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Thread: A couple of questions about my 1st cycle, Test e

  1. #1

    A couple of questions about my 1st cycle, Test e

    Hey guys, i've just started my first cycle, took my first jab of Test enanthate on wednesday night, and i just wanted to know how my overall cycle looks. I have done plenty of research on the topic, i'd just like some direct opinions on my cycle.
    Week 1-10 Test E 250mg every 3.5 days
    Week 2-10 Anastrozole 0.25mg EOD
    Week 2-12 250iu HCG every 3.5 days

    Week 13-16
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    I figured seeing as the enanthate ester is so long i wouldn't need to begin the Adex or HCG til week 2, as the Test won't even really start kicking til about week 4 i've heard. Is there anything in this cycle that i should tweak or does this seem like a fairly complete first cycle?
    Also since the first jab, my left glute has been quite sore, it is pretty painful if i roll across the part of the muscle where i injected, feels similar to a good cork. All of my equipment was definitely sterilised, the needle came into contact with nothing but my cheek after i had wiped with an alcohol swab. There is no bruising and doesn't appear to be any swelling so could this just be put down to the fact that it's the first time my glute has had a needle stuck in it, or could it be perhaps the way i inserted the needle or the speed at which i injected? I made sure the injection process took atleast 30 seconds.
    Any advice is appreciated, thanks guys.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome, can you give us some stats please

    years training

  3. #3
    age: 20
    weight: 170 pounds
    height: 5'10
    bf: approx 13%, relatively visible abs and some striations
    years training: 2 years seriously, 4-5 ish including when i would go to weekly personal training sessions as a 15-16 year old

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    read Marcus's first link in his signature area!

  5. #5
    for background, was about 124 pounds before i began training seriously, i had no clue about dieting and whatnot, but since then i've put on about 55 pounds naturally while maintaining a relatively stable body fat %

  6. #6
    Where would i find that?
    i clicked on his profile and i got a message saying i do not have the privelage to do something.
    sorry, i'm new to this site haha

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    you've done well. now educate your self about AAS, because at your age using AAS you can easily screw up your Endocrine system for life. you are still developing, interrupting this development can screw you up and never recover. so take the advice and read more, and wait until you're 25.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Welcome to the forum.

    First off, the big thing is you are to young to cycle. They say 25 is the earliest you should begin so you don't go messing yourself up in the long run.

    Secondly I'm going to assume you are going to do the cycle anyways since you already started so to help you out here's a few tweaks you can make. 1) start AI and HCG during week one. 2) discontinue use of HCG on week 10 not 12. And 3) add clomid to your PCT for best results.

    If I were you I would check out the stickies here on "first cycle" and hit the diet section up because if your not eating right then your cycle/ money/ time will be wasted.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hazelmango View Post
    Where would i find that?
    i clicked on his profile and i got a message saying i do not have the privelage to do something.
    sorry, i'm new to this site haha
    The Young and Steroids

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix18 View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    First off, the big thing is you are to young to cycle. They say 25 is the earliest you should begin so you don't go messing yourself up in the long run.

    Secondly I'm going to assume you are going to do the cycle anyways since you already started so to help you out here's a few tweaks you can make. 1) start AI and HCG during week one. 2) discontinue use of HCG on week 10 not 12. And 3) add clomid to your PCT for best results.

    If I were you I would check out the stickies here on "first cycle" and hit the diet section up because if your not eating right then your cycle/ money/ time will be wasted.
    don't encourage him to continue, in stead help him stop the cycle and do PCT if needed. I don't think he needs PCT since it only one shot. but definitely he needs to stop.

  11. #11
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    But my advice would personally be to stop what you're doing. Fully educate yourself, change up your diet and workout routine to maximize growth naturally and wait until you are 25

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    ^^ agreed. My bad.

  13. #13
    Not to come across as argumentative or anything, but i've never really read of a young person causing irreversible damage on only test with appropriate PCT, the only horror stories i've read have been with stronger AAS such as tren, or no PCT at all. Could you guys provide a particular instance where this is the case?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by hazelmango View Post
    Not to come across as argumentative or anything, but i've never really read of a young person causing irreversible damage on only test with appropriate PCT, the only horror stories i've read have been with stronger AAS such as tren, or no PCT at all. Could you guys provide a particular instance where this is the case?
    you didn't read enough. we have quite few young members he who did what you're doing and ended up on TRT.

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