Hey guys I am on a Test and Tren cycle about 6 weeks in well I have been pinning e3d. I was supposed to pin last night well I was not able to make it home until now. Can I pin and be okay? Whats the max length before it would screw everything up?
Hey guys I am on a Test and Tren cycle about 6 weeks in well I have been pinning e3d. I was supposed to pin last night well I was not able to make it home until now. Can I pin and be okay? Whats the max length before it would screw everything up?
Last edited by armyranger516862006; 11-26-2013 at 05:42 PM.
Yes pin it and then get back on your same schedule.Originally Posted by armyranger516862006
And the length depends on the esters you are using
You are fine for sure with the long estersOriginally Posted by armyranger516862006
yes pin and get back on track.
Ok guys thanks for your input. This Tren Rocks. I will never have a future cycle without ever running it.
Mehh.Originally Posted by armyranger516862006
More of a deca guy myself
Good luck on the cycle
I would def put Deca in my 2nd place spot. I got some really good strength and mass off of it last Winter. This tren for me is another level. The dryness and vascularity is just sick, the size i am putting on is just plane crazy and strength is way up and i have 6 more weeks. What is your fav Oral? I will have to say Dianabol.
Yes. You are fine.
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