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Thread: Is a 9 to 10 week cycle long enough for Sust 250?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Is a 9 to 10 week cycle long enough for Sust 250?

    Hey guys, i took my last shot of sust 250 yesterday and im right in between 9 to 10 weeks. Ive had some solid gains and im super happy with my first cycle, im just starting to get shit from friends and work about getting to big lol I was planning originally to do 12 weeks or at least 4 vials at 3 injections every mon, wed and fri. My question now is just whether i should do that last vial and end at about 13 weeks
    or start getting my pct stuff and call it a good learning expeirence. I am a little nervous about coming off the juice bc i hear these rare horror stories of how guys nuts wont restart or shit like that and i know the longer your on the gear the harder you get shut down, thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Why didn't you have everything before you've started? No AI or HCG?

  3. #3
    Also why are you doing 3 injections. So your taking 750mgs a week?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler View Post
    Why didn't you have everything before you've started? No AI or HCG?
    I have an AI and hcg, my only question is should i still buy the last vial and go to 12 weeks or be done with the cycle? I know with sust that it stays in the system for longer so you dont start the pct till a couple weeks after, thats why i havent gotten it yet. And yes im taking 750mg a week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That's a big dose for a first cycle. What has been your on cycle protocol for your AI and HCG?

    You should ALWAYS have everything to hand before you start your cycle, that's where horror stories come from because people don't get their PCT before and then can't source or maybe afford it at the end.

    What is your pct plan?

    It's up to you if you stop your cycle now or run it as planned.

    How much weight did you gain?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    I wouldn't worry to much about these rare "horror stories" if you have HCG and you were only on for 10 weeks. Just list your PCT plan to make sure you're doing it correctly as others have suggested above.

    If you want to extend your cycle that's fine to. It's all up to you.

    Friends giving you shit for getting to big? haha

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    and it continues..... another 23 year old cycling before reaching his max natural hormone level...!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    That's a big dose for a first cycle. What has been your on cycle protocol for your AI and HCG?

    You should ALWAYS have everything to hand before you start your cycle, that's where horror stories come from because people don't get their PCT before and then can't source or maybe afford it at the end.

    What is your pct plan?

    It's up to you if you stop your cycle now or run it as planned.

    How much weight did you gain?
    My bad with not having the pct yet and i run 250 IU twice a week with the hcg and i take arimidex at .25 EOD. Ive gained pretty much 20 lbs exactly but its not all lean, still lean enough to see the 4 pack tho lol and to be honest i dont have a gameplan for the pct yet, that was going to be my next question. What should i get? I was going to get nova, clomid and probably a natural test booster...I dont know exactly how much to take, when and how long tho? Oh and if i can get this stuff on AR-R?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by alpinestar7x View Post
    My bad with not having the pct yet and i run 250 IU twice a week with the hcg and i take arimidex at .25 EOD. Ive gained pretty much 20 lbs exactly but its not all lean, still lean enough to see the 4 pack tho lol and to be honest i dont have a gameplan for the pct yet, that was going to be my next question. What should i get? I was going to get nova, clomid and probably a natural test booster...I dont know exactly how much to take, when and how long tho? Oh and if i can get this stuff on AR-R?
    Don't get a natural test booster, flush the money you would use to buy one down the toilet instead

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    Starts 18 days after your last pin.

    I hope you have your dietary and workout plans for pct sorted too.

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