11-12%bf apx
Hi, i would like my plan reviewed by anyone willing to do so, thanks everyone!
10 weeks of sust250 (mg/ml 30 ace, 60prop, 100cyp, 60prop total 250mg/ml)
nolva 40/40/20/20
Have tbol but debating on use (would be 30mg/ed for 3-4 weeks)
extra nolva for estro issues (info from a stickied thread i believe, i have link saved on phone)
few questions i have which i hope can be answered:
I would like to know if anyone has expereince with this stuff and how it would be suggested to maintain the most stable test levels. should i do .571ml/eod or .66-ml/e3d....honestly id pin every hr if it would be best, lol, but i hear it can be pretty painful so....if you answer this and can provide a timing schedule awesome, eod is easy obv, but e3d allwos for 56 hours in a divided week, i thought maybe precise timed pins could help stablilize levels
i planned to alternate sites around pin sites but then read people will workout the pinned muscle to ease pain, any thoughts?
i read to pin around the shortest ester, and tho not in those same terms it appears i should start pct around the longest...this is a different blend then any thread ive read, cyp being the longest at 12 days right?? so should i start arund that or do the 3 weeks like the other posts