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Thread: thoughts on my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    thoughts on my cycle

    Im 19 will be 20 before I run the cycle ( may 2014) attached is my plan already bought the supplies
    185 lbs 15% bf estimate, plan to cut down to 165 8% by may
    goal is just to be shredded with as much mass as possible. I think **** had great physique

    full body everyday and cardio 30 mins low intensity EOD

    previously have run a couple PH's may and aug of this year. been watching my bloodwork cholesterol and liver enzymes were high but I'm managing them and they should be well within normal by may 2014. I also plan to take a liver support
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	maycycleschedule.JPG 
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  2. #2

    20 years old + 15% bf doesn't sound good ,

    also- care to elaborate on what exactly is your routine? Full body everyday...? w0t

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    ^^^^^ full body everyday??? And you'll rest when??
    Oooooh the exuberance of the young!
    (I'm jealous really).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    prop and winny, can you say PIP..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    1. Youre too young.
    2. Youre too fat.
    3. Your plan sucks and shows a serious lack of knowledge and research.
    4. You weren't even smart enough to lie about your age before asking this.
    5. No mention of AI or dietary aspect. Shows you think steroids are something they are not. See #3.
    6. You took pro hormones. They are garbage and harder on your body than actual working aas. See #3.

    Come back in 5 or 6 years. See #3.

  6. #6
    To be fair he did mention an AI.. but at 25mg a day (assuming aromasin) hes destined to crash his E I would assume?

    and what sarm would you take 100mg of a day? max Ive seen of osta is 50mg, and 50mg of S4 tends to bring about severe eye side effects.. and neither would be good to dose in pct due to their supposed suppression.. at least nowhere near that high.
    Last edited by SirIsaacBrock; 11-24-2013 at 04:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    I didn't scroll that far over so didn't see that. Doesn't matter. Nobody on this forum is going to advise a 20 year old kid to do anything but wait. None of my points are negated by it since that particular number was a 2 part point.

    25mg daily is actually the standard dose for Aromasin. I get good results from half that much every other day though so it's a variable. I doubt anybody would crash on that dosage.

    I don't have any opinion on sarms for pct. Not qualified. MI knows a lot about that subject.
    Last edited by Java Man; 11-24-2013 at 05:19 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    What is your height?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I am 5' 8''
    other stats
    bench: 285x1 max
    squat: 250x5
    deadlift 225x5
    ^yeah I know ratio is messed up, didn't lift legs for the entire first year I started lifting
    I didn't lie about my age because I wanted to be honest with you all and get helpful feedback not feedback that pertains to someone else I described.

    Working on posting my fullbody routine and diet next, as well as update for cycle I realize I cut off part with my plan for use of HCG

    Yes, I have done a fullbody rotine for the past 13 months and only missed 9 days in that time period due to traveling, no access to a gym, did do bodyweight exercises but I don't really think that counts. So motivation is not a problem for me.

    I appreciate the responses.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Updated attachment of cycle with planned HCG use

    workout routine

    diet attaced is to cut, on cycle will be same diet but at 3200 kcal same food sources though
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	workoutroutine.JPG 
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ID:	146340   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cuttingdiet.JPG 
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Size:	31.6 KB 
ID:	146341   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	maycyclescheduleupdate.JPG 
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ID:	146342  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    [QUOTE=Java Man;6741078]No.
    1. Youre too young.
    2. Youre too fat.
    3. Your plan sucks and shows a serious lack of knowledge and research.
    4. You weren't even smart enough to lie about your age before asking this.
    5. No mention of AI or dietary aspect. Shows you think steroids are something they are not. See #3.

    in response to
    2. I plan to cut to 8% before the cycle, gave myself adequate time I'm assuming you didn't read that my cycle will be taking place 5 months from now
    3. Why don't you indicate what aspects of my plan suck so I can change them
    5. I attached an update addressing these issues

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I planned on using osta as sarm. took 100mg last time, did have some sides, read up and yes looks like I was incorrect in my usage. I will either not use a sarm or osta at a lower dosage??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    I didn't scroll that far over so didn't see that. Doesn't matter. Nobody on this forum is going to advise a 20 year old kid to do anything but wait. None of my points are negated by it since that particular number was a 2 part point.

    25mg daily is actually the standard dose for Aromasin. I get good results from half that much every other day though so it's a variable. I doubt anybody would crash on that dosage.

    I don't have any opinion on sarms for pct. Not qualified. MI knows a lot about that subject.
    Agreed on Aromasin. I know a few people running 50mg/day, although I wouldn't recommend that for everyone. Case x case assessment.

    SARMs isn't the best choice for PCT - not the worst thing but I've only endorsed it for a few based on the research I've done in clinic. Would rather see people follow normal PCT guidelines.

  14. #14
    Sorry but that's a horrible workout routine

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Diet is ok, but no where close to great. Main downfall is your lifting plan, fix that before you even think off aas and run it for at least 6 months. Dead lifts everyday?? it takes the lower back approx. 100 hrs to recover. Since you like doing so much everyday look into a 5 day split. It's almost over training but you've obviously been way past that.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I understand there is diminishing returns to working out everyday like I do, but I have been under the impression that a day at the gym is always going to put you farther ahead than a day off. I'll definitely look into a 5 day split. Also I plan to keep the routine outlined but maybe only do deadlifts and Squats EOD. I will also try to incorporate other exercizes like weighted dips to rotate in with bench so I would only have to bench EOD as well. I would still like to hit all the muscles 6 times a week though.

    Also Big V, what exactly about my workout routine is horrible. I came here for advice/knowledge, maybe you could give me guidance instead of just indicating I'm wrong. If you don't suggest what is right how do you expect improvement I could just go on doing other things equally wrong.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Update I plan to eliminate SARM entirely from my pct, going to just use, HCG, clomid, and nolva as well as AI as planned. However I notice some of you suggested the AI plan I indicated didn't look right. I thought it would ensure I have low levels of estrogen during cycle because I am afraid of gyno, and during pct clomid and nolva will keep estrogen low as well. Would you suggest revising my planned use of an AI, and if so how? Thanks, I really apprecitate the responses

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    it's hard to tell without seeing exactly what your training routine consists of, but if you're working each muscle group each day, its likely that you're not allowing the appropriate repair time for your muscle groups. Also, by working each group ed and not allowing adequate rest time, it is very likely that you're not maximizing the needed intensity and/or fostering enough muscle breakdown to stimulate new muscle for growth.

    Look into a split.. something like this.. keep in mind rest is important.

    Day 1: Back/tris
    Day 2: Legs/abs
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Shoulders
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Chest/bis
    Day 7: Off

    On another note, and like other members have already alluded to, you are putting yourself at tremendous risk by administering aas at your age. I recommend you steer clear for another 4 years minimum, and engage in a clean diet and intense training regimine in an effort to maximize your natural potential while you still have time to do so.

    Good luck

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    While I can respect that you didn't want to lie and I commend you for staying cool headed even though I was a dickhead, youre too young with not enough natural training under your belt.

    My advice is wait and make a decision after you've matured fully. I'm talking physically btw. Mentally, you seem like you've got that covered.

    That said, Every aspect of a first cycle is covered on this forum already. I'm not going to help you make the choice to run aas at 20. Your answers already exist.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Additional advice: drop the prohormones. They are trash.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Are the prohormones 'trash' just because they are hard on the liver, or are you saying it won't benefit me on the cycle at all? ( I won't gain muscle from them)
    I had successful use with this compound the last time I used it gained 15lbs lean mass and kept it, (20 then dropped 5)

    I have heard of people using dbol in a cycle similar to the one I outlined(instead of dmz/msten). However, I thought this would be a good choice because dmz/msten don't promote as much water retention as dbol.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Just remember man, you don't grow in the gym. You grow when you eat and sleep. You could probably gain 40-50% more muscle with more recovery time. If you plan to keep your current plan up, I would suggest 8+ hrs. of sleep with a 1-2 hr. nap and perfect nutrition, however its still a little much imo.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You have a lot to learn.I suggest you read our stickys.There is a ton of info there.Also read the young and steroids thread.You have too much at stake to start cycling now.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    By the sounds of your posts, it seems you have already made up your mind to do this cycle.

    Maybe Java was wrong about your mental matureness.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by mf33
    Also Big V, what exactly about my workout routine is horrible. I came here for advice/knowledge, maybe you could give me guidance instead of just indicating I'm wrong. If you don't suggest what is right how do you expect improvement I could just go on doing other things equally wrong.
    Fair enough, it's just that you are here talking about starting a cycle when you haven't gotten the basics right yet, you can't do the same compounds day after day .. I suggest you read some stickies around the forums and do some research on splits
    Good luck

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Ok, well assuming I get my workout routine in check, which I should be able to do over the next 5 months. (already begun researching splits) going to start incorporating some changes early as next week (rest days) haven't figured out optimal routine for workout days/ exercises yet but am working on it. Saying this gets resolved by that time what are your thoughts on the drurg aspects of my cycle, is PCT in check? I have decided to completely remove SAR,M from my P,CT plan as it seems it is not going to benefit me, and in fact could be harmful if used as I earlier proposed. X-rays when I had a hairline fracture in my foot show fused growth plates and I have been 5' 8'' for the past year and a half so I am not going to grow any more.

    I am aware I am still young but I have already taken PH's and made the decision to use drurgs. I don't really think waiting a few years will change anything. If used as I hope to use them they will help me achieve a goal sooner, and have a more productive/successfull/fulfilling year as seen through my own eyes. At the end of the day what matters is I'm chasing my dreams and doing absolutely everything I can. Given the fact I now have access to the cycle outlined above, I feel if I don't do it, then I am not really doing everything in my power to grow/ change in ways that I want to, and shape/direct the path of my life in a direction that I want, where there is the most net pleasure and rewards.

    typed drurgs cause filter for new members wouldn't let me post the actual word

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    bump for nymore advice

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