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Thread: What should i take??

  1. #1

    What should i take??

    I am currently 26 years old, 165 lbs, and 19% body fat. I've been training for about 2 years but i cannot put on size. I take weight gainers and have a pretty clean diet. Some people have recommended taking test 250 but i don't know much about it. This would be my first cycle and am just wondering what should i take? My goal is to be 185 lbs and cut down body fat.
    Last edited by mjc1993; 11-20-2013 at 06:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The only thing you should be doing is taking some time to map out your diet and sticking to it. If you're not gaining size, you're not eating enough calories. If you're 19% body fat, your diet really isn't that great and you're setting yourself up for a whole slew of negative side effects. You are not ready for steroids. Head over to the nutrition section of the forum and start planning. Trust me when I say that you can do everything you want to do naturally, and when you decide to start your first steroid cycle then, you're going to be extremely glad you waited.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    it will be quite hard to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. how tall are you? how accurate is your bf% of 19?

    if you're truly 19%bf, i would suggest you concentrate on losing fat first. when you reach 15%, you muscles will be clearly visible. that should give you the motivation to start gaining mass.

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