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Thread: first cycle concerns

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    B.C, Canada

    first cycle concerns

    hey gusy ive finally decided to start my first cyle ive done my research ive read the stickies etc, my concern now is since i dont have any arimidex or hcg available to me at the moment how bad of an impact will this have on me? im on my second week, still dont feel anything, im taking test 400 1 ml per week. I will be driving to mexico for holidays in a couple weeks and am sure that i can get all my pct, arimidex and hcg there, hence prescpription isnt required and i know doctors down there just incase. also is buying off of this site a reliable source? will my stuff get all the way to canada without being ceased by customs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Starting a cycle without everything you need or may need on hang is a newbie no no! Wait a week or 2, or however long it takes you to get everything on hand then start then. Starting a cycle not fully prepared is not so smart. HCG and especially arimidex is crucial bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    I'm with baseball on this just be patient get everything you need before you start you cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ^^what they said.

    Click the Arr banner, they have you AI and pct ancillaries. You will need to source HCG yourself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    If you wait that long for dex you'll be rockin some D-cups. Get all the stuff before starting up, even if you stop right now you should be okay.

  6. #6
    I thought you said you've read the stickies...

    How come you started unprepared?

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    grillin chicken
    And being on vacation during the cycle, you gonna be driving around with gear in your car??

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    B.C, Canada
    hmmm, i see, probably would be the smartest idea to stop right now until i get all my stuff ready,but ive heard bad things about people that stop a cycle, and ive also heard of people that dont take anything until post cyle and ending up just fine, since my gear wont kick in until like the 4rth week or so when i would be getting my armidex and hcg, so would it be ok if i just started taking my armidex and hcg then?, and yeah ill pretty much be riding with shit in my car, what is arr banner??

  9. #9
    Top of the page

  10. #10
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    B.C, Canada
    i did read the some stickies, most are unclear and not so helpful, it took me about a year to learn how to take gear exactly i used to think that there was a certain amount of gear fore each person, i used to think it might have something to do with your weight, until i realized that you can take as much as you want, and that it is crucial to do pct, that why i started my cycle as i knew i could get pct in mexico, but just yesterday i read somewhere that you should be taking armidex and hcg during cycle and not post cycle, it seems as if everyone has a different theory, but it makes so much sense that you should take that stuff during your cycle and just use nolva and clomid for pct. If it turns out that taking arimidex and hcg on your 4th week is terrible i will have to resort to telling my doctor whats going on and convince him to prescribe me arimidex and hcg.

  11. #11
    Crossing 2 borders two times, with your gear, seems dodgy.
    You do know that, unlike Canada, AAS's are illegal, in the US, right?

  12. #12
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    basically what im saying is; the guys that made the stickies i read are assholes, they made it sound easy as hell thats why i started. 2 weeks later i just knew it couldnt possibly be so simple thats why i started looking for more info on this and well now i know that ive ****ed up, i hope the sides wont be so bad if i start armidex and hcg on my 4th week. i dont want to stop either because this would leave me 2 weeks short of gear once i start, and gear is pretty hard to find and expensive here, i got this gear off my uncle, he's into coke and all that shit, he doesnt train so so i have no idea why he takes gear in the first place and he said he cant get anymore as his guy "dissapeard"

  13. #13
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    they are illegal in canada as well and i do know that, but im pretty sure i can pull it off, all i have is a 10 ml vial of test 400, not like a dog will be able to smell it, ive driven to mexico and back many times, i know exactly how to do this.

  14. #14
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    here's my concern, you have 400mg per ml, its an UGL and you didn't start this post with, holy shit this pip is crazy. Virgin muscle's and 400mg a ml? who knows it might be some crazy awesome blend but 9/10 it's underrated as shit maybe 200-300mg per ml which means your not running a dose that's really gona let you gain in the first place. stop, get more shit and all your pct and AI stuff then start again when you have it all.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by thesecretuser
    hey gusy ive finally decided to start my first cyle ive done my research ive read the stickies etc, my concern now is since i dont have any arimidex or hcg available to me at the moment how bad of an impact will this have on me? im on my second week, still dont feel anything, im taking test 400 1 ml per week. I will be driving to mexico for holidays in a couple weeks and am sure that i can get all my pct, arimidex and hcg there, hence prescpription isnt required and i know doctors down there just incase. also is buying off of this site a reliable source? will my stuff get all the way to canada without being ceased by customs?
    You're looking for black and white answers. When it comes to interventional endocrinology (i.e. manipulating your hormones) there are no hard and fast rules, only recommendations based on experience. Even as a licensed MD, I can't tell you how easily you will aromatize testosterone to estrogen. Everyone's physiology is unique. Some men have higher aromatase enzyme activity than others. Some function normally with higher normal limits of estradiol and estrone than other men who function better at lower limits. All too often, young or inexperienced users come here thinking the answer is as straight forward as 2+2=4.

    The safest way to cycle is (1) to have all you products available and ready to use from day one and (2) follow the practical guidelines recommended. If you wait 4 weeks before starting an AI, how high will your serum E2 be? No one can give you a definitive answer. The important factor to realize however is that elevated estrogens ARE potentially dangerous. All too many guys figure gyno is the issue for controlling E2, when in fact, it's only one of a number of problems and on the list of potential E2 inducing risks, there are many greater problems to be concerned with. Rising E2 can increase blot clots, risks of stroke or heart attack, peripheral artery disease, erectile dysfunction, depression, and increased the risk for several potential prostate diseases. While gyno might be something you can easily see, peripheral artery disease and the potential for a heart attack or stroke, generally does not come with many early warning signs.

    You need to appreciate these risks and ask yourself if you are prepared to accept them. Don't be so quick to say, "it probably won't happen". You may be correct, but if you're incorrect, is the risk of DVTs or an MCI really worth it????

    I'm going to agree with others here, have ALL required compounds before you start. Don't be so impetuous that you believe vanity is more important than your physical health. Waiting a few extra weeks won't be the worst thing that could happen.

  16. #16
    The stickies are pretty simple to understand. If you can't fully understand something then why didn't you just ask so that you know 100% what your doing? Is just stop and pick up some pct from ar-r. Then continue when you have everything and understand everything completely. Continuing without the proper gear, your taking a gamble. I know your just waiting for someone to say don't stop and just eat the rest of your stuff in Mexico. You'll be fine. But let's be realistic. Why take chances with your health

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    B.C, Canada
    i cant believe the maturity of the people on this site, its not nothing like at all, thanks for your more than perfect reply, i dont want to take any chances, but i looked into arr and it will still take about 2 weeks for arimidex to arrive, so it doesnt really help at all but i will definitely keep it in mind for future reference, and I hate to admit but im a really stubborn prick, id rather take my chances and learn the hardway rather than simply putting my cycle on hold, but still thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my question i really really apreciate your help.

  18. #18
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    B.C, Canada
    to be honest with you in the back of my head thats really what i want, someone to just tell me ill be fine, but you guys have pretty much made it clear how stupid i am by doing this, but i still apreciate everyone for taking the time to reply to me. Thanks!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Just STOP mate, all the people above have given you calculated answers! its in your best interest to swallow your pride and man up and say your not ready for this! If muscleinks advice didnt open your eyes then the only thing that will is your own regrets in the future! Learn from other peoples stories and experiences! Goodluck

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    B.C, Canada
    that the thing mate, musclink did open up my eyes and realize how much of an idiot i am, but as much as i hate it im too much of a stubborn prick to accept and do what is best, ill just have to learn the hard way.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Well you might want to save this thread so in the future you can look back and say was it worth the risk for a little bit of muscle gain. Im not sure why your posting questions when your not flexible/mature enough to follow the safest/smartest answers..... PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Just order your AI have it shipped now. You should be ok until then since your semi early in your cycle and its a semi low dose. Order it RIGHT NOW from the site they gave you, if you live in the us it will be their in 2-3 days. Might not need it man, but if you do and don't have it your screwed. Also get your PCT stuff to.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    B.C, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by kapper View Post
    Well you might want to save this thread so in the future you can look back and say was it worth the risk for a little bit of muscle gain. Im not sure why your posting questions when your not flexible/mature enough to follow the safest/smartest answers..... PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE..
    ok you know what, it is my body i want the best for it, i shall take your guyses advice, i will stop taking my gear, go to mexico get some more gear, my arimidex hcg and pct, how bad will this be? being how ive only taken 2 400mg injections in 2 weeks? will i still get the bitch tits? i think my balls have already began to shrunk i am also starting to feel weaker and im not sure if its from dieting or from the gear.
    Last edited by thesecretuser; 12-01-2013 at 10:23 PM.

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