Hey everyone,
I saw a few threads talking about taking prolactin inhibitors. My question was.. WHY THE HECK ARE PEOPLE TAKING IT?!
I get that prolactin inhibits GnRH.. so inhibition of prolactin would cause uninhibited production of GnRH and increased GnRH will cause increased synthesis of LH and FSH (giving you more testosterone cause of increased LH).
LH will give you more test
FSH will give you more Andrgen-binding protein and Inhibin.
If there is too much production of test.. Inhibin will go back to your anterior pituitary and tell it to shut down the production of test! so what's the point of taking prolactin inhibitors? body never allow itself to naturally over produce something unless there's a functional tumor or something.
And another thing... Decreasing prolactin will decrease dopamine!! you need dopamine for a lot of things! Why are people ****ing around with this system at a young age? They're asking for neurological problems.. from the top of head parkinsons and depression.
Why aren't people just sticking to anabolic steroids like the good old days? or am I missing something? As a doctor I always tell my patients to stay clear of any medication that messes with neurotransmitters in your brain. Because once you start messing with it, it's VERY hard to get it back to normal.. if possible. Those meds are strictly for people with sever psychological illness or certain brain tumors.