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Thread: First Cycle Test 250 have questions would be appreciated for your advice

  1. #1

    First Cycle Test 250 have questions would be appreciated for your advice

    Hello my name is Tyson im 5feet 10 weighing 158pounds. I am 21 years old been workng out since i was a kid. I have just started taking testosterone e 250mg from power labs. I am taking 500mg a week. Taking 250mg once tuesday and other friday. I am eating like crazy, i have celiac disease so i cant have any gluten and also lactoce intollerant that minimize what i can eat and basically i only eat healthy stuff. I eat like crazy and basically eat everything i see. The supplements im taking are multivitamins, flaxseed, chia sees, omega 3 and 6. and test 250.

    My first injection i fkd up really badly i was injecting the oil as i was going into my skin which the oil went into the fat and not only the muscle. This caused my upper quadrant of my quad very painful,red, lump for a week. it recoverd daily ever so slightly. The next injection i did was my other quad the upper left quadrant went really nice and smoothly. It obviously did have some pain the next day but it was tolerable that did not have any swelling or red or anything.
    One question is it possible to hit a vein in your upper quadrant of ur quad? i always pull out to check for blood too.

    Another question is when i have lots of sex it makes me less motivated to get into the gym and was wondering if its bad to have sex on a test cycle will it minimize my gains or would it be bad to not bust a nut for 10weeks?

    Another question is that im doing a 8 week cycle out of this then i have to start my pct right and i wanna make sure if i have to take pct 2 weeks right after my last injection or immediately right after last injection?

    Someone told me that test injections should only be in the glutes because thats only way it will go to your whole body and that quad injections are very dangerious and if you fk up you wont be able to walk anymore. I reserached and watched a billlion videos of how to self inject into quad and i got it down so is it still risky what are some advices?

    Another question is that i want to take anavar after test cycle when do you reccomend me take anavar? Right now while i am on test 250 or after a month after my pct or just wait for summer ? i dont mind going on high doses of a only anavar cycle because ive done that before and proper diet and trianing i got 20pounds off it and kept 15pounds.

    my goal is to get vainy, vascular, mass density, bone growth everywhere and strength. What are some advice ?

    So far i've down 2 injections and ive gymed it 4 times and gained 3pounds. I used to weigh 170poinds without sterioids. After being diagnosed with celiac disease and cutting gluten and after my hernia surgery i lost 25 pounds and went down to 155pounds and now im at 158pounds and muscle memmory is through the roof. What are some advices that will help me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Your to young man if I were you I would stop your cycle and run a proper pct just to be safe. Not trying to be rude but 5' 10'' 158 that's pretty small hit up the diet section and let everyone help you out! Goodluck

  3. #3
    lol no shit 158 is small ill be 180 in a month i know how to diet berrooo thanks anymore

  4. #4
    too young? ahah i know someone who is 18 that has done test and hes perfectly fine and huge as f**k

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
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    Cialis, Texas
    Welcome to the forums,

    Lose the attitude please.


    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    alright i would like advice that will help with gains im doing test no matter what right so dont tell me to go to other places or stop what im doing i would like advice for gains and to answer my questions thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    Oriet guy. Like I said good luck

  8. #8
    you're not going to answer my questions and just say goodluck? okay thanks?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    No I'm not because I cycled at 18 and 21. Recovered fine after the first cycle the second one at 21 my body shut down hard now here we are two years later and I'm 23 battling ED low libido lack if energy etc. I'm attempting a restart and I'm praying its successful so I don't have to go on trt at 23. So go ahead and run your cycle and hope for the best anavar. I hope everything works out well for you

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