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Thread: Tren and var and stubborn fat and side effect and long blast

  1. #1
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tren and var and stubborn fat and side effect and long blast

    I highly consider TRT these days. It something who has been in my mind for several weeks...
    Of course, before doing that commitment, I'm gonna get BW done to be sure that it is the right thing to do.
    I'm gonna seek the help of Dr. to get a good TRT protocol(if I need to) and get dialed in before doing anything.
    That being said...

    What will follow is a example of what I was thinking of.

    I'm looking to do a recomp and mostly fat loss. And It seems to be a great way to reach it.

    My plan is:

    While waiting for my post PCT BW, I'm gonna try to lose some bodyfat really slowly to keep as much muscle as I can. I would like to drop around 12%.
    I'm gonna do the OTC fat loss protocol proposed by Austinite.(chromium also help with blood glucose)
    Switching to Intermittent fasting style dieting.(seems really great to give some insulin sentivity, I have issue with my blood glucose since I was a Fat little boy...) Right now I'm eating the traditional 6-8 meal a day.
    Put some yohimbine in the mix if my heartrate and blood pressure allow it.(Supposedly help with reducing fat from the abdominal area, where is my fattest area)

    If my BW comes alright(and if I feel alright), I keep my slow cut.
    If my BW sucks I get TRT Dialed in. Once it is done, I was thinking of that kind of blast.

    TRT dose+100mg EOD of test prop for 8 weeks
    60mg ED Anavar for 8 weeks
    75mcg T3 for 8 weeks
    With some yohimbine into the mix.
    Resuming to TRT dose
    And adding right after that 8 weeks some Tren A.
    Tren A 75mg EOD for 7 weeks(Until I run out of tren.(2 vial initially)
    While keeping 75mcg T3 during the duration on tren.
    When it is done I resume my TRT protocol.
    AI will be used
    Pramipexol will be on hand
    HCG will be used
    and PCT would not be a concern.
    In resume:
    Trt dose +
    100mg prop EOD week 1-8
    60mg var ED week 1-8
    75mcg T3 week 1-15
    75mg Tren A EOD week 8-15

    Keep in mind that my goal is a recomp, and Tren offers it fast. I'm still newb with aas and Tren is scary, that's why I start with at a small dose. I want to reduce at maximum the side effect even at the cost of reducing some efficiency. Still, at 75mg EOD, tren will still give noticeable gain, with hopefully minimal sides. Also I was torn between var and Tren because tren offer Rapid Recomp and Var(on what I've read) help trimming the belly fat and love handle. So I didnt want to choice one over the other, and do not want to run them both(want to know which side is caused by who) so I decided to do both one after the other. I would like to get down to 7% BF or at least Single digit, with adding a minimum of 10 pounds of muscle.
    Even if tren don't shine at that kind of dose, it will still offer enough anabolic activity to counter the T3 and will still help a bit to lean out And that IMO worth the try.

    Also, this is only some Idea that pass through my mind. It's still really far away from now, I just would like to have some opinions on that cycle example.

    Does with normal level of estrogen, 75mg EOD of tren is likely to produce progestin sides??
    Which one is the best for cutting abdominal fat and love handle, Anavar or Trenbolone ???
    Anavar is very mild on the liver, but Tren(as far as I read) is liver toxic at some extent.
    I'm not worried about 8 weeks of var, but in addition with tren for that length of time. Is it likely to be damageable for the liver??
    It is true that Var can target belly fat and Love handle?? (I've read something about that months ago...)
    Any comments on my suggested blast?
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 11-17-2013 at 08:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    Some of your post does not make sense. And what does make sense proves you haven't done enough of your OWN research. Posting threads with a very involved proposed cycle and so many questions will get you some answers but the only way to know every detail is to do your OWN research, not just ask on here.

    You want to drop 12%BF? How fat are you now?

    Your highly considering TRT "these days" what is it about these days that makes you want to poke needles in you for the rest of your life. Lol how old are you?

    You say your still a noob with aas and tren is scary then why are you taking it? potentially with anavar ?

    That propposed cycle for someone like you sounds more like a recipe for disaster.

    Also you sound like a teenager in the way that you want to utilise so many drugs to a body recomp when your deffinately not competeing with bodyfat that high.

    Put the needles down an go buy a book on nutrition.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No steroid targets fat.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  4. #4
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    No steroid targets fat.
    Agreed but they increase lipolysis , and tren inhibite he lypogenesis, while rushing the protein and carbs into the muscle making it the perfect steroid for fat loss.

    plus both increase the vascularity, therefore the blood flow.
    in the abdominal area the blood flow is slower because their is more of the receptor alpha 2(if I remember correctly) contributing to vasoconstriction, making it harder to lose fat.

    Genetic also plays a big role in the fat repartition but insulin and nutrition also affect the way we stock fat.
    Like said above I was very fat(over 40% bf) when I was younger and I was aiming directly toward a type 2 diabetes. Like said above I have issue with blood sugar. therefore im trying Intermittent fasting and chromium/vanadyl sulfate/cinammon to try to regain some insuline sensitivity.
    And yohimbine(who is a alpha 2 antagonist, reducing the vasoconstriction, therefor increasing the bloodflow, and the fatloss at these particular area because they are rich in alpha receptor)

    No aas target fat loss but they increase lypolisys and have an effect on the bloodflow and can affect the fat loss at certain area.
    That's why I believe targeting fat loss and my research tend towards that.
    I don't know at which extent the target fat loss is possible But I certainly believe it can.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
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    ^ no.. You can analyze the living heck out of it, you won't target fat, ever. Not with a steroid .

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot View Post
    Some of your post does not make sense. And what does make sense proves you haven't done enough of your OWN research. Posting threads with a very involved proposed cycle and so many questions will get you some answers but the only way to know every detail is to do your OWN research, not just ask on here.

    You want to drop 12%BF? How fat are you now?

    Your highly considering TRT "these days" what is it about these days that makes you want to poke needles in you for the rest of your life. Lol how old are you?

    You say your still a noob with aas and tren is scary then why are you taking it? potentially with anavar ?

    That propposed cycle for someone like you sounds more like a recipe for disaster.

    Also you sound like a teenager in the way that you want to utilise so many drugs to a body recomp when your deffinately not competeing with bodyfat that high.

    Put the needles down an go buy a book on nutrition.
    I'm not scared of TRT at all... I had low test(prior any steroid use ) and would rather "poke a needle for the rest of my life" than going back... and it seems like im going to ,despite my attemp to counter it.
    Have you ever stuggle with low test and tring to gain muscle and loss fat while having 370pmol/L of test free???
    I assure you thats not easy, and in addition with an average genetic its hard as ****. I did a pretty good job during the years to have the physic I have. That most healthy man who workout, find there is nothing to brag about. But im proud of what achieve with low test. But im also hurt to see that my effort arent representative of my result...

    The way I see TRT is not a health problem that will fvck me for the rest of my life, I see it like a way to feel good and truly see the result I deserve.

    I dont think you can say that much.
    My use is not justified by wanting bigger biceps(not that im against that, bigger biceps are nice XD), I do that to have what I deserve.

    You say I have to do my own research.
    I clearly researched and you didnt cause you havent seen it.
    How can you tell that im wrong, when you show nothing of your knowledge and know nothing about mine?
    I oriented my life toward lifting, many years ago. Its not just a hobby, its what Im doing for my living and what I dream of every ****ing night.

    Next time if you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything.

  7. #7
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    ^ no.. You can analyze the living heck out of it, you won't target fat, ever. Not with a steroid.
    I guess ill see, Like I said I believe its true and except if you show me the studies showing that it is impossible.
    I will keep doubting.

    I have to try it to know for sure.
    If it truly dont work, so be it...
    It wont be because I didnt try.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
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    Keep doubting all you want. 18 years of experience tells me it doesn't work. Maybe I just haven't given it a chance, I'll wait another 10 years and see.

    But good luck

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
    buddy13 is offline New Member
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    On my first ever test prop cycle I kept the EXACT same diet I was using before I started...

    I went down 2 pounds while ADDING some muscle as my body composition definitely improved. Increased muscle/decreased fat. I could also handle high intensity cardio better. The OP has a point. All things being equal AAS helps towards achieving a better body composition. No 2 ways about it...

  10. #10
    ickythump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddy13 View Post
    On my first ever test prop cycle I kept the EXACT same diet I was using before I started...

    I went down 2 pounds while ADDING some muscle as my body composition definitely improved. Increased muscle/decreased fat. I could also handle high intensity cardio better. The OP has a point. All things being equal AAS helps towards achieving a better body composition. No 2 ways about it...
    Yea and everything disappeared after you stopped... no two ways about it

  11. #11
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickythump View Post

    Yea and everything disappeared after you stopped... no two ways about it
    Thats the reason why cycling is not optimal...

    Blast and cruise is the most efficient way... not the prefered method due to obvious reason though...

    If training and diet is on point(and if the recovery is present) then gain should be keepable.
    If not somehing is wrong.

  12. #12
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    I didn't make that post to argue with you but your trying to instigage that by saying i offered nothing constructive, so here goes. How is what i said not constructive?

    i pointed out crucial flaws with your recomp plan.

    I asked you important questions relating to the information you posted.

    I also pointed out that you need to learn more about nutrition.

    Your response iritates the shit out of me it sounds idiotic and barely makes sense.

    Just because you dont like the answers given doesn't mean you have to be definsive, it actually means you should listen when you are offered help instead of being argumentitive.
    ickythump likes this.

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