What's the most dbol anyone has included in a cycle
What's the most dbol anyone has included in a cycle
I've used 100mg in the past. But Never again. For me, anything over 40mg does nothing but amplify side effects.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
100. Stopped that and dropped it to 50. Less sides, same results. I take 25 am and 25pm when its in my stack. No more than that. Occasionally I'll skip a dose on a given day. I also only run it during the first 4 weeks. Orals have their role to play but I don't like them due to being harder on the body in various ways. Jmo.
Its in my plan for the beginning of next year. I tried drol about 15y ago and lost the gains due to youth and ignorance but I remember getting very strong very fast. I didn't use ai back then and didn't do pct. HCG and nolva weren't so easy to get in the 90's. I had not heard of clomiphene back then. Not sure if it existed lol.
Anyways, short story long, I did a lot of reading this year and decided to give drol another go now that I know what I'm doing. The horror stories about it causing tumors in mice failed to convey those studies were done with dosages ~1000x what we would use for muscle gains.
NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studi - PubMed Mobile
mice were administered 0, 160, 320, 630, 1,250, or 2,500 mg/kged 0, 160, 320, 630, 1,250, or 2,500 mg/kg in 0.5% methylcellulose by gavage for 14 weeks.
Also it cites 150mg/kg for 18 months. All survived. In me, that would be about 15500mg daily. Lol. Christ. I think I'm safe at 150 for 4 weeks.
50mg has been my max.
I use NAC and Essential Forte N as my liver support.
Nac and higher than usual vitamin c. I'm not going to run it until my enzymes come back to normal. I ran a very heavy cycle from july through the end of sept. I'm not pushing drol or dbol. I only use them as kickers since I use long esters. I don't like orals. Never.have.
MI, Essential Forte N. I'm going to check that out. Thanks. Not heard of it.
A little harder to find but effective. There is a bit of published literature in pubmed as I recall as well.Originally Posted by Java Man
Nac nac nac.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
I'm going to suggest you take that pic day it tells all the cops on here way too much info about you
Jesus man take down that picture.Originally Posted by stevenburch50
This is some funny shit. Way to go OP. I'm coming over btw now that I know where you live. Just give me the dbol to test it out for ya.
I reported that pic. Hopefully someone will remove it. That may not even belong to the poster. Maybe he's trying to get someone busted. Doesn't matter. Its dangerous and not good for this forum either.
it's still up quite a bit later hope it goes down
They'll get it.
What a tool. Who does that
50mg pre workout.
Seems to me you would at least have got the anadrol 'bloat'. There are a lot of fakes out there. I suppose it is possible your body didn't respond, I just think its unlikely. 50 /day is pretty light. I run 50mg every 8 hours when I run it. It depends on body weight too. IMO 50mg per day isn't enough to really stimulate growth for someone over 200lbs who is lean enough to be running aas.
I'm not suggesting that for you or anyone else. Just saying that's what I do. I've seen people do ok with 50 and I've known people who pop 2 every couple of hours. IMO that's just unnecessary and puts undue stress on organs but they were far more developed than me at the time so who was I to argue. Pretty much what I was told if I said that back then lol. 'shut up bones'.
Depends on history, level, etc. I've done my experimentation and 50mg per 8 hours gives me the best results. As always, the lowest dose that gives the greatest results/sides ratio should be used. I don't run orals longer than 6 weeks though and usually 4. Just long enough to allow the test to kick in fully.
Hey new here, are these products worth it?
Hey I was wondering if the products from buysteroids.com are good? Like Deca & D-Bol
Serial killers occasionally post details of their deeds online or taunt LE with hints.
I'm wondering now, the pic in itself is not incriminating. It shows a ziplock bag with unmarked, pills in it next to a mailer pack with a shipping label on it. The poster of that picture, stevenburch50 , claims the pills are drol and he got them in the mail from that mailer pack. We don't know of any of them have anything to do with one another or what those pills actually are. They look like iron pills to me lol. I've never seen any aas that looks even remotely like the pills in that picture.
I'm more concerned about the negative publicity that picture on this domain in that post could bring to search engines down the road. That, and the person who's name and address show on it probably wouldn't appreciate it. Its not the stevenburch50.
There's only 58 pills shown. Who sells anything in lots of 58?
Last edited by Java Man; 11-23-2013 at 10:26 PM.
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