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Thread: some advice on a cycle of test sustanon

  1. #1

    some advice on a cycle of test sustanon

    Hey need some advice on a new cycle to prepare an start please if you don't want to help don't need your unnecessary comments so far I'm going to run a 12 week cycle of test sustanon 500mg a week and have arimidex 1mg and nolvadex how should I do the dosing and when to start also don't have any hcg will I be fine with this this is the information I need someone who can help

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    what brand u have?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnymctrance View Post
    what brand u have?
    Of which the test bottle

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Nice attitude. Maybe you will hear what you want to hear in this thread.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
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    The last dude that posted could have helped alot lol You do come off as an asshole though.
    No HCG AND no clomid for PCT? Doesn't look good man. adex at .5 eod should be enough though.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike
    The last dude that posted could have helped alot lol You do come off as an asshole though.
    No HCG AND no clomid for PCT? Doesn't look good man. adex at .5 eod should be enough though.
    Ya, I looked and moved on. These types of attitudes won't get much feedback. We all donate our time and knowledge voluntarily. If that's the level of appreciation shown, good luck to him. His loss, certainly not ours.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Ya, I looked and moved on. These types of attitudes won't get much feedback. We all donate our time and knowledge voluntarily. If that's the level of appreciation shown, good luck to him. His loss, certainly not ours.
    I'm sorry if I offended anyone wasn't the approach I wanted don't take it the wrong way is that I had posted a thread and no one helped just started talking how I should research more and stuff an that's why I'm here asking researching asking the guys that know that have been thru this all I ask is for some help an advice I almost have everything ready to start but want the right help please anyone and sorry once again if you took it the wrong way

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    The last dude that posted could have helped alot lol You do come off as an asshole though.
    No HCG AND no clomid for PCT? Doesn't look good man. adex at .5 eod should be enough though.
    Sorry wasn't my intention to sound like that but adex .5 eod during cycle or after.? And how about he nolvadex I have that
    Thanks appreciate and my bad once again

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone wasn't the approach I wanted don't take it the wrong way is that I had posted a thread and no one helped just started talking how I should research more and stuff an that's why I'm here asking researching asking the guys that know that have been thru this all I ask is for some help an advice I almost have everything ready to start but want the right help please anyone and sorry once again if you took it the wrong way
    Thank you for addressing this. We are here to help, educate, and keep people safe. Information may be offered that you disagree with. You may choose to follow or disregard as you feel appropriate to do so.

    Ok, so let's clarify:

    Your plan is to use Sustanon.
    500mg per week?
    Adex is your AI of choice
    You have Tamoxifen for PCT
    No HCG
    No clomid

    Is this correct?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Thank you for addressing this. We are here to help, educate, and keep people safe. Information may be offered that you disagree with. You may choose to follow or disregard as you feel appropriate to do so.

    Ok, so let's clarify:

    Your plan is to use Sustanon.
    500mg per week?
    Adex is your AI of choice
    You have Tamoxifen for PCT
    No HCG
    No clomid

    Is this correct?
    No problem and thank you once again

    And that is correct with high possibilities finding clomid. Some people stated that nolvadex an clomid were almost about the same and some experience more side effect with clomid can you clear that up please

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210

    No problem and thank you once again

    And that is correct with high possibilities finding clomid. Some people stated that nolvadex an clomid were almost about the same and some experience more side effect with clomid can you clear that up please
    Let me address the clomid/tamoxifen issue. First, yes, both are SERMs. Second, Clomid has BOTH estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties BUT more importantly it induces spermatogenesis (aids in producing more sperm after suppression from anabolics). Third, clomid is known to cause moderate to severe headaches and some light nausea. This is the main reason I recommend doses of 50mg (not 100) for most people.

    Here's how I would run the cycle:

    Weeks 1-12
    - 250mg of sustanon injected 2x a week or 167mg 3x a week (the first suggestion is easier)
    - adex .25mg EOD
    - HCG (suggest getting some) starting week 3 or 4. 250 iu twice a week.

    - 14 days after last injection
    50/25/25/25 clomid
    40/20/20/20 tamoxifen

    Let me know what does or does not make sense.

    Remember, all success comes from diet. No gear will produce results if you are eating at or below your TDEE.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Let me address the clomid/tamoxifen issue. First, yes, both are SERMs. Second, Clomid has BOTH estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties BUT more importantly it induces spermatogenesis (aids in producing more sperm after suppression from anabolics). Third, clomid is known to cause moderate to severe headaches and some light nausea. This is the main reason I recommend doses of 50mg (not 100) for most people.

    Here's how I would run the cycle:

    Weeks 1-12
    - 250mg of sustanon injected 2x a week or 167mg 3x a week (the first suggestion is easier)
    - adex .25mg EOD
    - HCG (suggest getting some) starting week 3 or 4. 250 iu twice a week.

    - 14 days after last injection
    50/25/25/25 clomid
    40/20/20/20 tamoxifen

    Let me know what does or does not make sense.

    Remember, all success comes from diet. No gear will produce results if you are eating at or below your TDEE.
    Ohhh okay now I have a way better understanding of it couple of questions the adex should be started during the cycle and can I do .5 instead I will find it way harder to break down that small pill into .25mg also where can I find HCG that's the hard part I saw one in Gnc called biogenetic laboratories Hcg activator I don't know if I can use that there capsules
    And start pct counting 14 days after last injection and take clomid an tamoxifen at the same time

  13. #13
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210

    Ohhh okay now I have a way better understanding of it couple of questions the adex should be started during the cycle and can I do .5 instead I will find it way harder to break down that small pill into .25mg also where can I find HCG that's the hard part I saw one in Gnc called biogenetic laboratories Hcg activator I don't know if I can use that there capsules
    And start pct counting 14 days after last injection and take clomid an tamoxifen at the same time
    Yes. The reason we keep telling new people to rear, read, read, is because anabolic use is so much more than just following a "recipe" of what to take and when. You will be dosing your body with hormones and drugs, each of which will have intended and unintended effects. It's important to understand why we take the compounds we do and what the side effects may be so you can identify them and respond appropriately.

    Adex is an aromatase inhibitor. Not a SERM. You really should read and learn why one is used during cycles and the other(s) post cycle. AI ON cycle. SERMs, post cycle. I'm expecting you to read up on each!

    .25mg EOD is better but you should be ok with .50mg EOD. The risk is that at the higher dose you may crash your E2 (and you should understand what that means and why it's a problem).

    Can't help you with HCG. Finding a source is part of your process but I will say most HCG nutraceuticals sold in nutrition stores are garbage and NOT what you want.

    Yes, clomid and Nolva daily, PCT. Doses indicated are mg/day, week 1-4.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Yes. The reason we keep telling new people to rear, read, read, is because anabolic use is so much more than just following a "recipe" of what to take and when. You will be dosing your body with hormones and each of which will have intended and unintended effects. It's important to understand why we take the compounds we do and what the side effects may be so you can identify them and respond appropriately.

    Adex is an aromatase inhibitor. Not a SERM. You really should read and learn why one is used during cycles and the other(s) post cycle. AI ON cycle. SERMs, post cycle. I'm expecting you to read up on each!

    .25mg EOD is better but you should be ok with .50mg EOD. The risk is that at the higher dose you may crash your E2 (and you should understand what that means and why it's a problem).

    Can't help you with HCG. Finding a source is part of your process but I will say most HCG nutraceuticals sold in nutrition stores are garbage and NOT what you want.

    Yes, clomid and Nolva daily, PCT. Doses indicated are mg/day, week 1-4.
    Understood as i would be reading all these concepts to get a better understanding and would like to thank you for your time and patience if I have any other questions I will inbox you
    Just one more thing to get this clear take .25 adex eod onc3 in start of my cycle until I finish or by when should I stop and if I cant find hcg would I be fine with the adex an pct im taking which is nolva/clomid

  15. #15
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210

    Understood as i would be reading all these concepts to get a better understanding and would like to thank you for your time and patience if I have any other questions I will inbox you
    Just one more thing to get this clear take .25 adex eod onc3 in start of my cycle until I finish or by when should I stop and if I cant find hcg would I be fine with the adex an pct im taking which is nolva/clomid
    Run your adex on cycle. You can take it up to 7 days after your last injection. Some guys discontinue after their last injection, some will run it until the start of PCT. Either is fine. The key is to keep consistent use on cycle.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 12-02-2013 at 06:57 PM.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2006
    Tell us a OP, when did your most recent 5 week cycle end and when are you proposing you run this one?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Tell us a OP, when did your most recent 5 week cycle end and when are you proposing you run this one?
    What do you refer by OP and it ended about 2 weeks ago and want to start this one the right away in January

  18. #18
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    OP - Original Poster i.e. You

    So, are you running a PCT for the 5 week cycle that you finished 2 weeks ago?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    OP - Original Poster i.e. You

    So, are you running a PCT for the 5 week cycle that you finished 2 weeks ago?
    Actually I'm not just was taking some adex but I know is not a pct I did get some gains an more strength but want to do a correct cycle and keep reading more before starting the next one which so far just have the test sustanon an adex an getting the nolva soon as well as clomid but can't find HCG

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210 View Post

    Actually I'm not just was taking some adex but I know is not a pct I did get some gains an more strength but want to do a correct cycle and keep reading more before starting the next one which so far just have the test sustanon an adex an getting the nolva soon as well as clomid but can't find HCG
    Did also get some minor break out in my chest an back the didn't have is it to late to start some pct an how long should I wait until the next cycle I was thinking January

  21. #21
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    Mar 2006
    Mate you need to run a pct for the cycle you just ran

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Start it 14 days after your last pin or ASAP if that time has passed.

    You should then take 10 weeks before your next cycle. If you want to start sooner get bloodwork 6 weeks after PCT ends and check you are normal.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Mate you need to run a pct for the cycle you just ran

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Start it 14 days after your last pin or ASAP if that time has passed.

    You should then take 10 weeks before your next cycle. If you want to start sooner get bloodwork 6 weeks after PCT ends and check you are normal.
    Understood and will do so last pin was almost a week ago and the adex do I take it as well if so how much an how long will the pct help my minor breaks out
    Also what you think about this dose for pct

    50/25/25/25 clomid
    40/20/20/20 nolva


  23. #23
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    Why do you want to change the dosage?

    What is your AI dosage currently?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Why do you want to change the dosage?

    What is your AI dosage currently?
    I don't want to change it they just told me if I start feeling effect fromm the clomid like severe headaches an nausea to lower the dosage and my current ai now is just .5 mg of adex eod waiting for the nolva /clomid to arrive to start pct

    And I have one more important question
    After I finish my pct and wait a while to start my next run I'm going to run the test sustanon 500mg a week but for only 6 weeks with adex eod an nolva/clomid for pct after

  25. #25
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    I don't understand. You want to finish your PCT then immediately run a 6 week cycle of sust, then PCT whilst you wait to start your cycle in January. Is this right?

    You are unlikely to get sides from clomid at the dosages I stated. If you do then you can drop them

    Why 0.5mg a'dex EOD? Why not 0.25mg?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I don't understand. You want to finish your PCT then immediately run a 6 week cycle of sust, then PCT whilst you wait to start your cycle in January. Is this right?

    You are unlikely to get sides from clomid at the dosages I stated. If you do then you drop them

    Why 0.5mg a'dex EOD? Why not 0.25mg?
    Okay never mind the test sustanon I'm going to exchange it for test enathate and going to keep running the cycle 5 more weeks instead of the test sustanon for 6 weeks I just need your help now is it okay if I stopped this week since I'm doing the exchange at the end of the week my last pin was Nov 21 and started taking adex Nov 26 I'm going to buy nolvadex an clomid in the up coming week as well as hcg what do you suggest I do

  27. #27
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    Mar 2006
    Keep running what cycle 5 more weeks?

    Can you lay out your proposed plan properly?

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Why do you want to change the dosage?

    What is your AI dosage currently?

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I don't understand. You want to finish your PCT then immediately run a 6 week cycle of sust, then PCT whilst you wait to start your cycle in January. Is this right?

    You are unlikely to get sides from clomid at the dosages I stated. If you do then you can drop them

    Why 0.5mg a'dex EOD? Why not 0.25mg?
    Probably because of the advice that MuscleInk gave, a few posts up... Way to confuse the poor fella! It's hard, when he's trying to listen to two experts, ya know...

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Keep running what cycle 5 more weeks?

    Can you lay out your proposed plan properly?
    Yes okay here we go I started a 6 week cycle of test enathate that I finished the last pin Nov 21 now I was dumb without knowledge an stupid for doing something without further info the past is done now I only have adex which I took .50mg eod since Nov 26 not a pct. I was getting information on here am was going to start a pct so than after wait a while an start a cycle of test sustanon which I have already but instead of waiting and doing all that I'm going to exchange the sustanon for a 5 week worth cycle of test enathate that's why I say to complete the cycle I had started since I was advice that 6 weeks was not enough I'm going to have nolvadex an clomid as well as hcg this week coming up and doing the cycle exchange at the end of this week I just need some help putting it all together since I been almost 2 weeks without pinning

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, that's really not laid put so is this correct

    Ran 5 weeks test e ended 21st November
    Want to restart this cycle over 2 weeks after the last pin then run PCT

    Is this what you are saying? Because if it is, NO.

    Please listen to what people are telling you. Run your PCT as I stated above and forget the 'rest of the cycle'. There is no more to this cycle, it is over.

    Get it?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    Probably because of the advice that MuscleInk gave, a few posts up... Way to confuse the poor fella! It's hard, when he's trying to listen to two experts, ya know...
    Noted. My bad I didn't see he is post.

    Either way, I don't think the OP is listening.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Well, that's really not laid put so is this correct

    Ran 5 weeks test e ended 21st November
    Want to restart this cycle over 2 weeks after the last pin then run PCT

    Is this what you are saying? Because if it is, NO.

    Please listen to what people are telling you. Run your PCT as I stated above and forget the 'rest of the cycle'. There is no more to this cycle, it is over.

    Get it?
    Oh okay Damn yeah I get it so just run my pct after wait a while get some blood work done before starting another

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210 View Post
    Oh okay Damn yeah I get it so just run my pct after wait a while get some blood work done before starting another
    Got it. Run your PCT as per the above.start 2 weeks after last pin. You can go with the lower level of clomid if you like it was only a 5 week cycle.

    You shouldn't be starting your next cycle anytime before the end of February.

    Good luck

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post

    Got it. Run your PCT as per the above.start 2 weeks after last pin. You can go with the lower level of clomid if you like it was only a 5 week cycle.

    You shouldn't be starting your next cycle anytime before the end of February.

    Good luck
    Hey got everything you told me down packed but talking to my friend that was Doing the shot my last pin was actually last week Thursday not two weeks ago can I continue this run what happens if I do with the dosage of adex and the pct as you stated??? Does one week really make that much of a difference

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210 View Post

    Hey got everything you told me down packed but talking to my friend that was Doing the shot my last pin was actually last week Thursday not two weeks ago can I continue this run what happens if I do with the dosage of adex and the pct as you stated??? Does one week really make that much of a difference
    And it won't be a good idea either to start running the test sustanon tomorrow either huh even with the AI, right pct and hcg since is still testosterone and barely been a week just need your opinion sorry for the questions been reading an saw some people on here that had ran something similar an was just wondering thank you

  36. #36
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    Last edited by Back In Black; 12-05-2013 at 01:57 AM.

  37. #37
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    I think it would be in your best interest to stop and pct and wait until you can do it all yourself and remember when and what your doing etc if you don't know your injection schedule then you're not focusing properly or relying on someone else too heavily

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by ickythump View Post
    I think it would be in your best interest to stop and pct and wait until you can do it all yourself and remember when and what your doing etc if you don't know your injection schedule then you're not focusing properly or relying on someone else too heavily

    Yeah your right I'm not doing anything anymore just starting the pct and training hard with proper diet I'll just save it for later on thanks everyone

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Hey I'm going to start pct next week which would be the 14 day mark of my last pin like you stated since it was a short cycle you think I would be good with just nolvadex.?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by itzj010210 View Post
    Hey I'm going to start pct next week which would be the 14 day mark of my last pin like you stated since it was a short cycle you think I would be good with just nolvadex.?
    Maybe, it was only a short cycle. But why take the risk? You didn't run HCG so I would run clomid too.

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