A buddy of mine just called me and said he went out to dinner last night. He said he had 3 drinks before the food arrived. He said he did not remember the food arriving, eating the food, no the conversation he had. When the check arrived, he told the server that he did not get his food!
He thinks that the anadrol has messed with his liver enough that it affected the way the alcohol was metabolized and wonders if he should stop.
His stats are the following:
57 yo
5' 11"
2 cycles per year for the past 5 years
Currently 2 weeks into the cycle:
200mg Test Cyp twice per week
100mg Tren Ace EOD
50mg Anadrol ED for the first 2 weeks, then off.
Does anyone think the Anadrol has anything to do with his memory loss last night at dinner?