Hi i have been cycling steroids for 5 years usually 12 weeks on 16 weeks off protocol. Although i have taken much longer periods off before the longest about 8 months off.
Anyway, i have slowly been losing my hair as in receding and thinning on the top, i do not know if this is steroid related or not. My uncle is the only member of my family that is partially bald (mothers side). This is not good for me as i get work fitness modelling. I can maintain my physique naturally but i enjoy steroids far too much to give them up!! (we all know that feeling!!)
So basically where do i go from here?? options that i know of would be to avoid test and run things like equipoise anavar turinabol deca etc but i would fear libido/well being issues?? On the other hand i could run test only cycles with tbol or anavar and use dutasteride/finasteride to inhibit dht conversion??
Any advice and input would be much appreciated guys!!!