so concidering tren next cycle, wanted to try a low dose see how i respond so was wondering if 300mg a week would be sufficiant enough ?
is 150mg/ml (tri tren) which id pin twice a week with test
so concidering tren next cycle, wanted to try a low dose see how i respond so was wondering if 300mg a week would be sufficiant enough ?
is 150mg/ml (tri tren) which id pin twice a week with test
If its tritren, it will be 50mg acetate and 100mg enanthate.
For first run, enanthate ester is not recommended.
Anyways, 300mg of tren are ok if you never took tren. Take in mind, the enanthate ester will have less actual hormone in it.
I did 75mg EOD and had good fat burning results, especially with a good diet and cardio, you may not even need cabergoline at that dose. But don’t expect great muscle gains.
Maybe Masteron would give you similar results, at higher doses but with lower sides.
Whats your stats?
How does your cycle looks like??
My first Tren cycle was 300mg a week. Worked AWESOME. Allowed me to gauge the sides and how I would respond to the compound.
My first was 350mg/week. Second was 525mg/week. If I run tren again, I'll never go above 350 a week. Sides are too much for me at 500+.
300 is a great dose.
ace or enanthate?Originally Posted by Dante Diamond
How much test did you run both times?Originally Posted by Dante Diamond
Eat meticulous, train ridiculous for best results.
Good question Jim. 350mg was Ace and 525mg was Enan.Originally Posted by jim230027
I kept test at TRT dose of 140mg a week.Originally Posted by evander87
I should elaborate more, apologies.
Tren run #1 - 350mg Tren Ace and 140mg test prop for 8 weeks.
Notable sides: Night sweats, lack of libido (nothing bad, just a little less).
Tren run #2 - 525mg of Tren and Enan and 140mg Test Cyp for 8 weeks.
Notable sides: Overall 'blah' feeling (probably due to sleep), Extremely tired (this is the worst one, I could sleep all day). And even when I do get sleep, I'm still tired.
I didn't notice any great difference in strength between the two doses. I enjoyed the Ace much more.
300mg is a pretty good amount of tren.
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