Hey guys, i've just started my first cycle, took my first jab of Test enanthate on wednesday night, and i just wanted to know how my overall cycle looks. I have done plenty of research on the topic, i'd just like some direct opinions on my cycle.
Week 1-10 Test E 250mg every 3.5 days
Week 2-10 Anastrozole 0.25mg EOD
Week 2-12 250iu HCG every 3.5 days
Week 13-16
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I figured seeing as the enanthate ester is so long i wouldn't need to begin the Adex or HCG til week 2, as the Test won't even really start kicking til about week 4 i've heard. Is there anything in this cycle that i should tweak or does this seem like a fairly complete first cycle?
Also since the first jab, my left glute has been quite sore, it is pretty painful if i roll across the part of the muscle where i injected, feels similar to a good cork. All of my equipment was definitely sterilised, the needle came into contact with nothing but my cheek after i had wiped with an alcohol swab. There is no bruising and doesn't appear to be any swelling so could this just be put down to the fact that it's the first time my glute has had a needle stuck in it, or could it be perhaps the way i inserted the needle or the speed at which i injected? I made sure the injection process took atleast 30 seconds.
Any advice is appreciated, thanks guys.