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Thread: Tbol only first cycle (scared about hair loss)?

  1. #1

    Tbol only first cycle (scared about hair loss)?

    I am 24 years old, have been training for 5 years, 5'8", 165 lbs, ~10-11% bf. I am looking to do my first cycle. I want to stay my current bf% or even drop bf% while putting on muscle.

    Also, I am concerned about hair loss while cycling. At the age of 18 I started noticing a slight thinning of hair in my temple areas. I immediately hopped on propecia and minoxidil and my hair loss stopped and hair even grew back. I've been on those since then and my hair has been thick since then. So, I want to do a cycle that will be easy on my hair. I plan to stay on propecia and minoxidil while cycling.

    I was thinking of running tbol. Would I be able to add muscle mass while losing fat and preventing hair loss? If not, any other recommendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I would recommend eating like a horse and trying to gain the weight through proper diet. You're just 24, and at 165 probably haven't maxed out your natural potential.

    If you must cycle, use finistride. Seems to work for guys I've seen worried about the loaf.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by clarkey02 View Post
    I would recommend eating like a horse and trying to gain the weight through proper diet. You're just 24, and at 165 probably haven't maxed out your natural potential.

    If you must cycle, use finistride. Seems to work for guys I've seen worried about the loaf.
    Hmm, I don't see the point of reaching my natural limit before cycling. I don't plan on getting extremely muscular. I would be fine reaching my natural limit with a cycle and staying there. I could do this in a few months taking aas or a few years staying natural. I think at my age and with my lifting experience I'm ready to cycle.

    Also, what's your take on the tbol only cycle? Is that worth doing? I'm scared about the hairloss from running test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Also, what's your take on the tbol only cycle? Is that worth doing? I'm scared about the hairloss from running test.[/QUOTE]

    EVERY cycle should include a testosterone base. this is the basics of cycling...

    Some compounds are harder on the hair than others, yes, but I wouldnt be particularly worried about test considering you are using hairloss treatment drugs.

    Always use test. Always.

  5. #5
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    I have no experience with it but Tbol is one of the most heavily researched compounds out there. Personally, for you goals i'd say run a test cycle but if you're set on tbol read some of the studies out there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro if you are worried about hair loss leave aas alone.Beacuse if you are prone to it.And it seems you are it will speed it up.And oral cycles are not a good thing.You are stopping your natural test flow and not replacing it.You would do better with a good diet and a little more effort.Nothing is free in this world.There is a price to pay.And cycling at a young age can and will cause problems like ED,depression,no libdo to name a few.Good luck!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Bro if you are worried about hair loss leave aas alone.Beacuse if you are prone to it.And it seems you are it will speed it up.And oral cycles are not a good thing.You are stopping your natural test flow and not replacing it.You would do better with a good diet and a little more effort.Nothing is free in this world.There is a price to pay.And cycling at a young age can and will cause problems like ED,depression,no libdo to name a few.Good luck!
    What is the likelihood of that if I have good PCT?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by oceanus99 View Post
    Hmm, I don't see the point of reaching my natural limit before cycling. I don't plan on getting extremely muscular. I would be fine reaching my natural limit with a cycle and staying there.
    Hey bro, I just want to say that I can totally sympathize with what you say here, but at the same time some things come to mind:

    At your height and weight you've still got a LOT of natural growth, I'm same height and sitting at about 160 right now with probably a little higher bf, though no higher than 15% and I am continually making gains, in fact I only weighed 130ish a year ago.. I figure by summer Ill easily be 165 or greater just by staying natty.

    My point is that, with your years of lifting you should really weigh a lot more, so you're either doing something wrong with your training, your diet, you have shitty habits that inhibit your gains, or some combination of the three. Doing a cycle may make you gain a lot more weight and take you closer to your limit, but if your diet and training aren't on point you're not going to be able to maintain anything and you'll just rapidly lose what you gained. I think thats the biggest issue people here have, and if you can't get those things on track you're probably going to have a hard time with a successful cycle.

    Yeah, I'm new here, and no I haven't run a cycle and personally I don't plan to until I'm around 175, but I think you more than likely need to sort some things out before hopping on roids. Just saying.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SirIsaacBrock View Post
    Hey bro, I just want to say that I can totally sympathize with what you say here, but at the same time some things come to mind:

    At your height and weight you've still got a LOT of natural growth, I'm same height and sitting at about 160 right now with probably a little higher bf, though no higher than 15% and I am continually making gains, in fact I only weighed 130ish a year ago.. I figure by summer Ill easily be 165 or greater just by staying natty.

    My point is that, with your years of lifting you should really weigh a lot more, so you're either doing something wrong with your training, your diet, you have shitty habits that inhibit your gains, or some combination of the three. Doing a cycle may make you gain a lot more weight and take you closer to your limit, but if your diet and training aren't on point you're not going to be able to maintain anything and you'll just rapidly lose what you gained. I think thats the biggest issue people here have, and if you can't get those things on track you're probably going to have a hard time with a successful cycle.

    Yeah, I'm new here, and no I haven't run a cycle and personally I don't plan to until I'm around 175, but I think you more than likely need to sort some things out before hopping on roids. Just saying.

    Well for the first 3 years of my lifting I didn't know the fact that I needed to progress the weight in the gym in order to make gains. I made some noob gains my first year then spun my wheels for the next 2 years. These past 2 years I've done two bulking cycles and two cutting cycles and have put on a solid 18-22 pounds of lean muscle. I have done a lot of research and feel that I know what I'm doing at this point. I understand the principles of progressive overload and track all my macros every day, 365 days a year and stay in a 300 calorie surplus when bulking. Training wise I hit each muscle twice a week and keep the reps 5-8 to maximize strength and hypertrophy. I agree I could probably put on maybe 10-12 more pounds of muscle if I just bulked for another 1.5 years. I honestly just hate the extra bf % that I have to live with during the bulk though. Kills my confidence.

    I feel like I've learned what I need to know diet/training wise at this point. The ability to get those gains in a couple months seems so much more practical..

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hair, muscle,hair muscle, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Decisions! Would you like to trade problems?

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Hair, muscle,hair muscle, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Decisions! Would you like to trade problems?
    Shave your head. Problem solved!!!

  12. #12
    Bald is sexy, don't ya know!?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Going bald is not a good thing for me. I guess when I shave it off, I won't care.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    No hair loss here with TBOL [& Proviron], short hair works well for the other fellow meatheads at the gym, that and wearing a beanie.

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