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Thread: Fiancee has no sperm.... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    SoniaD is offline New Member
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    Fiancee has no sperm.... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    My fiancée and I have been trying for a baby well over a year. We sought the help of a fertility specialist last year and he took a sperm analysis which stated that his sperm count was 4 million at the time, which is low and needs to be at least 20 million at the time.

    For a couple of years my fiancée was cycling to my knowledge, but stopped when we were trying to get pregnant. He then was taking HRT. He stated that this would not affect his fertility, however, I became very paranoid, and he stopped it completely. After that, he became sick and stated that because he got off HRT so quickly, it made him more prone to infections. He stated that he caught MRSA due to this.

    So anyway, fast forward... he supposedly is off the HRT. But for some strange reason he insists on taking HCG since it helps to increase sperm production. So now it is a year later and he took another sperm analysis and it is zero. He swears that he is not taking HRT or any testosterone . I am so confused and upset over this and don't know what to think. I don't want to be ignorant and need advice. I want to educate myself, hence why I am on here in the first place.

    If someone can shed light on this, I would greatly appreciate this.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    20 million per ML is normal. Low end, but normal. Have you been tested?

    HMG should be considered, not likely hCG . But not enough info is provided here...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
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    did he get another sperm count done recently?

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    did he get another sperm count done recently?
    First time I read your post I thought it asked if he got another sperm donor.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    First time I read your post I thought it asked if he got another sperm donor.
    that might work

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    20 million per ML is normal. Low end, but normal. Have you been tested?

    HMG should be considered, not likely hCG. But not enough info is provided here...
    She said it was "4 million and needed to be 20 million"
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  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    You BOTH need to be tested if there is an issue and have him due a full hormone panel as well. That may tell the tale if you are concerned. Keep in mind, many members have successfully had children even while on large steroid cycles so don't assume that is the issue.

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Could be his HCG usage either went to long or he used to a high a dosage and totally desensitized his testicals to gonadoropins. This is just speculation. I find it odd that hed be actually down to zero.

    I had my sperm checked after 8 months being on and it was 7 million and he said i should have 60 million. He also said the "active%" should be 15% and i i only have 6% active. That was a year and a half ago, and i ran deca since then(a highly suppressive steroid ), i can only imagine how low it is now, but idc cuz i wanted a vasectomy anyway.

    HCG is a hormone that helps the testicals "turn back on" wakes them up from not being used. It increases both sperm and testosterone , so it kinda acts both as lutenizing hormone and follicular stimulating hormone. He shouldn't need it indefinatly but he needs to go on and off and see how he should be testing his testosterone 6 weeks or so after being off a run of the HCG. There are many different protocals for HCG. Some use 5000, once every several days for a few times, others are 200iu ed or eod, or 500 ed or eod, or 1000 for 10 days. Ive seen diff protocals for diff uses. The one main use is bringing up testosterone and sperm count. But its been used to increase thyroid hormone, and also is in vogue right now in the weight loss community..."HCG Diet" etc. He may want to try different protocals to revive his testicals. From the different protocals ive seen basically if your using a high dose, do a short run, or more infrequent shots, or low dose 200 or less a day, could be ed but shouldnt be longer than 6 weeks. You dont want to desensitize the testicals and make the problem worse. try vitamin E, try different kinds, natural, synthetic, dry, gels. See which works better for increasing sensitivity to lutenizing hormone and gonanadropins. Also, if he smokes or drinks tell him to knock this off as drinking has been shown to decrease intratesticular nitric oxide(crucial for blood flow into they testicals). if you have low circulation anywhere in your body nothing will work right. Smoking kills circulation. Maybe have him take arginine, zinc, and maybe some cialis. I hate viagra cuz makes me feel weird, but cialis is cool at 10-20mgs a day.
    Be patient. And dont be upset that he took steroids . Heck, half the reason you liked him in the first place was cuz his muscles. And dont be small minded and try to stop him from using while being married. He wants to be the biggest most ripped guy you ever see in your life, he's not trying to get other chciks by trying to be awesome. I personally am more nuts and crazy about my diet, drugs and cardio when im in a "relationship" or have a girlfriend than when im nailing everything in sight. I always look pretty good, but i wanna be the best, hands down, thing my woman has seen or will see in person, i wanna be the fantasy and everytime shes sees another guy who looks good i want her thinkin "Doesn't compare to my guy". Just saying, you gotta understand your man and not judge. Now maybe he'll be like 90% of people and even gym rats when they marry or get into a relationship they gain the "jessica simpson 15", but everyone is different. Also, when your married, dont try to make him fat by baking stuff and cooking his favorite dinners when he starts getting "too ripped" and has abs. Dont be afraid your gonna lose your man because he looks awesome. Yes, other chciks might find him attractive, but he wants to awesome for YOU. He wants to be your fantasy. Im not saying some gym rats get dont married, get soft for awhile, then get ripped, then cheat cuz they look awesome again, sure its possible...but you either think your man is a cheater or hes not. This is way off course of the original convo, but im a hopeless romantic and i want you guys to do well, and also im a stripper and have seen every side to life there is so understand im just tryna share. good luck
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  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    She said it was "4 million and needed to be 20 million"
    duh. Sorry OP. Thanks lunk..

    Still need more info, and HMG would likely be needed, not hCG . But again.... need info.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    SoniaD is offline New Member
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    I am by no means, putting steroid usage down. I am on here to get answers and have been doing a lot of research to make sense of this. Some are asking me if I was tested for infertility, however, I think that's irrelevant as he's the one with the zero sperm count. We were recommended to go to a urologist, however, unfortunately can't because he has no medical insurance. The Dr. asked him if he was using, and he point out lied to his face and told him he was only using HCG under the guidance of a doctor which is also a lie. My worry is that he is not properly using and taking more than he should. He is now sick and states that this is because he was on HRT and had stopped abruptly without weaning himself off of it first. So who knows, could this infection he opened himself up to be causing temporary shut down? Or could he still be using and not telling me?

    He is sick daily now, throws up everyday, has no sex drive, face is bloated, suffers from insomnia and anxiety. Could this be withdrawl from HCG? I have no idea about this stuff. I remember a long time ago him telling me that he did "siponate" sp? weekly.

    So I appreciate helpful informative advice, not judgemental remarks as this really doesn't go anywhere. Thanks in advance.

  11. #11
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Nothing should make him sick and throwing up like that. Low test levels can def make you tired and fatigued though. Hcg helps keep some natural test levels going

  12. #12
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    There is also no point in "weaning off" so that is not his issue. I have never heard of steroids causing a sperm count of 0! It will often times lower the sperm count substantially but I have never heard of 0 sperm from it. Quite frankly if you are sooo concerned about his honesty. Why do you want to have a child together?

  13. #13
    SoniaD is offline New Member
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    Hey Lunk, please stop replying. You sound like you have anger management issues from your posts

  14. #14
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoniaD View Post
    Hey Lunk, please stop replying. You sound like you have anger management issues from your posts
    lol..I'm prob. one of the least angry guys you will find in here. Just trying to help. No prob. Peace...i'm out!
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  15. #15
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    I think he's got more going on here then he's telling you. Sounds like narcotics withdrawal to me.

  16. #16
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
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    I agree with hcg helping, weaning off thing is bs, sounds like narcotics withdrawl

  17. #17
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    HCG withdrawals??? Ohhhh no!! I just loaded my last 2 pins today. GOD NO!!! Jk.. Ya you don't withdraw from aas or any of the other compounds involved in cycling. You might watch the calendar waiting on your next cycle but that's it

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    There is something else very wrong with him. Hold off on this whole kid thing until he can get his shit together and afford to see a doctor (ASAP would be best).

  19. #19
    SidVicious77 is offline Associate Member
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    Why do you think Lunk has anger issues? His posts were spot on. Anyway are you sure his sperm count is absolutely zero or is it that there are close to zero viable sperms? Sounds like hes shut down, only time and a doctor can say if its permanent or not. Getting off test abruptly does cause severe hormonal fluctuations which could be responsible, or as a previous poster said it could be primary hypogonadism through overuse of hcg for too long.
    Either way I'd urge him to see an endocrinologist ASAP

  20. #20
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoniaD View Post
    Hey Lunk, please stop replying. You sound like you have anger management issues from your posts
    ignore Lunk, everybody hates him here, he should get banned. back to the topic, have you considered donors? I am sure many here are willing

  21. #21
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    ignore Lunk, everybody hates him here, he should get banned. back to the topic, have you considered donors? I am sure many here are willing
    I dont hate Lunk.

  22. #22
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    I got my lady pregnant after 8 monthes of being on trt and i didnt even want anymore kids, 6 was enough, now 7. Narcotics withdrawl can cause all of those symptoms, but so can other diseases, but MRSA is not caused by trt withdrawl, maybe dirty needles or gear.

  23. #23
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    ignore Lunk, everybody hates him here, he should get banned. back to the topic, have you considered donors? I am sure many here are willing
    I dont hate Lunk.

  24. #24
    Megalodon6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    I got my lady pregnant after 8 monthes of being on trt and i didnt even want anymore kids, 6 was enough, now 7. Narcotics withdrawl can cause all of those symptoms, but so can other diseases, but MRSA is not caused by trt withdrawl, maybe dirty needles or gear.
    Holy sh*t 7 kids! Don't get me wrong kids are a blessing I love my two kids, but two is enough lol. My wife is wanting another already and my youngest is only a few months old.

  25. #25
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    Yep, i feel like i live in a day care, i guess thats y i work so much, well that and all them mouths too feed, i guess its worth it,

  26. #26
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    I dont hate Lunk.
    just playing around Joe. some times we have sick sense of humor! having 7 kids life will never be boring, trust me on this!

  27. #27
    wizarddeath is offline Junior Member
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    Lunk is pretty much spot on, if your posting an anon message board, why are you considering having kids with him first off? If you can't trust him not to kill himself, and lie to you about it, I am pretty sure kids aren't up for debate right now.

    Also, no steroids don't cause this, and him doing HCG while on TRT most likely kept him going. He has some other issue, OR had an issue before AAS and never told you. Based on the information your stating, I am guessing he has kept many things from you.

    I'd go get myself a full panel test done as well for your peace of mind.

  28. #28
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizarddeath View Post
    Lunk is pretty much spot on, if your posting an anon message board, why are you considering having kids with him first off? If you can't trust him not to kill himself, and lie to you about it, I am pretty sure kids aren't up for debate right now.

    Also, no steroids don't cause this, and him doing HCG while on TRT most likely kept him going. He has some other issue, OR had an issue before AAS and never told you. Based on the information your stating, I am guessing he has kept many things from you.

    I'd go get myself a full panel test done as well for your peace of mind.
    I think her fiancé got a vasectomy and he's not telling her the truth!

  29. #29
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoniaD View Post
    Hey Lunk, please stop replying. You sound like you have anger management issues from your posts
    Explain yourself.
    What about his posts sounded angry?

  30. #30
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Explain yourself.
    What about his posts sounded angry?
    I think its the other way around!

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