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  1. #1
    El natural is offline New Member
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    Little pink pills

    Age 31 height 6 ft weight 180 lbs body fat 15percent
    I have a good diet and have a regular exercise plan
    I take protein cycle creatin and take pre workout pills in my quest to get ripped I purchased thirty little pentagon pills with a dragon on them , dianabol . I am contemplating doing my first cycle and trying to do my home work , I understand I may need a estrogen blocker and a test booster for pct I am very new to the steroids and any advice would be appreciated

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    some little pink pills are not going to make you ripped... better off trading them for magic beans..

  3. #3
    mummra is offline New Member
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    Definitely do a bit more research there is tons of information on this site to help you along. I wouldn't do a dbol cycle for my first. Others can comment but in my opinion for first cycle 500 a week of test e to see how your body react s. For 12 -14 weeks. That's just my opinion the pros on here probably have more to input as well.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dbol results in a lot more water retention than other compounds. Not a good choice for leaning out.

    First cycle should be a single testosterone ester. You'll need an AI to limit aromatase enzyme activity. HCG during cycle and tamoxifen and clomid for your post cycle.

    What is your daily caloric intake and macro ratios?

    Continue to educate before you medicate. Dbol alone is not a wise first cycle.

  5. #5
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Magic beans? Haha!

  6. #6
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    Wow... Dbol only cycle. To get ripped?
    1. Dbol will bloat you with water weight
    2. Oral only cycle = dumb
    3. Read

    Happy thanksgiving!!

  7. #7
    El natural is offline New Member
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    I frame houses so I lead an active lifestyle I am new to the calorie counting but I intake around 1750 a day I don't eat any junk food just fish chicken and turkey with tons of vegetables snack on almonds and peanut butter. Breakfast is oatmeal or egg whites. I have a decent frame i am just lacking the definition in my chest I try to intake around 100 grams of protein a day with as few carbs and fats as possible I have been overweight before so I am not looking to bulk I excercize everyday for two hours I am cut just not big enough I take pre workout pills with protein and creatin after ....any tips to help me break through this naturally would be appreciated. Thanks

  8. #8
    Reiid13's Avatar
    Reiid13 is offline Member
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    Get educated bro , you take those lil pink beans and your going to mess up your liver , and look like a water balloon ... Read Austinites sticky about first cycles .

  9. #9
    kronz is offline Junior Member
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    Dunno man everything seems a bit out of whack. 1750 Cal/day and you wanna jump on orals. Sort your diet and training out. Crazy how many people want to put on a little size and stay lean, and think AAS is the way to do this.

    If you continue what you're doing but add in your pills, your body might change by 1%

  10. #10
    kronz is offline Junior Member
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    Do you even lift by the way? No mention of this. I'm assuming not because 100g protein is crazy low

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1750 calories!?! I've eat that much by my second or third meal of the day!!!!

  12. #12
    El natural is offline New Member
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    Yea I lift I don't have a gym membership but I got a bench with 245 lbs of weights I can do about three reps on it , I'm sure not impressive but not bad to never having any real training I have only been seriousness about the whole lifting for a bout a year and I'm seeing amazing results I went from 240 pound of beer belly to 175 in a year just by educating myself on proper diet and excercize I feel I could maintain this size fairly easy but I don't believe I am capable of achieving the results I want with protein shakes and creatin

  13. #13
    El natural is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	525 
Size:	327.4 KB 
ID:	146460

  14. #14
    El natural is offline New Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	211 
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ID:	146461

  15. #15
    El natural is offline New Member
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    I uploaded a few pics just so you can see how far I have come so far I have the work ethic down I just need the right education and proper training

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by El natural
    Yea I lift I don't have a gym membership but I got a bench with 245 lbs of weights I can do about three reps on it , I'm sure not impressive but not bad to never having any real training I have only been seriousness about the whole lifting for a bout a year and I'm seeing amazing results I went from 240 pound of beer belly to 175 in a year just by educating myself on proper diet and excercize I feel I could maintain this size fairly easy but I don't believe I am capable of achieving the results I want with protein shakes and creatin
    That's great progress, congrats!!!!

    Diet is far more important than gear. The steroids are only going to compliment not replace your nutrition. Knowing your TDEE, and how much you need to eat above or below to gain quality lean muscle or reduce body fat is far more important than what steroid , how much, and for how long.

  17. #17
    El natural is offline New Member
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    Thanks man you might have just help me avoid making a costly mistake I think I'll throw these damn things away grab a banana and go hit the pile

  18. #18
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by El natural
    Thanks man you might have just help me avoid making a costly mistake I think I'll throw these damn things away grab a banana and go hit the pile
    Our nutrition section is full of experts that can help with diet. Build yourself a good foundation and then we can help with the anabolic component.

    You've made great progress, keep it up! Proud of you man!!!

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