. What do you think?

    I'm 23
    14% bodyfat
    Lifting for 5 years.

    I was thinking about running test e for 8 weeks at 250mg a week. (This will be my first cycle)

    125mg on Tue and 125mg on thur

    And the clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off tapering up to 100mcg max.

    I'm also taking finasteride for my hair which was even before I thought about taking test e, will the finax still work nd regrow hair while on test e or will test e only make my hair stable with no regrowth?
    Last edited by thatoneguy24; 11-11-2013 at 02:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Muscleduke's Avatar
    Muscleduke is offline Associate Member
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    Why have you chosen to use Clen as well?

    Stick with test e for first cycle, 250mg per week is to low of a dose you'll just shut yourself down for small results.

    500mg per week for 12 weeks, run HCG and ai. And obviously pct.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatoneguy24
    I decided I'm gonna run me some test e with clen . This will be my first cycle so I figured test e would be a good idea. What do you think?

    I'm 23
    14% bodyfat
    Lifting for 5 years.

    I was thinking about running test e for 8 weeks at 250mg a week. (This will be my first cycle)

    125mg on Tue and 125mg on thur

    And the clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off tapering up to 100mcg max.

    I'm also taking finasteride for my hair which was even before I thought about taking test e, will the finax still work nd regrow hair while on test e or will test e only make my hair stable with no regrowth?
    Why such a low dose of test? You are basically run a TRT dose. Why suppress your natural levels for such a low dose???? 8 weeks is too short. Optimal levels are achieved around 4-5 weeks - did you not know this?

    What about an AI?
    HCG ?

    I'm not a big proponent of clen. The cardiac issues don't really justify the use IMO. If you are looking to cut bf, it's your diet and cardio that will yield the safest results.

    What are your planned calories? How much less than your TDEE are you anticipating if you hope to drop bf?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Why such a low dose of test? You are basically run a TRT dose. Why suppress your natural levels for such a low dose???? 8 weeks is too short. Optimal levels are achieved around 4-5 weeks - did you not know this?

    What about an AI?
    HCG ?

    I'm not a big proponent of clen . The cardiac issues don't really justify the use IMO. If you are looking to cut bf, it's your diet and cardio that will yield the safest results.

    What are your planned calories? How much less than your TDEE are you anticipating if you hope to drop bf?
    Agreed ^^^ you need to re think your approach

  5. #5
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    Im enlisting in the air force in January, cant run 12 weeks because I need time off for it to clear my system before I go to MEPS and get drug tested and blood drawn.

  6. #6
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    Run a quick 8 wk prop cycle. Save the Enath for when u have more time. Ai n hcg on cycle and PCT.
    thatoneguy24 likes this.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatoneguy24
    Im enlisting in the air force in January, cant run 12 weeks because I need time off for it to clear my system before I go to MEPS and get drug tested and blood drawn.
    Then why bother at all? Waste of time and money if you aren't running a proper cycle. You'd be better off running 8 was of propionate but don't expect miracles for such a short cycle.

    IMHO.....if you are enlisting, forget gear. Why risk complications post cycle during your enlistment period!?

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    .....add to this, you're 22!!!! Why risk the possible complications of shutting yourself down and not recovering fully during your enlistment.

    It doesn't seem you are considering the possible consequences carefully enough.

  9. #9
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    .....add to this, you're 22!!!! Why risk the possible complications of shutting yourself down and not recovering fully during your enlistment.

    It doesn't seem you are considering the possible consequences carefully enough.
    Most don't

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st you don't need aas to get through basic training.Now if you really do.Dont enlist all you need to do is a lot of running.When you think you ran enough run more.

  11. #11
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Save the stuff and run it after you finish your air force training. Rethink your cycle layout.

  12. #12
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds good. I just wanted to put on some strength because im going in as a firefighter

  13. #13
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Plenty of time for gear once you're in. You'll put on all the strength you need in basic and tech school.

  14. #14
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    If you are wanting to get in shape for basic and have 2-3 months, may I suggest:

    1. Get your diet right
    2. Run (3 miles in under 24 minutes is a good goal)
    3. Push ups
    4. Pull ups
    5. Crunches, flutter kicks, etc.

    Good Luck

  15. #15
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro View Post
    If you are wanting to get in shape for basic and have 2-3 months, may I suggest:

    1. Get your diet right
    2. Run (3 miles in under 24 minutes is a good goal)
    3. Push ups
    4. Pull ups
    5. Crunches, flutter kicks, etc.

    Good Luck
    no worried about that at all, im already warhawk standard.

    I meet superior standards on all the test.
    I can do.

    80 pushups in 1 minute.
    89 situps in 1 minute.
    15 Pullups
    and run 1.5 miles in 8:47

  16. #16
    thatoneguy24 is offline Junior Member
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    its all good though, im going all natty till im all settled.

  17. #17
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    great stats! keep up the good work. I might suggest bumping up that distance a little bit. As I recall, we routinely did 2-3 miles or more in basic; but honestly, at 8:47 for a 1.5 mile run, you should smoke most of the other guys. The majority of folks seem to show up to basic in pretty poor shape. Best wishes.

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