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Thread: Anadrol.- ever heard of this side effect? Very Bizzare

  1. #1
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Anadrol.- ever heard of this side effect? Very Bizzare


    A buddy of mine just called me and said he went out to dinner last night. He said he had 3 drinks before the food arrived. He said he did not remember the food arriving, eating the food, no the conversation he had. When the check arrived, he told the server that he did not get his food!

    He thinks that the anadrol has messed with his liver enough that it affected the way the alcohol was metabolized and wonders if he should stop.

    His stats are the following:

    57 yo
    5' 11"

    2 cycles per year for the past 5 years

    Currently 2 weeks into the cycle:

    200mg Test Cyp twice per week
    100mg Tren Ace EOD
    50mg Anadrol ED for the first 2 weeks, then off.

    Does anyone think the Anadrol has anything to do with his memory loss last night at dinner?

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Simple answer from me. No.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Tell him to check his butt hole circumference...he may have been roofied
    ickythump and Java Man like this.

  4. #4
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Tell him to check his butt hole circumference...he may have been roofied
    And if he says yes, tell him I'm free for dinner next Fri

  5. #5
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Ok...thanks for the chuckle...but he is am I. Now...back to the question...

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Ok...thanks for the chuckle...but he is am I. Now...back to the question...
    Perhaps it was a self induced roofie then lol. J/K

    I highly doubt the Drol would have that type of an effect. Is he using any liver support? Any possible rec drug use? I would be more concerned about other possible health issues that may have contributed to this. High BP comes to mind. Sounds like a check up and some blood work is in order. I wouldn't want to take any risks.

  7. #7
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Perhaps it was a self induced roofie then lol. J/K

    I highly doubt the Drol would have that type of an effect. Is he using any liver support? Any possible rec drug use? I would be more concerned about other possible health issues that may have contributed to this. High BP comes to mind. Sounds like a check up and some blood work is in order. I wouldn't want to take any risks.
    Good advice. I have done extensive research and can't find a single post that comments about such an event. He did mention that he has been extremely thirsty and I am certain that correlates with the Anadrol holding water. With that being said I am wondering if the metabolism of the alcohol combined with his thirst/dehydration could have intensified the alcohol side effects.

    Since it's Thanksgiving, I told him to look for a pharmacy that is open and get his blood pressure checked. I also asked him how he feels today and he said other than a hangover headache he feels fine.

    I bet it's the dehydration effect of the anadrol

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I'm not sure that I would contribute dehydration to Drol but certainly being dehydrated and then consuming alcohol will have some adverse effects.

    You also never answered, are rec drugs a possibility?

  9. #9
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I'm not sure that I would contribute dehydration to Drol but certainly being dehydrated and then consuming alcohol will have some adverse effects.

    You also never answered, are rec drugs a possibility?
    Sorry about that...but no, he doesn't use any recreational drugs

  10. #10
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    No. Liver strain makes little difference in how drunk you get. My liver enzymes got well over 100 while on orals a few years back, but I was also drinking like a fish and responded normally to the alcohol.
    Any chance he is diabetic?
    There could be something much more sinister at play. From a dangerous medical condition, to a rapist bar tender...

  11. #11
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Maybe he mixed a supplement like phenibut with the drinks.

  12. #12
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    look up low blood pressure symptoms. I know that doesn't add up but forgetfulness is an effect of beta blockers which slows blood pressure, your mind kind of goes blank when your on em hence the low blood pressue.

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    No. Liver strain makes little difference in how drunk you get. My liver enzymes got well over 100 while on orals a few years back, but I was also drinking like a fish and responded normally to the alcohol.
    Any chance he is diabetic?
    There could be something much more sinister at play. From a dangerous medical condition, to a rapist bar tender...
    Blood sugar levels/diabetes should definitely be ruled out.

    Liver enzymes shouldn't be the issue unless he's in liver failure and there would be obvious signs of that anyway.

    Was this the first and only episode - at least that he can recall?

  14. #14
    GlockBAK8811's Avatar
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    He's 57? Dementia or Alzheimer's is my guess. Lol. Just kidding.

  15. #15
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Blood sugar levels/diabetes should definitely be ruled out. (I'll have him check w/glucose meter)

    Liver enzymes shouldn't be the issue unless he's in liver failure and there would be obvious signs of that anyway. (only 5 or 6 days in...first oral cycle)

    Was this the first and only episode - at least that he can recall?
    Yes...never experienced this before

  16. #16
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlockBAK8811 View Post
    He's 57? Dementia or Alzheimer's is my guess. Lol. Just kidding.
    no kidding here, if he's serious I'd say Alzheimer's. I knew 3 family members with Alzheimer's and they did similar things.

  17. #17
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Ya. That's got noting to do with the drol. I'm running 50mg ED now with no blackout issues. I've never heard of that being a side effect to any aas. I'd get to a doc ASAP.

  18. #18
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indymuscleguy View Post
    Ok...thanks for the chuckle...but he is am I. Now...back to the question...
    Sounds like a 3some for dinner. That said never heard of that. Is the source solid?

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