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  1. #1
    NEO5 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013

    Questions about tren ace test prop cycle

    I have done 2 cycles before, both consisting of simple test e. I have heard all these great things about tren so I thought why not give it a shot. I want to make this a test prop/ tren ace cycle. What can you tell me about the dosages. low test with high tren vs high test low tren? What is the typical test p tren cycle like? Also how much caber to take? Any info I need to know about tren is welcome. I am familiar with the sides and if I experience too much I will get off and stay on just test.

  2. #2
    Urfn8up's Avatar
    Urfn8up is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013
    Just finished a test prop tren ace cycle about 3 months ago post ur stats and i will answer any questions of yours i can. Im no vet but my last 2runs were test tren and i was very pleased

  3. #3
    zevy's Avatar
    zevy is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2013
    For everything you ever need to know about test prop and tren ace, plus all your questions answered without having to ask them, read this

    Atomini's all-you-need-to-know about TREN and how to use it effectively thread!

    Phenomenal amount if first hand, 'expert' advise from a very well learned source IMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I'd recommend you hold of off Test/Tren cycle until you've run at least three or four cycles. Tren will shut you down pretty hard and it takes a while for your body to get used to cycle/PCT before you do a Tren cycle. My .02

  5. #5
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I'd recommend you hold of off Test/Tren cycle until you've run at least three or four cycles. Tren will shut you down pretty hard and it takes a while for your body to get used to cycle/PCT before you do a Tren cycle. My .02
    Good advice.

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