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Thread: question, help needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    question, help needed

    so ive got a bottle of test e 250. i noticed crystals in it when i bought it. i warmed it and it dissolved, i shot it, worked. next shot same thing, alittle thicker with the crystals each time. 10ml bottle. its very thick 3rd shot. im guessing im not heating it enough to get the drug in the needle, or my draw needle isnt big enough, 22g needle. i cant see the latter being the problem as ive always used the same process. how hot before the test is destroyed or the bottle breaks? any feedback would be appreciated. is more oil needed in the vial? i hope this isnt the case cause i really dont want to go down that road unless i have to.

  2. #2
    I see the exact thing when I brew my own gear. When I see crystals, I warm up the vial and shake and mix well. Draw and shoot. Everything still works fine and results are still good. I believe that crystals form when the Test powder gets older. I don't have a study I can site. I bought Test powder a year ago and there were no crystals a year ago and there is crystals now. Broscience.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    no i didnt brew it. i postd this twice btw, sorry. my concern is that im gonna run out of oil in the vial without getting all the test in the oil, any ideas? thanks man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by shaunjohn242002 View Post
    no i didnt brew it. i postd this twice btw, sorry. my concern is that im gonna run out of oil in the vial without getting all the test in the oil, any ideas? thanks man
    Make sure you heat it enough to dissolve before pinning anytime it's crashed.

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