Appreciate all the help you guys have given me over the past bit, but after my recent encounter with steroids I'm calling it quits and hitting it hard naturally. I recently did a test sustanon cycle, and I knew something was wrong pretty soon into the cycle since my last cycle I gained almost 20 pounds from test enanthate. I was gaining zero weight, zero strength increase, zero libido change. Thought I would wait it out. Turns out I was I sold contaminated gear or bunk gear because I eventually started LOSING weight (how is that even possible?) I stopped after about a month and a half. Then the best part hit, knee started swelling up like a watermelon, went to the ER they drained about 60cc of fluid out. That was about six weeks ago. Haven't been able to walk due to now the infection has spread to my knee. Six blood tests, two urine tests and four x rays later they still don't know how to get rid of it but the pain is slowly becoming better. They determined it was a bacterial infection. My OCD cleanliness and excess alcohol swabs assures you it wasn't on my end (ha ha).
Careful guys, it really is a gamble when it comes to this shit! I have gone from 194 pounds to almost 170 with being bed ridden and my body trying to fight this infection. My white and red blood counts are 23 when the normal range is 6-13 doctor says!
Really sucks, wish it was easier to find a reliable source these days and I also wish these fu*^%#* guys would stop selling gear they now isn't good.
That's my rant, have a good one boys and girls