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  1. #1
    jwalk22 is offline New Member
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    First cycle need some advice

    What's up guys this will be my first cycle i'm 21y/o
    (been done growing since I was 19, x-ray proof)



    My cycle that I am planning is test prop, anavar , and winstrol

    Test prop: 75mg ED for 8 weeks
    Anavar: 50mg oral ED for 8 weeks
    Winstrol: 50mg oral ED for 8 weeks

    PCT: (3 days after last injection)

    clomid: 75/50/50/50
    nolva: 40/20/20/20

    Any advice on how this cycle looks would be much appreciated, and will my overall goal of significant strength be achievable and maintainable after PCT? Thanks.

  2. #2
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Its your HPTA that isn't done growing, part of your brain.


    There isn't an exact age were we all stop developing and growing because this is determined by our genes and DNA, we are all genetically programmed individually and we inherit our genes from our parents. To give an exact age we stop growing would be incorrect because everyone's genetic blueprint is different.The main development of our bodies is up to the age of 21yrs of age but this can vary between individuals. There are parts of our bodies what carry on developing and adjusting slowly up until the age of 25yrs old, an example of this is the brain. The Endocrine system is a part of the brain what is very complex and keeps our bodies in a homeostasis state. Our testosterone levels start raising and roughly peak around 25yrs old and then start to slowly decline, so even though some of us may have stopped growing at the age of 21yrs old, others may still be developing up until the age of 25yrs old.

    I have recently spoken to my Endo regarding this matter and he tells me that the HPTA is very sensitive and as many pathways how it regulates the human body, he states steroids disrupt the normal balance of hormones in the body which can cause reversible and irreversible changes at any age but risks are far more if you administrate exogenous androgens during development, this will put you in a very unnatural environment at a crucial time and your hormones should be treated with care especially in the early stages of maturity. The adverse effects can be erratic behaviour of the HPTA and potentially therapy when your older.

    I did ask him what age he would think would be the safest as far as risk to damages and he said many endocrinologist suggest full maturation is reached by 25 years of age and this would also give the HPTA time to be established with your natural hormone balance and patterns. I personally feel 24-25yrs old would also be ideal starting point to get bloodwrok drawn to see exact what your natural levels are before starting any kind of cycles and waiting till you have reach your testosterone peak would be a good starting point, for me there is to much evidence over the forums and what I've seen personally over the last 25yrs I've been bodybuilding. Obviously it isn't going to be all 19- 21yr old bodybuilders who suffer side effects what are irreversible but I am edging on the side of caution what age I advice to the newbies.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    I was able to convince a young lad about your age to stop, he did the smart thing and is planning to stop. I strongly urge you not to cycle at your age for your own good, wait until you're 25 or so. read what AlphaMike posted. if you ignore it then its your loss.

  4. #4
    jwalk22 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the advice guys and I will definitely think about waiting, however most of my lifting buddies are on gear so if the temptation were too strong, would that be an acceptable/mild beginner cycle?

  5. #5
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    First off don't be pressured onto doing anything
    Secondly 8 weeks on two orals is pretty toxic to the liver. If you like alcohol this could become very problematic.
    Test only for first cycle is the most responsible route

  6. #6
    jwalk22 is offline New Member
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    could i run the var and winstrol for 6 weeks instead? i work weekends so i rarely drink, and i won't be drinking at all on cycle

  7. #7
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwalk22 View Post
    could i run the var and winstrol for 6 weeks instead? i work weekends so i rarely drink, and i won't be drinking at all on cycle
    Var-probably so, its quite mild
    Winny-just leave it for later. It's not as mild and it has some nasty sides as well

  8. #8
    jwalk22 is offline New Member
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    sounds good, thanks for the advice

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwalk22 View Post
    I appreciate the advice guys and I will definitely think about waiting, however most of my lifting buddies are on gear so if the temptation were too strong, would that be an acceptable/mild beginner cycle?
    most of your buddies who are cycling at young age will end up on TRT by the age of 25-30, you don't want that for yourself do you? Var is still very toxic, yes mild compare to wini but still very toxic.

    some educational threads for you to read,

    The Young and Steroids

    this is what you need to be doing now until you are at least 25

    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

    Austinite's Fat Loss Protocol using Over the Counter Products.

    this what you will need at age 25-30 if you do what your buddies are doing.

    Finding a TRT Physician

    you have a long life ahead of you, live it well.

  10. #10
    jwalk22 is offline New Member
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    solid articles, you may have convinced me to wait a while. I appreciate the post

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwalk22 View Post
    solid articles, you may have convinced me to wait a while. I appreciate the post
    smart move! you won't regret it.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Eventually your friends will shrink back down to normal size when they're off cycle due to improper nutrition and training. Good advice above. Visit the Nutrition Forum and nail down your diet. Then visit Marcus's Diary for some hard core training advice.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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