I am finishing up my offseason cycle.
It was prop .75 mg ed prop wk 1-12
tren ace .50mg ed wk 1-10
arimidex ed wk 1-12
hcg 500 iu wk 1-12 twice a week
pct was clomid/ aromasin
Got great results sitting at 190 at about 10 percent bf
got about 4 months off where i am continuing my lean mass build then I am doing a contest prep cycle 12 weeks before the show
Contest prep cycle are new to me and I have never done one this is what I have gathered on info again this is new to me so if anyone needs to tweak stop times that would be great. This cycle will start Apr 19th. Pct will begin after show
I am going to run the same prop tren protocol
wk1-11 .75mg ed quit 1 week before show
wk1-12 tren .50 mg ed ran straight through show
wk 1-12 mast 50 mg ed ran straight through the show
wk 6-12 winny oral 50mg ed straight through the show
arimidex ed through the show
I wont be running hcg through this cycle for water reasons i will incorporate hcg into pct which bring me to the question what would be a good protocol for hcg during pct since i have never ran in pct. I will also have clomid wk1-4 50mg
aromasin wk1-2 25mg wk 3-4 12.5mg. Again please critique if needed