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  1. #1
    ripped_Mikey is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013

    advice on what cycle to use to gain quality muscle and least water weight rentention

    hey if ur reading this thanks and would be greatful for some advice

    I'm 26
    5ft 8
    BMI is 24.5
    Body fat is 7.8%

    Being training for 1year straight 7days a week. train one muscle group and abs and core

    Ive got a very strict diet varies from tuna, wheat bars, oats, steaks, chicken, lamb, at least 3 fruits a day and at least 2litres of water

    being on 1cycle before that was with 100dbols, 5 a day 10mg and test enanthate and boldenone cycle
    but didn't get the gain I was looking for so need advice on another cycle that get quality gains and the least water retention

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from Afghanistan
    there are three aspects to effectively grow muscle

    Proper exercise + proper rest + proper diet = efficient/effective growth

    the first thing i see is that you are not allowing your body to rest. Kudo's to you for being 26 and feeling rest is not necessary. But if the training is intense, you could easily be overtraining, especially your CNS.

    you don't really say whether this last year of no rest is your first year in the gym, or if just the last year is with the no rest, but there have been other years? if you truly are at 7.8% BF, then that suggests to me you've been at this awhile, or you've got great genetics. Just out of curiosity, how are you determining BF%. Calipers?

    I think i'd be more interested in HOW you eat, as opposed to anything other than a test e/c cycle right now. have you worked out how many calories you eat per day?


  3. #3
    ripped_Mikey is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013
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ID:	146692well in reply to over training well I use to do kickboxing and MMA everyday for 2years then stared gym last year I do have at least 20hr of rest between training,I train every morning I separate the muscle group not like others that do back and bic and tri and chest ,

    started gym at 86kg at 15%bf I will upload photos before and after my cycle I weight 83kg with 11%bf after pct diet being the same and after 1month at 7.8%bf with the same diet from a pt at my gym using calipers my diet is usually contain no more than 3gram of no absolutely no saturated fat around 250- 300 gram of carbs healthy carbs wheat and oats, an cracker biscuits, lots of fruits, at least 3cans of tuna a day 2 protein shake , at least half a kilo of veal steak, or a whole chicken,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    The first cycle is normally 500mg Test E per week for 12 weeks. 250iu HCG twice a week along with the Test injections. AI 250mcg/eod. Wait two weeks and PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid for 4 weeks (40/20/20/20 & 100/50/50/50). If you add cardio and a clean diet you should see pretty good results.

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