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Thread: Test and Tren Cycles -- is it legit?

  1. #1

    Test and Tren Cycles -- is it legit?

    I am currently starting my 10 week cycle on Test Prop and Tren Ace. Is this a legit compound to gain solid, lean muscle? I am finishing up the first week and i started by taking 2x500 mg's of each in the first week. Is this too much? What type of gains should I expect? I am around 196 pound and 6 feet tall. I am pretty new to this. I have not seen a nutritionist or have I really got into the scientific aspect of this. I can say that my diet has been very good and balanced. I take creatine, acg3, pride protein, wholemega, and fiber chewables along with a 3,500 calorie diet with 150-200 grams on protein a day from lean sources. My personal trainer says he swears by these compounds.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Its not the compounds you should be concerned with.

    How old are you?
    How long have you been training?
    First cycle?
    What AI and PA are you using?
    What PCT have you got?

    Without a proper diet and training routine, you wont make gains. Now you've said 3500cal a day, whats your maintenance calories? you have 600-800calories coming from protein, where is the other 2700 coming from? Sounds like you havent really planned a diet, and you're guessing.

    Your results are individual, everyone has different responses to doses and compounds. And your results vary most from your diet and training.

  3. #3
    I am 24 years old. I have been training for about a year and a half now and this is my first cycle. I am not exactly familiar with AI, PA, or PCT. I train 6 days a week. Day one consists of cardio and core workouts, day two consists of shoulders and back, day three biceps and triceps, day four legs/glutes, day five chest, day six biceps and triceps, then a day of rest and repeat. I haven't really added up my exact calories, my diet consists of 6 eggs, 2 turkey sandwiches on whole grain, salad, mixed veggies, a couple greek yogurts, two chicken breasts or fish/pork, brown rice, quinoa and a shit ton of vegetables, fruit, and nuts. I stay away from all fast foods, even restraunts. I will very rarely have red meat, maybe once a week if that. My protein comes from eggs, nuts, chicken, pork, turkey, fish, and shakes. I stick with broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions, and kale/spinach and romaine greens. And i use my juicer daily with kiwi, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, sometimes pineapple. And i never really change up my eating patterns. I keep it the same and consistent. I eat almond butter, almonds, and peanuts (no peanut butter) I also do not eat any processed foods what soever, or frozen at any point in time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    OK, well you need to make yourself aware of AI, PA and PCT very quick. Your Personal Trainer should have told you about these if he is suggesting you run a cycle. He hasnt, so I'll guess that he doesnt really know what he is doing.

    AI - Aromatase Inhibitor
    PA - Prolactin Antagonist
    PCT - Post Course Therapy

  5. #5
    Do you have any recommendations as far as this goes? Anything would be helpful so I can act upon this as quick as possible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Is your personal trainer also your dealer?

    Bodyfat %?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    UK (Nr London)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Is your personal trainer also your dealer?

    Bodyfat %?
    Hadnt even occurred to me, doh!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Hadnt even occurred to me, doh!
    I guess you're a bit rusty ey, stranger

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitness89 View Post
    Do you have any recommendations as far as this goes? Anything would be helpful so I can act upon this as quick as possible.
    most advice will be to stop and educate yourself this is all readily available information, I personally will go one step further and tell you your trainer should be dropped as he is setting you up for failure ( maybe he has all the proper steps in place, in that case he really should educate you, what if he gets hurt or worse and you're deep into a cycle without the proper meds to combat sides, there's much worse than sporting a fresh new D-cup for you to worry about...)

  10. #10
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    Mar 2012
    Welcome to the board. I agree with the above and especially the part about you trainer. He really does not have your best interest in mind by starting you like this. If you persist in moving forward please think heavily about dropping the tren and just using test for now. It is the base of all cycles and is very effective on it's own. Many ppl have some very nasty sides from tren and it's important to gauge the bodies reaction to individual compounds.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Welcome to the board. I agree with the above and especially the part about you trainer. He really does not have your best interest in mind by starting you like this. If you persist in moving forward please think heavily about dropping the tren and just using test for now. It is the base of all cycles and is very effective on it's own. Many ppl have some very nasty sides from tren and it's important to gauge the bodies reaction to individual compounds.
    ^^^ This. You are setting yourself up for failure and your "trainer" should be severely flogged for this. You are not ready for this whatsoever. Read Austinites Educational Articles Database asap before you hurt yourself. Right now you don't have what you need to run this cycle nor properly finish it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Educate your self and yes those are some great compounds when you eventually take them.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by fitness89 View Post
    I am currently starting my 10 week cycle on Test Prop and Tren Ace. Is this a legit compound to gain solid, lean muscle? I am finishing up the first week and i started by taking 2x500 mg's of each in the first week. Is this too much? What type of gains should I expect? I am around 196 pound and 6 feet tall. I am pretty new to this. I have not seen a nutritionist or have I really got into the scientific aspect of this. I can say that my diet has been very good and balanced. I take creatine, acg3, pride protein, wholemega, and fiber chewables along with a 3,500 calorie diet with 150-200 grams on protein a day from lean sources. My personal trainer says he swears by these compounds.
    Double your protein, and get it from food sources not powder.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by InsecureMeathead View Post
    Double your protein, and get it from food sources not powder.
    I like powder.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    ^^^ This. You are setting yourself up for failure and your "trainer" should be severely flogged for this. You are not ready for this whatsoever. Read Austinites Educational Articles Database asap before you hurt yourself. Right now you don't have what you need to run this cycle nor properly finish it.
    Thanks a lot for this helpful information.

    I am going to stop the cycle; about how long should I be off the test and tren before
    I get blood samples taken? Remember, I have only been on the cycle for one week.
    2x500mg's for each.

    I will do as directed : Get blood samples and find out all my levels prior to the cycle.

    Obtain LBM, BF%, and TDEE. From there find out my P/C/F and Calorie Intake.
    (Should I get V02 and RMR tests done as well?)

    Providing and planning an efficient and sufficient diet for the results listed above. ^^

    I have familiarized myself with HPTA, HCG, AI, PA, and PCT.

    I will do as advised as well, start off with a few cycles of just TEST. Is there any
    recommendations as to what TEST I should start with? Test E, A, or P?

    Also, from your perspective on someone who is experienced. What would you take for
    AI, PA, and PCT. I see that Nolva and Clomid are good PCT's.

    Thanks a lot, I know that I am new to this and I should have taken more pre-cautions
    and informed myself further on these topics. Its hard to do because I don't want people
    to really know about my steroid usage. And its not something that is really a topic of
    discussion everywhere I go. Obviously my trainer wasn't looking out for my best interest
    and was just trying to make a few bucks off the transaction. I guess I was interested
    in the results and none of the prior knowledge at first. I am a smart person so I will take
    this advice seriously and do the recommended steps before I start my cycle.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You are only one week into it so I wouldn't really worry about a PCT. Just stop and start educating yourself here. Wait until you know the ins and outs of safe cycling then consider a long ester test only cycle like E or C (no real difference).

    Many of us are here for the same reason. We cant talk about these things in the open but everyone here can usually relate and share real life experiences as well as more combined experience in diet, training and AAS use than you will find with any drug dealer/trainer.

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