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Thread: 10ml of deca and 10 ml of sus 250

  1. #1

    10ml of deca and 10 ml of sus 250

    how much for first time use per week pls any information will help at least 27 78 kilos hardly any body fat quick tips for injecting how many mls a week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by buffaussie
    how much for first time use per week pls any information will help at least 27 78 kilos hardly any body fat quick tips for injecting how many mls a week
    First of all do some research on steroids , Ai, hcg and pct

    Second read the stickies on here

    3rd list your Stats Age Weight Height Body fat Years training Goals

    4th put together a proposed cycle!!
    Last edited by itsjayman02; 11-19-2013 at 02:40 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Put it in an incense burner and inhale the fumes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Monbrow89
    Put it in an incense burner and inhale the fumes.
    We all start somewhere mate give the op
    some slack!!

    Hopefully he will realise how far away he is from cycling safely

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by buffaussie View Post
    how much for first time use per week pls any information will help at least 27 78 kilos hardly any body fat quick tips for injecting how many mls a week
    bro do more research as you don't have enough of anything to do a proper should have just bought 2 vials of test that would have been a better choice rather than deciding to "stack"...if you go through with using this little of anything you will be quite disappointed with your results and most likely shut yourself down for very little if any must have had a plan for this so lets see it....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjayman02

    We all start somewhere mate give the op
    some slack!!

    Hopefully he will realise how far away he is from cycling safely
    Yeah I suppose lol. I'm only on my first cycle though and I managed to realise I needed to research the stuff before buying and compounds!

    Anyway OP, drop the deca, get more sust (I'd have gone for enanthate or cypionate personally) and research test only stacks, AI, HCG and PCT BEFORE even thinking about taking anything.

    Or you could do what people tend to do when they don't like advice, take whatever at the doses they decide are best then come back crying when things go wrong and they have the test levels of a 90 year old woman!

  7. #7
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Monbrow89 View Post
    Yeah I suppose lol. I'm only on my first cycle though and I managed to realise I needed to research the stuff before buying and compounds!

    Anyway OP, drop the deca, get more sust (I'd have gone for enanthate or cypionate personally) and research test only stacks, AI, HCG and PCT BEFORE even thinking about taking anything.

    Or you could do what people tend to do when they don't like advice, take whatever at the doses they decide are best then come back crying when things go wrong and they have the test levels of a 90 year old woman!
    And you think this post is constructive???

  8. #8
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    And you think this post is constructive???
    Yeah the middle paragraph is...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monbrow89 View Post
    Yeah the middle paragraph is...
    And the rest of it? Seriously if you are gonna write the rest of the shit, don't bother. He is here for help.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black

    And the rest of it? Seriously if you are gonna write the rest of the shit, don't bother. He is here for help.
    To be fair I was outlining what can happen when things go wrong....

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monbrow89 View Post
    Yeah I suppose lol. I'm only on my first cycle though and I managed to realise I needed to research the stuff before buying and compounds!

    Anyway OP, drop the deca, get more sust (I'd have gone for enanthate or cypionate personally) and research test only stacks, AI, HCG and PCT BEFORE even thinking about taking anything.

    Or you could do what people tend to do when they don't like advice, take whatever at the doses they decide are best then come back crying when things go wrong and they have the test levels of a 90 year old woman!
    This coming from a new guy with 57 posts and no clue. Please refrain from commenting unless you have something positive to add to the conversation.

  12. #12
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld

    This coming from a new guy with 57 posts and no clue. Please refrain from commenting unless you have something positive to add to the conversation.
    I didn't claim to know everything. But a quick search of the forums shows that deca is unsuitable for a first cycle, there are plenty of threads stating protocol, what compounds to use and the roles they play and how to execute a good cycle.

    I may have only just signed up but I've been lurking a while and one thing I have noticed, I post a comment like my previous post with a slight sarcastic tone and I get flamed, a vet or older member posts exactly the same post and people agree... I'm not here to cause offence or make enemies and I appreciate the value of knowledge that older more experienced members have but it is kinda hypocritical.

  13. #13
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    I'm gonna answer here.

    In the other thread the OP, after receiving advice, posts again and says 'I know I'm young'. At no point does he say he will reconsider his cycle. I've been here a long time and seen those type of guys before. It's safe to assume that as he is saying he knows he is young, that he is going to run his cycle anyway so that is what I said, then typed that I hoped not.

    Here, the OP hasn't been back, yet you make your final paragraph sound like he is likely to go off and do his thing anyway. That after your first comment on this thread. You are also telling him to get more test to run despite the fact we only have half his stats.

    Personally I feel there is a difference.

    I know you say you have frequented these boards before you first posted and I hope you continue to build your knowledge using this site. Sometimes it's just worth waiting a while longer to see exactly how we operate before starting to alienate, our important, new members.

    Carry on

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    I'm gonna answer here.

    In the other thread the OP, after receiving advice, posts again and says 'I know I'm young'. At no point does he say he will reconsider his cycle. I've been here a long time and seen those type of guys before. It's safe to assume that as he is saying he knows he is young, that he is going to run his cycle anyway so that is what I said, then typed that I hoped not.

    Here, the OP hasn't been back, yet you make your final paragraph sound like he is likely to go off and do his thing anyway. That after your first comment on this thread. You are also telling him to get more test to run despite the fact we only have half his stats.

    Personally I feel there is a difference.

    I know you say you have frequented these boards before you first posted and I hope you continue to build your knowledge using this site. Sometimes it's just worth waiting a while longer to see exactly how we operate before starting to alienate, our important, new members.

    Carry on
    Should have just put checkmate instead of carry on lol. Point seen and noted

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