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I kickstarted with prop and tren a, tren e and test e
I stopped prop and ace for about 4 days because of bad pip.(from the prop)which I did not know was attributed to the prop and assumed it was from both.
I did not know it was the prop and assumed it was both tren a and prop. for 4 days I took nothing.(except the long ester that have not kicked in yet) I was on prop and tren a for about 2 weeks and 4 days. I went on tren a again after a 4 day hiatus of both. But during that hiatus I was still on test e and tren e. I was barley getting the effects of the tren a and test prop when I went off. I started to feel like each rep was actually benefiting me much more greatly while working out. After the quick hiatus I feel as though I am starting all over again because I lost the rep efficiency feeling. I have only been on test e for 3 weeks and tren e for 2 weeks so they still have a while to kick in.
My question is, Is what I am feeling correct. Did that 4 day hiatus(of the short esters that were barely kicking in when I dropped them) essentially make me start all over again to feel the effect of tren a?