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  1. #1
    supastar90 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Not responding the way I should be?

    Hey everyone,

    Would like some input regarding my current situation -

    Currently cutting from 86kg at around 20% - I know its high, dreamer bulk retard.

    Current stack is

    400mg test e p/w
    100mg var e/d
    0.25mg adex e2d
    75ug T3 e/d

    All gear is legit and from reputable labs.

    Currently on my 5th or 6th week of the cycle.

    Im eating 1750cals per day- consisting of 180g pro, 50g fat and rest carbs (between 120-130). I reefed once a fortnight. Cardio 5 days per week (3 x HIIT sessions and 2 x MISS)

    Im stumped as to why the scales don't change? My weight will always fluctuate between 86kg and 89kg.

    I feel as though I am leaning out slightly - but its happening extremely slowly. I would have expected faster results considering my current regimen. I honestly feel as though I would have been better of not taking anything and cutting naturally??

    Is there something Im missing here or perhaps need to restructure?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

  2. #2
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Are you also lifting weights or just doing cardio?

  3. #3
    supastar90 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    I figured that was a given but yes I am.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by supastar90 View Post
    Hey everyone,

    Would like some input regarding my current situation -

    Currently cutting from 86kg at around 20% - I know its high, dreamer bulk retard.

    Current stack is

    400mg test e p/w
    100mg var e/d
    0.25mg adex e2d
    75ug T3 e/d

    All gear is legit and from reputable labs.

    Currently on my 5th or 6th week of the cycle.

    Im eating 1750cals per day- consisting of 180g pro, 50g fat and rest carbs (between 120-130). I reefed once a fortnight. Cardio 5 days per week (3 x HIIT sessions and 2 x MISS)

    Im stumped as to why the scales don't change? My weight will always fluctuate between 86kg and 89kg.

    I feel as though I am leaning out slightly - but its happening extremely slowly. I would have expected faster results considering my current regimen. I honestly feel as though I would have been better of not taking anything and cutting naturally??

    Is there something Im missing here or perhaps need to restructure?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
    Yes to "in bold."

    Remember your body fights to maintain the status quo. Give it time and it will slowly adapt.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    How old are you?

  6. #6
    supastar90 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    How old are you?
    Im 24 mate.

  7. #7
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    looking at weight alone may be slightly confusing. you might be losing fat, but gaining water and muscle. how do you look in the mirror?

    (i hope you're right about all your gear being legit. make sure you check your food scale too )

  8. #8
    supastar90 is offline New Member
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    To be honest I look pretty shit in the mirror.

    I was obese as a child, and now have these fatty areas that are flabby as f&*k (esp lower pec, stomach, inner thigh and glutes) that I just can't seem to get rid of. I can definitely grab fat there so I don't believe it to be loose skin.

    This was also part of the reason I decided to try and use AAS etc to diet down. Ive never been able to get really lean naturally so felt it time (after a couple of AAS assisted bulking cycles) to try and get shredded once and for all.

    But I seem to be stuck.. or impatient. One or the other :P

  9. #9
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    fat tissue that you've been holding for many years will be the most difficult to lose. but fat is fat, if you keep working at it, diet and cardio will eventually get them. but it may take more than one cycle, depending on your starting bf%. so don't be disheartened. if its not this cycle, it will be the next.

  10. #10
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    How tall are you mate? 190lbs at 20% after 2 cycles doesn't sound great but the you might be 5'5.

    I'm amazed the scales aren't moving at cals that low, are you sure you have measured right? Have you been eating a low amount of cals for a long time? If so, how low and for how long?

    I would immediately get your protein up to 220-230g regardless.

  11. #11
    supastar90 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    How tall are you mate? 190lbs at 20% after 2 cycles doesn't sound great but the you might be 5'5.

    I'm amazed the scales aren't moving at cals that low, are you sure you have measured right? Have you been eating a low amount of cals for a long time? If so, how low and for how long?

    I would immediately get your protein up to 220-230g regardless.
    It does sound off that Im still that small, doesn't it? I completely agree.

    I have only recently found a legit source that supplies quality/"brand name" UGL stuff. My last cycles have all been sourced from douchebags at the gym and were probably either duds or severely under dosed.

    My last two bulking cycles saw me just get really fat. I would eat and eat and eat (thinking it was the right thing to do being on gear) and I just got extremely fat each time. So then I would be spend 5 months trying to cut and would always hit a wall (like I have now) and switch back to bulking again.

    This time Ive decided no matter how long it takes me, I will not start another bulking cycle UNTIL I reach single digit bf. That way I can better track my progress and halt any fat loss before it becomes an issue. When your body is still holding fat, and you bulk, its harder to the see the flab creep on - where as starting from a shredded physique, it will be easier for me to nip it in the bud early should I start to gain weight too fast.

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