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Thread: start over?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    start over?

    okay I took a 4 days break from ED injecting off test prop and tren ace. Because the pip was so bad.

    Anyways. since the time off period I completely stopped test prop and continued tren ace. Did I crash my blood levels essentially starting over again. I was just starting to get gains. And starting to "feel it" in the gym.

    I don't "feel it" really anymore. Maybe very slightly more pronounced pumps. But the rep efficiency I was feeling is gone. And the small gains I got kinda left too.

    I am also on my 3rd week of test e at 500mg a week. and week 2 of 400mg tren e.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    What? It's hard to understand what you're talking about.

    So you stopped test prop because of the pip but kept taking your tren a? And during this you were also on test/tren e? I'm really confused bro you're all over the place lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I too am curious but confused...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I too am curious but confused...
    I think op may be confused himself at this point.

    Only way I see it is he used prop and tren a to jumstart till the e's kicked in????
    Prop and tren a and test e and tren e.
    He dropped prop but kept tren a and e and test e. Is that right????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I think op may be confused himself at this point.

    Only way I see it is he used prop and tren a to jumstart till the e's kicked in????
    Prop and tren a and test e and tren e.
    He dropped prop but kept tren a and e and test e. Is that right????
    now I am more confused!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I kickstarted with prop and tren a, tren e and test e

    I stopped prop and ace for about 4 days because of bad pip.(from the prop)which I did not know was attributed to the prop and assumed it was from both.

    I did not know it was the prop and assumed it was both tren a and prop. for 4 days I took nothing.(except the long ester that have not kicked in yet) I was on prop and tren a for about 2 weeks and 4 days. I went on tren a again after a 4 day hiatus of both. But during that hiatus I was still on test e and tren e. I was barley getting the effects of the tren a and test prop when I went off. I started to feel like each rep was actually benefiting me much more greatly while working out. After the quick hiatus I feel as though I am starting all over again because I lost the rep efficiency feeling. I have only been on test e for 3 weeks and tren e for 2 weeks so they still have a while to kick in.

    My question is, Is what I am feeling correct. Did that 4 day hiatus(of the short esters that were barely kicking in when I dropped them) essentially make me start all over again to feel the effect of tren a?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I think op may be confused himself at this point.

    Only way I see it is he used prop and tren a to jumstart till the e's kicked in????
    Prop and tren a and test e and tren e.
    He dropped prop but kept tren a and e and test e. Is that right????
    I think so, but why not drop the tren a too wasn't that the point running the short esters till the long ones kick in....op where are you?...was there a question that I missed?...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by lifting214 View Post
    I kickstarted with prop and tren a, tren e and test e

    I stopped prop and ace for about 4 days because of bad pip.(from the prop)which I did not know was attributed to the prop and assumed it was from both.

    I did not know it was the prop and assumed it was both tren a and prop. for 4 days I took nothing.(except the long ester that have not kicked in yet) I was on prop and tren a for about 2 weeks and 4 days. I went on tren a again after a 4 day hiatus of both. But during that hiatus I was still on test e and tren e. I was barley getting the effects of the tren a and test prop when I went off. I started to feel like each rep was actually benefiting me much more greatly while working out. After the quick hiatus I feel as though I am starting all over again because I lost the rep efficiency feeling. I have only been on test e for 3 weeks and tren e for 2 weeks so they still have a while to kick in.

    My question is, Is what I am feeling correct. Did that 4 day hiatus(of the short esters that were barely kicking in when I dropped them) essentially make me start all over again to feel the effect of tren a?
    ok got it...yea theres no reason to start the short esters again but you can if you want too...personaly id just wait for the long esters to kick in since the short esters are causing you discomfort...

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