Well... I made a mistake..
I've been on a 9 week cycle of sustanon 250 (2 shots a week) and had read some bad info (not from this site) about pinning Hcg the last few weeks of a cycle then running it up until pct.
I now know that hcg needs to be run through the whole cycle (or at least starting a few weeks in)
Problem is the extra gear I bought to run to 14 weeks is bunk. Long story but I'm not happy about it.
This means I only ran 9 weeks but that wasn't so bad as I gained 22lbs (it is my first cycle though). I did my last pin last Monday (7 days ago) and have 14 days to go until pct starts.
My question is can I pin my hcg at 250iu or 500iu every 2 or 3 days until pct to kick start my balls? They have gone into hiding & it would be good to have them back..
Cheers guys